Command line parameters

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Command line parameters

Command line parameters




PFConsole utility


Starts the PFConsole utility.



Starts the MedML Installer utility.



The name of the study you are building.



Specifies whether to generate details of the build and display them during the build.



Displays the syntax of the command line for running the MedML Installer utility.



Opens the online Help for the MedML Installer utility.



Runs the MedML Installer utility in a command window. Oracle recommends that you use the PFConsole utility to run the MedML Installer utility from the command line. For more information, see PFConsole utility.



Opens the MedML Installer dialog box, which has a checkbox for specifying strict mode. By default the checkbox is deselected, indicating nonstrict mode. In nonstrict mode, the MedML Installer utility accepts incomplete component definitions in which not all dependent components are present; for example, it accepts a radio control definition in which not all of the element definitions have been previously loaded into the database.

Note: Use nonstrict mode only in a study development environment. Never load production study definitions in nonstrict mode.



output filename

Specifies whether to save the details of the build in an output file, and indicates the path and file name in which to save it.



Instructs the utility not to commit the build to the database. This mode is useful for testing for errors.



Specifies the name of the XML file to include in the build.



Specifies the name of a response file with the list of XML files to be processed.

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