Upload and modify a document

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Upload and modify a document

To upload and modify documents, go to the Admin tab, found on the blue bar under the navigation pane.

To upload a document:

Before you can upload any documents to a tab, the tab must contain at least one section.

  1. In the Add New Records section, click Upload Documents.
  2. Fill in the fields, and click Submit.

    For IIS 7.5, the maximum file size is set to 4 MB by default. The setting can be resized up to 30 MB by editing the web.config file, located in the <Installation_Directory>\InForm\aspmvc directory. Add the following element to the <system.web> node: <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="x"> to specify the file size in kilobytes. For example, if you wanted to increase the maximum file size to 8 MB, the entry would be: <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="8192">.

To modify a document's properties:

  1. In the Edit Records section, click Update Documents.
  2. Select the tab where your document is located, and click Submit.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Edit any of the document properties except the RefName, and click Submit.

To make a document invisible:

  1. In the Add New Records section, click Upload Documents.
  2. Fill in the fields.
  3. In the Is This Document Visible field, select No.
  4. Click Submit.

To restrict access to a document:

  1. In the Edit Records section, click Tabs.
  2. To the right of the tab that needs to be edited, click Edit.
  3. Select Sponsor, and click Submit.
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