Source verification FAQs

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Source verification FAQs

Where do I go to verify a form or item?

How can I see the SV status of all of the subjects at my sites?

At the top of the page, click Monitor. A table appears with a row for each form that requires source verification at one visit for a single subject, and each instance of a repeating form in its own row.

What are the available SV states?

Source verification states




All started forms.

Note: This state is an option only when you are creating a custom filter.

Not Verified

A form marked as SV Required in the study design is not verified.

Not Complete

An item marked as SV Required in the study design is not verified.


The form has no unverified items.

Note: If you modify data or add a comment to a form that is Verified, the state of the form reverts to Not Verified.

SV Ready

The form has been marked by a user as ready for source verification.

Not SV Ready

The form has been marked by a user as not ready for source verification.

What does it mean if a form is Verified?

The Verified form state means that there are no unverified items on the form.

A form is verified if:

You must manually verify a form if:

Note: You can't verify a form if it has a hidden item that requires verification. We recommend updating the study design so that this doesn't occur.

What if someone changes data that was already source verified?

The form or item is un-verified if:

When the verification status changes, InForm highlights the form or item so that you can re-verify it.

A subject at my site has locked forms. Can I still require source verification of that subject's data?

Yes. A form may be locked before it is designated for source verification, and then selected for Partial SV at a later point in the study. This can happen if your study uses Partial SV and the form is for a subject who was selected for source verification or because the form is on the critical forms list

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