

accompanying person

The person accompanying a patient to or during an encounter

Act Definition

An ETS concept that has been added to the master catalog. Act definitions include class, mood, category code, detail ID type and detail ID.


See: clinical act

Act Relationship

An association between a pair of acts. This includes act-to-act associations such as collector/ component, predecessor/ successor and cause/ outcome. An HL7 version 3 concept.

Act Type

The intersection of an act mood and an act class, used to define logical groupings of clinical act definitions.


The arrival of a new inpatient. May follow pending admission or optional pre-admission.

admitting physician

The physician who authorizes a patient admission; a physician authorized to admit patients.

ambulatory encounter

An encounter that does not result in the hospitalization of institutionalization of the patient in the facility providing the service.


A time period scheduled for a patient encounter. It must specify the start date and time, end date and time, encounter class and organization unit.

appointment status

The current state of an appointment. Valid statuses include reserved, active, aborted, nullified and completed.

appointment type

The nature of an appointment (length, description, resource, requirements) and the actions to be performed. This can also include associated diagnostic procedures. Examples include allergy shots, follow-up consultations, chemotherapy. Specific appointment types are assigned to one or more resources or resource groups.

attending physician

The physician who has primary responsibility for the care of a specific patient for the duration of an encounter. See also: primary care provider (PCP).


The process of verifying the identity of a user, device or other entity in a computer system or network, typically as a prerequisite to granting access to resources in a system. A recipient of an authenticated message can be certain of the message origin (its sender). Authentication is presumed to preclude the possibility that another party has impersonated the party being authenticated.


Permission given to a user, program or process to access an object or set of objects. The set of privileges available to an authenticated user or entity. See also: patient authorization.


base language

The primary language of an Oracle Applications instance. The language that is used by default when no language is specified. ETS will often use the base language for a description when no description exists in the language requested. This is controlled by a mapping for every coding scheme version.

business unit

A division or department of a healthcare facility or enterprise that supports an administrative, non-clinical function, such as a division or a department.



Organization of concepts around a shared characteristic. For example, concepts may be categorized according to whether they represent medical procedures, diagnoses or findings. Diagnoses may be categorized according to the affected organ system.

care site

Specific location of an encounter within a healthcare facility, such as a bed or room. There can be multiple care sites within a practice setting and multiple practice settings can use the same care site. Multiple patients can also be assigned to the same care site.

Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Was the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA). An agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, HCFA administers Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP. The agency also performs a number of quality-focused activities, including regulation of laboratory testing (CLIA) and development of coverage policies.


A method of formally identifying healthcare practitioners who have completed specified training, a certain set of requirements or passed an examination. The certifying organization may be an academic, governmental or professional body within the healthcare community.


Text (or a message) that has been encrypted.

clinical act

An instance of a clinical event; any clinical observation, service, procedure or supply rendered as part of the diagnosis or treatment of a patient.

clinical assignment

The assignment of a clinician to a staff position for purposes of defining individual clinical responsibilities or privileges within an enterprise.

clinical attribute

A characteristic of a clinical act that provides descriptive information; an attribute associated with a clinical act.

Clinical Document Architecture

The HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) is a document markup standard that specifies the structure and semantics of ”clinical documents” for the purpose of exchange [source: CDA Specification release 2, 3rd ballot 8/04. The standard is developed and maintained by Structured Documents Technical Committee of HL7.

clinical position

A clinical role within an enterprise.

clinical view

A collection of clinical data defined for rapid retrieval, for purposes of display or data entry.


See: practitioner


A mechanism for identifying and defining physician and hospital services, coding is a function of billing. Coding provides universal definition and recognition of diagnoses, procedures and level of care. A national certification exists for coding professionals and many compliance programs are currently raising standards of quality for their coding procedures.

coding scheme

Within ETS, a particular structured system of terms or concepts used to maintain coded meanings. Examples include The International Classification of Diseases, 9th Edition, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) and University Hospital's Laboratory Codes.

coding scheme version

A particular instance of a coding scheme. For example: ICD-9-CM for the year 2000; ICD-9-CM for the year 2001; the University Hospital's Laboratory Codes, Updated September 2001.


Consistently and accurately conforming to U.S. government rules for Medicare billing system requirements and other regulations. A compliance program is a self-monitoring system of checks and balances intended to ensure that an organization consistently complies with applicable laws relating to its business activities or healthcare delivery services.


Cognitive construct (or abstraction) formed by using the characteristics of objects; unit of thought. A concept should not be confused with a linguistic or symbolic scheme used to represent it. Objects can be thought of as instances of concepts. Example: the concept of viral hepatitis.

concept code

Identifies a concept within its native terminology.


An internal identifier for an ETS concept.

concept list

Within ETS, user-defined groupings of ETS concepts that can be used by other applications; for example, lookup types are ETS concepts.See: Oracle Javadoc Lookup Type Index (concept lists) for a list of seeded concept lists and values. These concept lists represent the valid sets of coded values used by HDR APIs and by HDR message processing.


Permission given to providers by individuals for the use and disclosure of protected health information for treatment, payment, or healthcare operation purposes.

consulting physician

Any physician providing a patient consult who is not the primary care physician. See also: primary care provider (PCP).


Represents sets of user-configurable choices, rules, and regulations that govern search, deduplication, and linking processes within the implementation.


A contractually specified payment required of a health plan member to receive covered services.

Core ETS Terminologies

See: core terminologies.

core terminologies

A specific set of coding schemes employed by ETS.

core terminology

A coding scheme for which ETS has provided special support, in terms of loaders, APIs, and a predefined ETS coding scheme.


Services provided under a healthcare plan or policy.

covered entities

Health plans, health care providers, health care clearinghouses, or others who hold or transmit protected health information subject to the HIPPA Privacy Rule of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Such entities must conform to the privacy requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.

CPT Code

Coding convention defined by the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), now the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, to identify medical or psychiatric procedures. Used to determine reimbursement amounts to providers by Medicare carriers. A growing number of managed care and other insurance companies also base their reimbursements to their commercial members using this coding convention.


That set of documents or document references (academic degrees, certifications, licenses, professional affiliations, employment history, references...) that qualify a practitioner to deliver healthcare services. Credentials are issued by external organizations. See also: verification


Generally refers to the association of related objects across systems. In message processing, the mapping of externally assigned identifiers to HDR-assigned (internal) identifiers.

Current Procedural Terminology

A classification of procedures used for Medicare reimbursement.


data controller

An entity that determines the purposes for which and the manner in which personal health information is processed, and which has the legal obligation to protect the privacy of personal health information in its control; may or may not correspond to a legal entity. May be a component of a legal entity or several legal entities may be grouped together to form one data controller.

data integrity

The guarantee that the contents of the message received were not altered from the contents of the original message sent.


The process of converting the contents of an encrypted message (ciphertext) back into its original readable format (plaintext).

de-identified health information

Health information that neither identifies nor provides a reasonable basis to identify an individual. Individual health information can be de-identified by the removal of specified identifiers of the individual and of the individual's relatives, household members, and employers, and is adequate only if the covered entity has no actual knowledge that could be used to identify the individual.

deduplication context

User-configurable set of rules and regulations that govern duplicates identification processes.


A person covered by another person's health plan or policy; in a payor's policy of insurance, a person other than the subscriber eligible to receive care pursuant to subscriber's contract.

Diagnosis-Related Group

A classification system developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Patients with similar ICD--9-CM diagnoses who undergo similar procedures are included in the same Diagnosis Related Group. DRGs are used by the United States Medicare system to reimburse hospitals for their treatment of patients, reimbursing a fixed amount for all patients in a DRG regardless of their lengths of stay. DRGs are also widely used in health data analysis.


Release of an inpatient; termination of inpatient residence at a medical facility. Changes patient status from pending discharge to .discharged.

Domain Message Information Model

A form of the Refined Message Information Model constructed to represent the totality of concepts embodied in the individual RMIMs needed to support the communication requirements of a domain. An HL7 version 3 concept.

dominant master person

Logical person that represents a general set of demographics for all linked persons associated with a given master person identifier. It is a dynamic entity (may change when a new person is created or an existing linked person is updated), and is needed for reporting purposes as well as for matching optimization.


Record that is deemed to be a duplicate. Merge From, Loser, and Slave are various terms used to refer to a Donor. The HL7 term for the donor is Subsumed Person.

dormant language

An Oracle Applications instance is available in a number of languages. Languages that are available to Oracle Applications but not installed are referred to as dormant.

duplicate persons

Unintentional multiple representations of the same physical individual in the system, normally within the same data partition. Identified duplicates need to be further resolved using merge. See also: merge

Duplicates Review List

Records can be placed on the Duplicates Review List whenever they are determined to be potential non-intentional duplicates with existing records (within the same domain, if domains are enabled), identified during real-time or batch matching processes. The user, generally the merge administrator, can later drill down from the list to obtain demographic person details and determine whether to merge, change status to unique, or leave on the list. If items are left on the list, it is expected that the administrator will resolve the duplicates later, after conducting further research.


editable terminology

ETS generic terminology whose version can be modified after loading using the ETS API.

electronic health record

Patient medical record stored in electronic format.

emergency medical services

Medical transportation (ambulance service).

emergency room

Hospital facility staffed and equipped to receive and treat persons with emergent health conditions (illness, trauma...).

emergency room encounter

An encounter that occurs at the emergency room.


Any contact between patient and provider where medical or related services are provided; includes consults. Defined by patient, practitioner or clinician, location, date, and time. Encounters can be related by encounter links.

encounter class

Classifies encounter type as inpatient, outpatient, field or emergency. See also:

  • ambulatory encounter

  • emergency room encounter

encounter link

An association between two related encounters, belonging to the same patient or different patients. For example, links can be made between mother and newborn encounters. Links can also be used to associate pre-admit testing with an inpatient stay.

encounter list

List of encounters by patient.

Encounter Management

A principal service of Oracle Healthcare that manages the interactions between patients and providers for the purpose of delivering healthcare services.

encrypted person record

A person record that has been encoded to hide the identity of the person associated with the record.

encrypted text

Text that has been encrypted, using an encryption algorithm; the output stream of an encryption process. On its face, it is not readable or decipherable without first being decrypted. Also called ciphertext. Encrypted text originates as plain-text.


The process of disguising text (or a message), rendering it unreadable to any but the intended recipient.


A healthcare organization that consists of one or more facilities and employs multiple practitioners and other employees to deliver healthcare services; the principal business entity that defines a healthcare organization.

ETS Classification

User-defined categorization of ETS concepts. For example, procedures, antibiotics, or injectable body sites classifications. ETS concepts may be drawn from a single terminology or multiple terminologies. Classifications may be associated with other classifications in a hierarchical fashion.

Evaluation and Management Guidelines

Identify separate services or procedures beyond the scope of those normally required by CPT coded services or procedures; used for billing purposes. Also called E&M Guidelines.

external organization

Any organization outside of the enterprise, such as medical groups, medical practices, payors. Other HDR objects (such as persons) may be affiliated with such external organizations. External organizations issue credentials.



Physical site of a healthcare organization, where healthcare services are delivered; a healthcare institution, such as a hospital or a clinic.


General Timing Specification

Defines the complex timing of events and actions in orders and scheduling systems. GTS supports the cyclical validity patterns that may exist for particular types of information, such as telephone numbers (evening, daytime), addresses, office hours. An HL7 version 3 concept.

generic terminology

ETS terminology that is loaded using the ETS generic loader and is accessed using the ETS generic API. In contrast, certain core terminologies have special loader support and terminology-specific extensions to the generic API. See also: core terminologies

Graphic User Interface

An interface used with personal computers and workstations that lets users access window fields and regions with a pointing device, typically a mouse. Also called a window user interface, or a GUI.


An individual (or other entity) who assumes financial responsibility for the healthcare received by another party (a patient). The guarantor guarantees payment for healthcare services provided to the patient.


health care clearing house

An entity that processes or converts healthcare information from or to a standardized format or data content in the course of its routine processing. Such organizations include billing services, repricing companies, community health management information systems, and value-added networks and switches that perform clearinghouse functions.

Health Care Financing Administration

An agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, HCFA administers Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP. The agency also performs a number of quality-focused activities, including regulation of laboratory testing (CLIA) and development of coverage policies. Name changed to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services as at July 1, 2001.

health care professional

See: practitioner.

health care provider

An individual or organization licensed, certified or otherwise authorized to deliver healthcare services. See: practitioner.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Title I of the act provides health insurance coverage for workers and their families when they change or lose their jobs. Title II of the act requires the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to establish national standards for electronic healthcare transactions and national identifiers for providers, health plans, and employers. The act also addresses security and privacy of healthcare data.

Health Level Seven

A healthcare application protocol for electronic data exchange. A set of standard formats that specify interfaces between computer applications from different vendors; lets healthcare institutions exchange key sets of data from different applications. Also called HL7.

Health Level Seven, Inc.

One of several ANSI-accredited Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs) operating within the healthcare community; emphasizes clinical and administrative data. Headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan, this organization asserts and retains copyright in all works contributed by members and non-members relating to all versions of the Health Level Seven (HL7) standards and related materials. To contact this organization:Health Level Seven, Inc. 3300 Washtenaw Avenue Suite 227 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 734.677.7777 734.677.6622 (fax)

health plan

An individual or group plan that provides or pays the cost of healthcare services for its members.

Hierarchical Message Description

The specification of the fields of a message and their grouping, sequence, optionality, and cardinality. Contains message types for one or more interactions, or that represent one or more common message element types. The primary normative structure for HL7 messages.

History of Present Illness

Description of events or symptoms preceding the chief complaint.

Hypertext Markup Language

A markup language used to format documents, predominantly for viewing with a web browser. Portions of text or images, called hypertext, can be associated with other documents. Also called HTML.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol

The TCP/IP-based network protocol used to transmit requests and documents between an HTTP server and a web browser. Also called HTTP.



A patient that has been admitted to a medical facility for treatment; a resident patient (for more than 23 hours).

inpatient encounter

An encounter involving an inpatient.

installed language

An Oracle Applications instance is available in a number of languages. You install a language before Oracle Applications can use it. In practice, every Oracle Applications installation will include American English. Other languages need to be installed as required. These are the only languages available to the customer facing applications.


A case or an occurrence. For example, an object is an instance of a class.

instance identifier

Used to uniquely identify an instance or object. In HDR, instance identifiers must be unique within Acts, Type 1 Roles, and Entities, but may be duplicated between these types of objects.


See: data integrity

interterminology equivalence

Semantic equivalence between concepts in different ETS coding schemes. Interterminology Equivalence information is loaded into ETS using cross maps designated as having equivalence context. See also: intraterminology equivalence, interterminology mapping

interterminology mapping

Mapping between concepts in versions of different coding schemes. Interterminology mapping is carried out using the ETS Cross Map Model. See also: interterminology equivalence, intraterminology equivalence

intraterminology equivalence

Semantic equivalence between concepts in the same ETS coding scheme. Concepts may be implicitly equivalent (the concepts bear the same concept code in different versions and the coding scheme maintainer has not declared a code re-use to have occurred), or explicitly equivalent (the concepts bear different concept codes, but the coding scheme maintainer has declared that a reassignment has occurred). Intraterminology equivalence information is loaded into ETS from change files. See also: interterminology equivalence, interterminology mapping


Java Class

Java Classes are components of a Java program that define objects and operations performed on objects. A Java class also identifies an operating system file that contains a program or part of a program written in Java.

Java Server Pages

Java Server Pages (JSP) are an extension to the Java servlet technology that was developed by Sun Microsystems as an alternative to Microsoft ASPs (Active Server Pages). JSPs support dynamic scripting capability that works in tandem with HTML code, separating the page logic from the static elements-the actual design and display of the page.


Oracle JInitiator lets end users run Oracle Developer server applications directly within Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer on the Windows 95, 98, 2000, and NT4.0 platforms. Implemented as a plug-in (Netscape Navigator) or ActiveX component (Microsoft Internet Explorer), Oracle JInitiator lets you specify the use of Oracle Java Virtual Machine (JVM) on web clients in lieu of the browser's default JVM.




Operation that relates Person records pertaining to the same individual to a single master identifier. Linking is required when a single person has legitimate multiple representations in the system. For example, when a person is tracked independently by two or more external systems, or represented in multiple internal person domains. All linked persons are equal (there are no survivors or donors, like in merge) and any number of persons can potentially link to the same master identifier unlike merge where records are dealt with in pairs. Linking supports a consolidated view across all Person records in HDR, however the updates are applied to the individual person records regardless of linking consideration.

linked persons

Intentional multiple representations of a single person in the system. Linking is needed when the system separates records sourced by different external systems or due to other data partitioning needs.

linking context

Linking context is a user-configurable set of rules and regulations that govern linking processes.

List of Purposes

List of valid purposes for which the processing of personal health information is authorized by law or local regulation. Required by the HIPPA Privacy Rule, as well as privacy regulations of several countries and geographic locales.


A collection of information relating to the linguistic and cultural preferences for a particular region. Typically, a locale consists of language, territory, and character set. In Oracle Applications, the following locale parameters are used to determine the locale-specific behavior for both client and server:

  • ICX: Language

  • ICX: Date Language

  • ICX: Date Format

  • Mask ICX: Numeric Characters

  • ICX: Territory

  • ICX: NLS Sort

  • ICX: Client IANA Encoding

  • FND: Native Client Encoding

Note that locale parameters can be referred to as NLS parameters in some Oracle Applications products. See also: National Language Support


The healthcare facility, clinic, hospital unit, room, and bed; the location of an encounter.


Major Diagnostic Category

Grouping by admitting diagnosis. Assignment of the MDC is the first step in the process of formulating the Diagnosis-Related Group, necessary for reimbursement of a healthcare claim.

master catalog

The organization of clinical acts by type. Ties a particular organization's clinical data to Oracle Enterprise Terminology Services (ETS).

match rules

Set of rules that determine what data should be selected for matching, as well as what transformation functions and weights to use for record acquisition and matching. These rules are then used by the fuzzy logic matching algorithms.

match score

Calculated value that represents the degree of similarity between two Person records. The match provides a mechanism to quantify the similarity for comparison with other match records and to determine if a linking candidate record exists for any given record.


Determines from a set of traits whether a person may already be known to a system. The matching operation may return zero to many persons depending on the algorithm, weights on traits, and threshold parameters used in the matching process.


Determines from a set of traits whether a person may already be known to a system. The matching operation may return zero to many persons depending on the algorithm, weights on traits, and threshold parameters used in the matching process.

medical record number

A reference number that uniquely identifies a patient medical record or a patient.

medical record review

Periodic review of a patient medical record for quality improvement studies, research projects, billing compliance auditing, and claims review. See also: electronic health record (EHR).

medication history

Describes medications and dosages prescribed for a patient.

membership code

Uniquely identifies a concept within a concept list.


Operation on two records representing the same person, which results in one surviving record that represents a consolidated updateable Person object.


A unit of data transferred between systems or applications.

Message Type

A three-character code imbedded in a message that defines the purpose of the message. Example: ADT; indicates that the purpose of the message is to transmit ADT data.


A code specifying whether an act is an activity that has happened, can happen, is happening, is intended to happen, or is requested or demanded to happen. An HL7 version 3 concept.


network service

A network resource used by clients; for example, an Oracle database server.


See: organization node.



A programming construct that contains both data and procedure to access, update, or use such data by performing a service. An object exists within a class (an instance of a class), which defines common characteristics and behaviors for all objects within the class. Objects are abstractions that can represent real-world items, such as a motor vehicle, or a process, such as transferring patient.

object identifier

A globally unique string (example: 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1) that expresses a tree data structure; an ISO concept.

organization node

A group, practice, department, or other unit within an organization. An organization can have several care site practice setting across multiple organization nodes.


A patient that has not been admitted to a medical facility for treatment (for more than 23 hours); a non-resident patient; one who visits a hospital, clinic, or associated medical facility for diagnosis or treatment but is not admitted. See also: inpatient.

outpatient encounter

An encounter involving an outpatient. Examples include visits to the ER, other physician visits or checkups, day surgery, blood donation.



An association between a role and an act. Represents the involvement of the entity playing the role with regard to the associated act. A single role may participate in multiple acts and a single act may have multiple participating roles. A single participation is always an association between a particular role and a particular act. An HL7 version 3 concept.


A person who receives professional services from a practitioner of the healing arts toward the maintenance, improvement, or protection of health, or lessening of illness, disability or pain.

patient authorization

Permission given by a patient or individual to use and disclose specific protected health information identified for the limited purposes requested. Health information that is used for treatment, payment or health care operations, or is otherwise permitted or required by the Privacy Rule, is not protected.


A third-party purchaser of healthcare services. A payor may be an insurance company or a governmental program, such as Medicare or Medicaid.

pending admission

The first step in admitting an inpatient, it alerts a designated practice setting to the imminent arrival of a new patient and collects required encounter data prior to the actual admission; defines the commencement of a new encounter.

pending discharge

The first step in discharging an inpatient, it alerts the appropriate ancillary departments to imminent discharge of a patient. This lets them schedule the termination of services to that patient upon departure.


A person participating in delivery of a service. A participation type code depicting the kind of participation or involvement the actor (the entity playing the role associated with the participation) has with regard to the associated act.

personal health information

Data created or received by a data controller that relates to (i) the physical or mental health or condition of an individual, or (ii) the provision of healthcare to an individual, or (iii) payment for healthcare services to an individual.

Person Services

A service of Oracle Healthcare. Includes a directory that uniquely identifies persons, who may be patients, providers, payors, other medical staff, or all of these. It can exist within a single domain or an enterprise with multiple domains, and can be employed at the organization, community, state, national, or international level. Previously called Enterprise Master Person Index (EMPI).


PL/SQL is a procedural extension of SQL that provides programming constructs such as blocks, conditionals, and functions.


Message or other text that has not been encrypted.


In TCP/IP and UDP networks, a port is an endpoint to a logical connection. The port number identifies what type of port it is. For example, port 80 is used for HTTP traffic.

practice setting

A categorization of the clinical setting (cardiology clinic, primary care clinic, rehabilitation hospital, skilled nursing facility...) in which care is delivered. (Note that there is a many-to-many relationship between practice setting and the physical location where care is delivered. Thus, a particular room can provide the location for cardiology clinic one day, and for primary care clinic another day; and cardiology clinic might be held at one physical location on one day, but at another physical location on another day.) Practice settings are nodes in an organization hierarchy. Examples of practice settings include MedSurg, ICU3, or Physical Therapy. Practice settings are typically part of larger organizational units.


A medical professional or technician licensed or otherwise authorized or permitted by law to provide healthcare services. A practitioner may be a physician, nurse, or other type of licensed healthcare professional. Also called healthcare professional, clinician.


An optional process conducted in addition to pending admission, this process is conducted when episode-related procedures must be performed in preparation for the prospective admission of a patient to a healthcare facility. Examples include diagnostic tests, blood typing, radiology studies, x-rays.


A service of Oracle Healthcare that lets a prospective patient enter all required information and complete all required admission forms prior to admission.

primary care physician

See: primary care provider. Note that these terms are often used interchangeably. Also called PCP.

primary care provider

The principal providing or coordinating the delivery of healthcare services to a particular patient. May also be called primary care physician, if the practitioner is a physician. Also called PCP.

Privacy Rule

Issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services pursuant to provisions of HIPPA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, to establish standards of privacy for individually identifiable health information. Covers Protected health information held or transmitted by a covered entity or its business associate, in any form or media. Privacy regulations concerning the access of Personal health information are implemented as a set of privacy rules enforced by HDR Security Services. Also a security rule that specifies permitted use or disclosure by a Data controller.


Provide access to healthcare institution resources (personnel, equipment, facilities, care sites...) for the purpose of providing patient care. Privileges are granted on the basis of credentials, and the assessment of clinician qualifications to perform associated services.

procedure type

Describes actions to be performed, associated CPT codes, and optional resources required.

profile option

A profile option is a set of changeable attributes that affect the way Oracle applications appear and how they function.

protected health information

Personal health information that is maintained or transmitted in any form or medium. HIPAA privacy rules apply only to protected health information-which includes personal health information but excludes (i) education records covered by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, and (ii) employment records maintained by a covered entity in its capacity as an employer. Individually identifiable health information is information, including demographic data that relates to:

  • The past, present or future physical or mental health or condition of an individual.

  • The provision of health care to the individual.

and that identifies the individual or for which there is a reasonable basis to believe can be used to identify the individual; includes many common identifiers, such as name, address, birth date, social security number.

  • The past, present, or future payment for the provision of health care


An individual or organization that is licensed to deliver medical care. All clinicians, hospitals, clinics, and other types of healthcare organizations are providers.

proxy server

An intermediate server positioned between a client application, such as a Web browser, and another target server. It intercepts all requests to the target server to see if it can fulfill the requests itself. If it cannot do so, it forwards the request to the target server.



Read-only access lets you access data without changing it.


A single HDR enterprise that is addressed by an HL7 version 3 message. Receivers are identified by the root of the Instance Identifier of the OrganizationRCV object in the message wrapper of HL7 messages that conform to Oracle Conformance Specifications. Called the ReceiverIdentifier in IMP configuration. Must be a valid cross reference to an HDR enterprise.

Reference Information Model

An object model created as part of the HL7 version 3 methodology, RIM is a pictorial representation of the clinical data (domains) and identifies the life cycle of events that a message or groups of related messages will carry.

Refined Message Information Model

An information structure that represents the requirements for a set of messages. A constrained subset of the Reference Information Model. May contain additional classes that are cloned from RIM classes. Contains those classes, attributes, associations, and data types that are needed to support one or more Hierarchical Message Descriptions . A single message can be shown as a particular pathway through the classes within an RMIM. An HL7 version 3 concept.


A service of Oracle Healthcare that captures information (demographic, financial, other) necessary to establish a new patient in the system. The submitted information is received by the admitting department of a medical facility and processed daily.


Any person, care site, equipment, or other facilities or capabilities required for a scheduled appointment. Example: The resources to support a laser treatment could include a care site and a laser technician.


A level of authority within Oracle Applications that lets users access those application functions and data that are consistent with their assigned roles within an organization. Although user accounts can be granted multiple responsibilities within Oracle Applications, more than one responsibility cannot be active at the same time during a user session (users select one responsibility at a time).


Within Health Level Seven, a role refers to the function or responsibility assumed by a person or organization in the context of healthcare events or activities. For example, a person can have the role of clinician, while an organization can have the role of practice setting.


An HL7 version 3 tool used to develop Hierarchical Message Descriptions and Message Types from Refined Message Information Models.

Rosetree RIM Browser

An HL7 tool that lets you browse (read) the Reference Information Model as a UML model, including RIM data types and vocabulary.



An application that is capable of originating HL7 version 3 messages. Senders are identified by the Instance Identifier of the DeviceSND object in the message wrapper of HL7 messages that conform to the Oracle Conformance Specifications for such messages; called the SenderIdentifier in IMP configuration.


A computer that is accessed by and serves other client or server computers in a network. Examples include mail servers, database servers, and applications servers.


A network resource used by clients; for example, an Oracle database server.


A servlet is a Java program called or triggered by a client computer, executed on an HTTP server.

side effect

Within the context of HL7 version 3 messaging, the creation, updating, or replacement of an object with information from a message, when that object is not the focus of the message.


Structured Query Language. An internationally standardized language used to access data in a relational database.


An Oracle language superset of SQL used to submit SQL statements to an Oracle database server for execution. SQL*Plus has its own command language.

SQL script

A SQL script is a file containing SQL statements that you run with a tool such as SQL*Plus to query or update an Oracle Relational Database.

substance administration

An act using a material as a therapeutic agent. The effect of the therapeutic substance is typically established on a biochemical basis, but that is not a requirement. An HL7 version 3 concept.


Record that is deemed to be valid and non-duplicate. Merge To, Winner, and Master are various terms used to refer to a Survivor. The HL7 term for the survivor is Prevailing Person.

system administrator

The person who manages administrative tasks in Oracle Applications, such as registering new users and defining system printers, or granting the system administrator responsibility to other users.



Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. A widely used industry-standard networking protocol used for communication among computers. The communication standard of the Internet.


A set of machines that perform similar tasks. Client/server is a two-tier architecture, with machines on the client tier connecting to machines on the server tier. Internet Computing Architecture consists of three tiers. In Oracle Applications Release 11i, machines on the desktop client tier communicate with machines on the application tier, which in turn communicate with each other and with machines on the database tier.


Movement of a patient from one practice setting to another. May imply change in patient level of care.

Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol

See: TCP/ IP

Trigger Event

Within the context of HL7 version 3 messaging, the TriggerEvent is the unique combination of a message type and a state transition that the focal class of the message type can undergo. Each HL7 version 3 message identifies its trigger event using the code attribute of the ControlActEvent class in the ControlAct wrapper (called the TriggerEventCode).


Unified Modeling Language

An industry standard tool for object-oriented analysis and design. Used to create domain models, UML was originally created to unify several well known object-oriented modeling methodologies, principally including those of Grady Booch, Jim Rumbaugh, and Ivar Jacobson.

Unified Service Action Model

Describes of the basic structures of the HL7 Reference Information Model (RIM); the clinical part of the RIM.

unique records

Unique status is used for records that do not represent the same person despite the potentially high matching score (Example, biological twins). If two records are marked as unique with regard to each other, they will not be matched against each other in subsequent match process runs.


Operation that negates the effects of a merge and restores individual records to their previous condition, retaining updates to both the donor and the survivor records after the merge. The user can review post-merge updates to ensure accuracy of restoration after the unmerge. See also: merge

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Administers Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), among other functions relating to the regulation of the healthcare industry in the United States. Also called HHS.


A user is any person requiring access to an application, including various types of customers, partners, suppliers, and employees.

user name

A unique name that grants access to a secure environment or program, such as an Oracle database or Oracle applications. A user name is typically associated with a collection of privileges and data available to a particular user (responsibilities in Oracle Applications). User names are normally associated with a password.



Within Credentials Management, the act of authenticating credentials.


window user interface

An interface used with personal computers and workstations that let users access window fields and regions with a pointing device, typically a mouse. Also called a Graphic User Interface.


Oracle Workflow automates business processes, routing information of any type according to uniquely defined business rules. These rules, called a workflow process definition, include the activities that occur in the process and the relationship between those activities. An activity in a process definition can be an automated function defined by:

  • A PL/SQL stored procedure or an external function.

  • A notification to a user or responsibility that they may request a response.a business event

  • A subflow that itself is made up of multiple activities.

workflow attributes

Workflow attributes control the behavior of the workflow.

worflow monitor

The workflow monitor is a Java based tool used for administering and viewing workflow processes.