A Description of the CRF Icons

This appendix describes the CRF icons that appear on the Casebooks page and the Review pages in Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture Onsite (RDC Onsite).

This appendix includes the following topics:

About the CRF Icons

RDC Onsite uses colored icons with various symbols and graphics to represent the current status of each CRF. For example, by looking at a CRF icon, you can determine:

  • If data entry for the CRF has started, is complete, or is on a second pass

  • If the CRF has any active discrepancies or other discrepancies

  • If a custom review or re-review is required, not required, or completed

  • If the CRF has been verified or if it needs re-verification

  • If the CRF has been approved or if it needs re-approval

  • If the CRF is locked

Figure A-1 CRF Icons

This graphic shows various CRF icons in RDC Onsite.

Data Entry Status Icons

RDC Onsite uses a series of icons to indicate the formal stages of data entry and to track the progression of a CRF from no data entered to entry complete.

Table A-1 describes the icons that RDC Onsite uses to indicate the various stages of data entry in a CRF.

Table A-1 Data Entry Status Icons

Icon Label Description
A placeholder CRF


No information has been entered into the CRF.

A created CRF


All required header information has been entered and saved for the CRF. However, no response data has been entered yet.

A blank CRF


A user has intentionally marked the CRF as blank.

A blank CRF contains no data. You cannot enter data into a CRF while it is marked as blank.

An Entry Complete CRF

Entry Completed

All required fields have been entered, including CRF header fields and responses to all data points.

All required CRF header and section information is complete and at least one question area response field is completed.

In addition, a CRF with this icon has no discrepancies, is not yet verified, and is not yet approved. RDC Onsite adds color and symbols to the Entry Complete icon to indicate discrepancy, verification, and approval status.

A Pass 2 started CRF

Pass 2 Started

The second pass of data entry has started.

This record originates from an Oracle Clinical operation, but your sponsor might create an activity that displays records with this status.

A Pass 2 complete CRF

Pass 2 Completed

The second pass of data entry is completed.

This record originates from an Oracle Clinical operation, but your sponsor might create an activity that displays records with this status.

A Batch loaded CRF

Batch Loaded

The data for the CRF was loaded during an automatic batch operation configured by your sponsor.

The response values were entered into a CRF by electronic means, as opposed to manually entered by a user performing data entry.

Discrepancy Status Icons

A discrepancy is any data that falls outside of an expected range of values or is otherwise flagged during the edit check process as an error. Table A-2 shows the discrepancy status icons.

The discrepancy status icons indicate whether you (or a member of your user group) or another group needs to correct some of the information in a CRF.

To indicate the status of discrepancies in a CRF, RDC Onsite adds the following color to the Entry Completed icon:

  • Red to indicate active discrepancies.

  • Yellow to indicates other discrepancies.

If a CRF contains both active discrepancies and other discrepancies, the icon remains red until you address all active discrepancies in the CRF. At that point, if one or more discrepancies with a status of other are still open, the icon changes from red to yellow. If a CRF has no discrepancies or if all discrepancies are closed, the icon is white.

Table A-2 Discrepancy Status Icons

Icon Label Description
A CRF with no discrepancies

Entry Completed (and no open discrepancies)

There are no open discrepancies (active or other) associated with the CRF. There may, however, be closed discrepancies associated with the CRF.

Note that this icon is the Entry Completed icon. RDC Onsite adds color to the Entry Completed icon to indicate the status of discrepancies.

A CRF with active discrepancies

Active Discrepancies

The red color added to the Entry Completed icon indicates that the CRF has one or more active discrepancies that must be addressed by you or by a member of your user group.

A CRF with other discrepancies

Other Discrepancies

The yellow color added to the Entry Completed icon indicates that the CRF has one or more other discrepancies that must be addressed by a user in a role other than yours.

Verification Status Icons

As shown in Table A-3, RDC Onsite adds symbols to the Entry Completed icon to indicate the verification status of a CRF. CRF Verification Status is only visible in the CRF icon if you have the appropriate privileges.

Table A-3 Verification Status Icons

Icon Label Description
An unverified CRF

Entry Completed (but not yet verified)

The CRF has not been verified.

Note that this icon is the Entry Completed icon. RDC Onsite adds symbols to the Entry Completed icon to indicate the verification status.

A verified CRF


The check mark added to the Entry Completed icon indicates that the CRF has been verified (that is, checked).

Re-verification required

Awaiting Re-Verification

Note that RDC Onsite adds a red arrow next to the check mark to indicate that the verification process must be repeated.

The CRF is awaiting re-verification. At least one data point in the verified CRF has been modified since verification. The CRF must be verified again.

An unverified CRF

Verification Required

This icon is used only if partial source data verification is in effect. Otherwise, all CRFs are assumed to require verification.

Approval Status Icons

As shown in Table A-4, RDC Onsite adds signatures and symbols to the Entry Completed icon to indicate the approval status of a CRF.

Table A-4 Approval Status Icons

Icon Label Description
An unapproved CRF

Entry Completed (but not yet approved)

The CRF has not been approved.

Note that this icon is the Entry Completed icon. RDC Onsite adds symbols to the Entry Completed icon to indicate the approval status.

An approved CRF


The signature added to the Entry Completed icon indicates that the CRF has been approved.

A CRF requiring re-approval

Awaiting Re-Approval

The CRF is awaiting re-approval. At least one data point in the approved CRF has been modified since approval. The CRF must be approved again.

Note that RDC Onsite adds a red arrow next to the signature to indicate that the approval process must be repeated.

Custom Review Status Icons

If your study has Custom Review Types defined, the status of a CRF can be one in the following Table A-6, depending on your privileges. You can have privileges for multiple review types.

Table A-5 Custom Review Status Icons

Icon Description
A batch loaded, approved CRF, requires re-verification.

RC: Review is complete for all your review types.

Entry complete, verified, approved with active discrepancies

RQ: Review for at least one of your review types is required.

Pass 2, has active discrepancy reverification and reapproval

RN: The CRF does not require review for any of your review types.

Only appears if the Review not Required (RN) status was applied by a user. It does not appear if the status was applied by custom review requirements.

Entry complete,other discrepancy,verified,re-approval,locked

RR: At least one of your reviews was reversed due to data update and it's awaiting re-review.

Multiple-Status Icons

RDC Onsite adds color and graphics to the Entry Completed icon, the Pass 2 Completed icon, and the Batch Loaded icon to further indicate the status of a CRF.

Some CRFs can have more than one status. Table A-6 provides a few examples of CRF icons that have a combination of statuses.

Table A-6 Multiple-Status Icons

Icon Description
A batch loaded, approved CRF, requires re-verification.

Indicates the CRF:

  • Has been batch loaded (disk)

  • Has been approved (signature)

  • Is awaiting re-verification (red arrow next to check mark)

  • Is locked (padlock)

This is a sponsor operation, but might reflect in an activity that shows records with this status.

Entry complete, verified, approved with active discrepancies

Indicates the CRF:

  • Has data entry completed (form with fields)

  • Has one or more active discrepancies (red background)

  • Has been verified (check mark)

  • Has been approved (signature)

Pass 2, has active discrepancy reverification and reapproval

Indicates the CRF:

  • Has had a second pass of data entry (form with the number 2)

  • Has one or more active discrepancies (red background)

  • Is awaiting re-verification (red arrow next to check mark)

  • Is awaiting re-approval (red arrow next to signature)

This record originates from an Oracle Clinical operation, but your sponsor might create an activity that shows records with this status.

Entry complete,other discrepancy,verified,re-approval,locked

Indicates the CRF:

  • Has data entry completed (form with fields)

  • Has one or more other discrepancies (yellow background)

  • Has been verified (check mark)

  • Is awaiting re-approval (red arrow next to signature)

  • Is locked (padlock)

This record originates from an Oracle Clinical operation, but your sponsor might create an activity that shows records with this status.

Summary of Colors and Symbols Added to CRF Icons

Table A-7 summarizes the colors and graphics that RDC Onsite adds to the Entry Completed icon, the Pass 2 Completed icon, and the Batch Loaded icon to further indicate the status of a CRF.

Table A-7 Graphical Elements that RDC Onsite Adds to the Basic CRF Icons

Added Graphic Description of Added Graphic Example of CRF Icon Indicates that the CRF…

Red color

Red color

Description of crf_nr_1_d_nv_na_nl.gif follows
Description of the illustration ''crf_nr_1_d_nv_na_nl.gif''

Has one or more active discrepancies that must be addressed by you or by a member of your user group.

Yellow color

Yellow color

Description of crf_nr_1_od_nv_na_nl.gif follows
Description of the illustration ''crf_nr_1_od_nv_na_nl.gif''

Has one or more other discrepancies that must be addressed by a user in a role other than yours.

White color

White color

Description of crf_nr_1_nd_nv_na_nl.gif follows
Description of the illustration ''crf_nr_1_nd_nv_na_nl.gif''

Has no open discrepancies (active or other). There may, however, be closed discrepancies associated with the CRF.

Description of icon_crf_ver_cmark.gif follows
Description of the illustration ''icon_crf_ver_cmark.gif''

Check mark

Description of crf_nr_1_nd_v_na_nl.gif follows
Description of the illustration ''crf_nr_1_nd_v_na_nl.gif''

Has been verified (that is, checked).

Description of icon_crf_ver_cmarka.gif follows
Description of the illustration ''icon_crf_ver_cmarka.gif''

Red arrow next to the check mark

Description of crf_nr_1_nd_rv_a_nl.gif follows
Description of the illustration ''crf_nr_1_nd_rv_a_nl.gif''

Is awaiting re-verification. At least one data point in the verified CRF has been modified since the last verification. The CRF must be verified again.

Description of icon_crf_appr_sign.gif follows
Description of the illustration ''icon_crf_appr_sign.gif''

Signature added to bottom of icon

Description of crf_nr_1s_nd_nv_a_nl.gif follows
Description of the illustration ''crf_nr_1s_nd_nv_a_nl.gif''

Has been approved.

Description of icon_crf_appr_sarrow.gif follows
Description of the illustration ''icon_crf_appr_sarrow.gif''

Red arrow next to the signature

Description of crf_nr_1_nd_nv_ra_nl.gif follows
Description of the illustration ''crf_nr_1_nd_nv_ra_nl.gif''

Is awaiting re-approval. At least one data point in the approved CRF has been modified since the last approval. The CRF must be approved again.

Description of icon_crf_lock.gif follows
Description of the illustration ''icon_crf_lock.gif''


Description of rdc_nr_1s_od_v_ra_l.gif follows
Description of the illustration ''rdc_nr_1s_od_v_ra_l.gif''

Is locked.