C Troubleshooting

This chapter describes errors you may receive and information about how to fix them.

This chapter includes the following topics:

C.1 CLOB Conversion Error Opening Data Entry Window

If you receive an error when opening a data entry window that includes text about CLOB conversion, you may need to change the Wrap Data Types setting in the connection pool for the data source of the database.

During RDC installation, the Oracle Universal Installer creates one connection pool. If you set up additional connection pools manually, you must uncheck the Wrap Data Types setting for each one.

C.2 Executable Creation Error Opening Data Entry Window

If you open a Data Entry Window and get the error, oracle.pharma.oc.dcapi.DataCaptureEngineException: Failed all attempts to create executable, the problem is probably that the path variable on the application server is too long. This is because every software product installed on the computer adds one or more entries to this variable. Most of these entries are not required.

To fix the problem, clean up the path variable, getting rid of all unneeded entries to bring the total length down to 100 characters or the minimum possible.

  1. On your Windows application server, go to the Control Panel, then System and Security, then System, then Advanced System Settings, then the Advanced tab, then Environment Variables.

  2. In the System Variables pane, scroll down to the Path variable and select it.

  3. Click Edit. In the Variable Value field, edit the value by removing all unneeded values until the total length is less than 100 characters, if possible. Also remove any spaces in the path.

  4. Click OK to close each window.

C.3 Data Entry Window Doesn't Open

If you cannot open a Data Entry Window and find the error ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified in the opaServer.out file in a location like: middleware_home\user_projects\domains\OPADomain\servers\Server_Name\logs\Server_Name.out, it is probably because you have not added the database where the CRF is stored to the tnsnames.ora file on the application server.

C.4 RWServlet URL Connection Error

If you are trying to connect to the Application Server using the rwservlet URL and see this error, "rep-52262 diagnostic output is disabled," Reports Server submissions fail.

To fix this:

  1. Log on to the Application Server.

  2. Go to DomainHome\config\fmwconfig\servers\WLS_REPORTS\applications\reports_12.2.1\configuration.

  3. Open rwservlet.properties in a text editor and add the following line below the <inprocess> parameter:


  4. Go to ORACLE_HOME\reports\conf.

  5. Open rwservlet.properties in a text editor and add the following line below the <inprocess> parameter:


C.5 Dcapi error saying dll already loaded

If you try to open the Data Entry window, after you deleted, and then redeployed the RDC, you see the Dcapi error saying dll already loaded.

When you redeploy the .ear file, for example, after applying a patch, you must restart the WebLogicServer or the Data Entry Window does not open.

To fix this, you need to restart WebLogicServer.


In general, you don't need to delete and redeploy RDC. However, if you have to do that for any reason, follow the instructions as provided in Appendix D.

C.6 Closing discrepancy of batch loaded CRF error

If you get the following message upon saving a change to a discrepancy or blanking outone or more sections of the CRF: All responses in one or more sections have been deleted. If this is the desired action, please delete the entire document, or contact your help desk to change the status of the document, the problem is that the Save logic detected that the CRF was either batch loaded or in status Pass 2 Started, Complete, or Pending and all responses have been deleted in one or more sections. This is not allowed for CRFs that are either batch loaded or in status Pass 2 Started, Complete, or Pending.

Click OK in response to the message. The system displays the document with your changes to the discrepancy status or blanked fields. You can either delete the CRF or close it, using the option to discard changes -- and then contact your help desk to change the status of the document.

To fix this:

  • For new documents that have status PASS 2 and need to have their Blank flag set to Y, you need to do the following:

    1. Update the blank flag via RDCI key changes in Oracle Clinical.

    2. Migrate the documents so they can be opened again in RDC.

  • For documents that already have the problem, you need to do the following:

    1. Create a RDCI Key change in Oracle Clinical to change the Blank flag from N to Y for the documents affected.

    2. Create a second RDCI Key change to change the Blank flag from N to Y N for the documents affected (the same ones updated in the first key change).

    3. Migrate the documents changed. After that it will be possible to open the blank documents in RDC.

C.7 Application Hangs When User Tries to Open a New Window

If a user connecting to RDC using Internet Explorer tries to open a new window and nothing happens, the user may need to increase the number of connections allowed in IE. For instructions from Microsoft, see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/282402#fixit4me. The problem description is about being unable to download only two files at a time, but the fixes described work for the RDC problem.

C.8 Cannot Log In to Application

If a user cannot log in to RDC, he or she may have entered the application's URL twice in the same browser window.

Close all browser windows and try the URL again.

C.9 Oracle Clinical or RDC Not Launching

If Oracle Clinical or RDC do not launch and you get the error

Failure of server APACHE bridge: 
No backend server available for connection: timed out after 10 seconds or idempotent set to OFF or method not idempotent

do the following:

  1. Log in to the application server.

  2. Go to opa_home\log and check if the following files exist:

    • autostartopadomain2.log

    • autostartopadomain2.err

    • autostartfrdomain2.log

    • autostartfrdomain2.err

    If any of these log files exist, review them for error messages and contact Oracle Support for assistance with any errors.

    If you find no errors and the log file ends in Server server_name started, then delete the files and restart the server.

    If there are no log files, check that autostart is configured properly. For information on configuring autostart, see Creating Scripts to Automatically Start the Admin and Managed Servers for RDC Onsite and TMS, available on My Oracle Support (Article ID 1628413.1).

C.10 Cannot Stop Submitted Report Jobs from RDC Onsite

If you are unable to stop the submitted report jobs from RDC Onsite:

  1. Log on to the Application Server.

  2. Go to DomainHome\config\fmwconfig\servers\WLS_REPORTS\applications\reports_12.2.1\configuration

  3. Open rwservlet.properties in a text editor and add the following line below the <inprocess> parameter:


  4. Go to ORACLE_HOME\reports\conf.

  5. Open rwservlet.properties in a text editor and add the following line below the <inprocess> parameter:
