6 Auditing

This module is responsible for collecting and storing audit data from incoming REST request and response. Key details such as user id, IP address, resource name, HTTP request type and request URL etc. are collected from the incoming request and stored in a secure location. Audit records can be stored either in a database table or in a file.

6.1 Audit Interceptor Execution Flow

Figure 6-1 Audit Interceptor Execution Flow

Surrounding text describes Figure 6-1 .

The audit module (rendered in green) design follows an interceptor pattern as shown in the above flow diagram. Here, incoming and outgoing REST API transactions are intercepted for extracting audit data elements.

Once the data is extracted, audit information goes to either a database table or a file (depending on storage settings defined in the FHIR server configuration file).

6.2 Audit Record Format

Audit record data format is as shown below.

Audit data element Description
AUDIT_ID Unique identifier for audit record
RESOURCE_NAME FHIR resource name
HTTP_REQ_TYPE HTTP request type - GET, POST, and so forth
REQUEST_URL Incoming request URL
HTTP_RES_CODE HTTP response code - 200, 201, 500, ...
SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS Source system IP address
PROCESSING_TIME_MILLIS Time taken to complete REST request
RESPONSE_PAYLOAD Response payload
ATNA_AUDITEVENT Audit record in the form of AuditEvent json

6.3 Settings

Audit service functionality can be controlled using a configuration file. The file is located at <HDR_DOMAIN>/config/fhir/hdr_fhir.properties.

For example, if there is a requirement to store message payload as part of an audit record, change ”audit.savemessagepayload.enabled” property to true. Other important entries in the properties file is as shown below.

#audit enabled - true or false


#audit storage type - FILE or DB


If &rsquor;FILE' is selected as the storage type, audit data goes to a file named audit-hdr-fhir.log.

If &rsquor;DB' is selected as the storage type, audit data goes to a table called OHF_HDR_FHIR_AUDIT. Refer to the FHIR eTRM document for more information about the Audit table.

#collect request/response payload message – true or false
