Output file format for associated forms

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Output file format for associated forms

In the output file that is created by running the export for associated forms, fields are separated by pipes, and inapplicable fields are left blank, using the following data:

Output file format description

Associated form field


Subject identifier

Subject initials followed by subject number in parentheses.

RefName path

Path of RefNames in the following order:

  • Visit.
  • Repeating formset index, which is used to indicate which instance of an unscheduled visit is referenced. If the visit is not an unscheduled visit, the value is 1.000.
  • Form.
  • Repeating form index.

    The path for the first form appears in this order, and the path for the associated form appears after the first form, surrounded by double quotation marks.

Normalized value

Value after conversion into the base units that are specified in the database.

Entered value

Value as entered for the control.

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