The figure navigator.gif shows the Oracle Clinical Navigator panel. The Navigator has two top-level selections, Favorites and OCL 4.6, which appear at the top of the window and are flush with the left part of the window -- this left-justification shows them to be the highest level of the system. The OCL 4.6 node is expanded to show the seven Oracle Clinical subsystems underneath it: Admin, Plan, Design, Glib, Definition, Conduct, Data Entry, and Labs. The headings for these subsystems are all indented one level, to show that they are a level under the overall OCL 4.6 heading. Of these subsystems, only Data Entry is expanded to show the data entry selections: Initial Log-In, Key Changes, First Pass Entry, Initial Log-In and Entry, Second-Pass Entry, Comparison Reconciliation, Update, Browse, Patient Enrollment, and Missing DCMs. The node for Data Entry is circled in this example, to highlight how an expanded node looks.