Requesting the extract—Hosted customers only

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Requesting the extract—Hosted customers only

Note: To request a default RDE, contact your Oracle contact for an extract of the RD views that are included by default with each Reporting and Analysis installation.

Self-hosting customers must create and run a script to extract data.

  1. Post the customization script in the location specified by your Oracle contact.

    For more information, see Posting the customized script—Hosted customers only.

  2. Contact your Oracle contact to request access to the RDE extract in one or both of the following ways:
    • On demand—An Oracle representative installs a tab in the InForm Portal from which you can access an up-to-date RDE on demand. You are notified by email when a new extract is available.

      Note: An extract is available for 24 hours after posting. You can request a maximum of 10 RDEs from the InForm Portal application per study per day.

    • Regularly-scheduled—An Oracle representative creates an up-to-date RDE on either a weekly or monthly schedule, based on your preference. You are notified by email when a new extract is available, and you can access the up-to-date RDE on the sFTP server.
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