Mapping Central Designer terms to InForm terms

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Mapping Central Designer terms to InForm terms

When you deploy a study created in the Central Designer application to the InForm application, the Central Designer study components and workflow are translated to InForm study components. The conversion to InForm study components is based on both the data definition of each study component and the layout specified for each form or item in the Central Designer application.

Correspondences between Central Designer and InForm study components

Central Designer study component

Corresponding InForm study component



Radio, checkbox, or pulldown control

The following codelist specifications determine how codelist items deploy to the InForm application:

  • Single selection—Deploys as a radio or pulldown control.
  • Multiple selection—Deploys as a checkbox control.
  • The Layout section of the Central Designer Options dialog box (available from the Tools > Options menu) specifies the following defaults:
    • Automatic formatting of codelist-based controls based on the number of codelist items.
    • Default control sizes.
  • The layout specification in the Central Designer application determines whether a radio control is displayed vertically or horizontally. You can also use the layout specification to indicate whether a codelist is single selection, single selection with user, or multiple selection, and whether codelist items in a single-selection codelist deploy as a radio control or a pulldown control.

Codelist item

Simple control


Collaboration note

No corresponding component

This type of study object is not deployed to the InForm application.

Data series

  • Table column in CDD mapping definition.
  • Panel item in CIS mapping definition.


Data set

  • Table in CDD mapping definition.
  • Panel in CIS mapping definition.

The data dimensions of a data set form the key for each row of a CDD table. Data values defined as custom dimensions form pivot columns around which the data in the table is organized.


No corresponding component

Study object descriptions are visible only in a Central Designer annotated study book.



  • In the Central Designer application, a form note is specified in the layout definition.
  • The Short Title specified in the Central Designer application deploys as the form mnemonic in the InForm application.
  • The form RefName is used in Reporting and Analysis and in CDD table columns for which no data series alias exists.


Alternate form

  • In the InForm application, an alternate form is used to collect new or changed information for those subjects who have started the original version of the form.
  • A form containing new or changed items in a subsequent, incremental deployment deploys as an alternate form for those subjects who have started the original version of the form.
  • Alternate forms are not created when you install an incremental deployment package that contains additions to repeating forms or itemsets.


Associated forms

Two forms defined as repeating and linked with the AssociatedForm property in the Central Designer application deploy as associated forms in the InForm application.


Common form

A form defined as a common form deploys as a common form.


Date of Visit form

If you do not include a special Date of Visit item in the study, a default Date of Visit form is deployed to the InForm application.


Dynamic form

A form for which the precondition is the outcome of a workflow rule or global condition deploys as a dynamic form in the InForm application.


Enrollment form

If you do not include a special Enrollment form in the study, a default Enrollment form is deployed to the InForm application.


Regulatory report forms and visit report forms

You can create regulatory report and visit report forms in the NonClinical container in the Project Explorer. If you do not create the forms, default versions are generated and deployed.


Repeating form

A form defined as repeating in the Central Designer application deploys as a repeating form in the InForm application.


Screening form

If you do not include a special Screening form, a default Screening form is deployed to the InForm application.

Global condition


The deployment process treats a global condition as a rule and creates rule attachments, arguments, and dependencies in the InForm application as necessary based on the items referenced in the global condition definition.

Help text

CRF Help

Instructions and Help defined for forms or items in the Central Designer application deploy as CRF Help in the InForm application. Instructions and Help defined for other study objects (for example, study events) in the Central Designer application do not deploy to the InForm application.



Item deployment considerations:

  • The Central Designer application includes the following custom properties for InForm deployment:
    • Collapsible (for items)—Defaults to False in the InForm application. Collapsed items in the Central Designer application become dynamic controls in the InForm application.
    • Display Override (for items)—Defaults to False in the InForm application.
    • Required (for items)—Defaults to True in the InForm application.
    • SDV Critical (for forms and items)—Defaults to False in the InForm application.
    • SDV Required (for items)—Defaults to True in the InForm application.
    • Special Fields (for items)—Identifies items that have a special meaning in the InForm application, including special Date of Visit and Randomization items and items that appear on special forms.
  • Layout specifications determine how controls appear in the InForm application. For date time items, layout specifications include the specification of year ranges.


Date/time control

Date time items in the Central Designer application become date/time controls in the InForm application.


Group control

A compound item defined with child items in the Central Designer application deploys in the InForm application as a group control consisting of the child items.


Nested control

An item in the Central Designer application that is conditional on another item deploys in the InForm application as a nested control within the item on which it is conditional.


Text control

Text, integer, and float items in the Central Designer application become the appropriate text controls in the InForm application.



  • A base unit or a base unit and a single conversion unit specified in an integer, float, or yes no item definition in the Central Designer application deploy as units in the InForm application.
  • If more than one conversion unit is selected in the item definition, the conversion units deploy in the InForm application as a radio or pulldown control, depending on the layout option selected.


No corresponding component

This type of study object is not deployed to the InForm application.

Library project

No corresponding component

This type of study object is not deployed to the InForm application.


CDD or CIS mapping definition object




The deployment process creates rule attachments, arguments, and dependencies in the InForm application as necessary based on the items referenced in the rule definition.



  • In the Central Designer application, a section note is specified in the layout definition.
  • If you do not create a section for a form in the Central Designer application, a section with the same title as the form is automatically generated when the study is deployed to the InForm application.



The items in a section defined as repeating in the Central Designer application are grouped into an itemset in the InForm application.


Repeating Data itemset

The items in a section defined as fixed and repeating in the Central Designer application are grouped into a Repeating Data itemset in the InForm application.

Short Question

Itemset column header

  • If a Short Question is specified, the value is used for the column header that appears in the itemset.
  • If a Short Question is not specified, the value of the Default Question is used.



The study version (VERSIONDESCRIPTION attribute in InForm MedML) is a concatenation of:

  • The Title property of the study object.
  • The revision number of the validation baseline used to create the deployment package.
  • An abbreviation for the locale, if the deployment package is created for multiple locales.

Study element

No corresponding component

This type of study object is not deployed to the InForm application.

Study event


The Short Title of a study event is used as the visit mnemonic in the InForm application.


Dynamic visit

A study event for which the precondition is the outcome of a workflow rule or global condition deploys as a dynamic visit in the InForm application.


Enrollment visit

A special InForm visit that must be included in the Central Designer study design.

  • The enrollment form must belong to the enrollment visit.
  • The enrollment visit must be a standalone visit in the study workflow.
  • The enrollment visit must be the second visit in the workflow after the screening visit.


Regulatory report and visit report visits

The deployment process creates regulatory report and visit report visits.


Repeating visit

A study event defined as repeating in the Central Designer application deploys as a repeating visit in the InForm application.


Screening visit

A special InForm visit that must be included in the Central Designer study design.

  • The screening form must belong to the screening visit.
  • The screening visit must be a standalone visit in the workflow.

The screening visit must be the first visit in the workflow and the enrollment visit must be second.

Study project

No corresponding component

This type of study object is not deployed to the InForm application.


No corresponding component

This type of study object is not deployed to the InForm application.


No corresponding component

This type of study object is not deployed to the InForm application.


No corresponding component

This type of study object is not deployed to the InForm application.

No corresponding component

Calculated control

You cannot create calculated controls in the Central Designer application. You can create a read-only control that serves the same purpose as a calculated control in that it uses a rule to fill in data.

Note: Components in MedML are named based on the RefNames of study objects in the Central Designer application, with the following two exceptions:

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