Note: The values shown below in the table are those seeded with HDR at shipping. This list is extensible; consequently, its contents may be modified by the customer at configuration or any time thereafter.

Membership Code Concept Code Description Code System Code System Version
BM BM Board Member PatientImportance 2.01.4
DFM DFM Physician Family Member PatientImportance 2.01.4
DR DR Staff Physician PatientImportance 2.01.4
FD FD Financial Donor PatientImportance 2.01.4
FOR FOR Foreign Dignitary PatientImportance 2.01.4
GOVT GOVT Government Dignatary PatientImportance 2.01.4
SFM SFM Staff Family Member PatientImportance 2.01.4
STF STF Staff Member PatientImportance 2.01.4
VIP VIP Very Important Person PatientImportance 2.01.4

HDR Concept Lists Index

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