9 Install the Oracle Clinical Front End

This chapter includes:

The Oracle Clinical and RDC Onsite Front End includes:

  • The Oracle Clinical Forms Server, which is required for Oracle Clinical and for the RDC Administration application

  • The Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture application, the online help, and the RDC OC4J instance.

The Oracle Application Server technology stack must be installed before you install the Oracle Clinical Front End. See Chapter 8, "Install and Configure the Oracle Application Tier" for instructions.

9.1 Gather Required Information

Have the following information ready to enter in the Installer screens:

  • Home Details: Enter the following:

    • Name: OPA_HOME

    • Path: c:\opapps52

  • Java home is located in version JDK 1.8.0_111 or higher.

  • Your Oracle Fusion Middleware home directory; for example:


  • Your OPA home directory; by default:


  • Cluster Configuration:

    • For configuring the standalone server:

      Select the No option (default value) in the Cluster Configuration screen.

    • For configuring the primary node cluster:

      Select the Yes option in the Cluster Configuration screen.

      To install the primary node, select the Yes option in the Node Configuration screen, and enter the secondary node server details:

      SecondaryNodeServer.Domain:Port Number; for example:


    • For configuring the secondary node cluster:

      Select the Yes option in the Cluster Configuration screen.

      To install the secondary node, select the No option in the Node Configuration screen, and enter the primary OPADomain Admin Server details in the Admin Server Configuration screen.

  • WebLogic username: The account created when you installed the WebLogic Server.

  • WebLogic Server Password: Enter a new password or use the password you created when installing WebLogic Server.

  • Admin Server configuration details:

    • Listen address

    • Listen port number

    • SSL listen port number

    • WebLogic username

    • WebLogic Server password

  • Node Manager configuration details:

    • Listen address

    • Listen port number

    • WebLogic username

    • WebLogic Server password

  • Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) port information:

    • Oracle HTTP Server SSL Listen Port number

    • Oracle HTTP Server Non-SSL Listen Port number

    To get the port numbers, check the httpd.conf and ssl.conf files located at ORACLE_HOME\user_projects\domains\FRDomain\config\fmwconfig\components\OHS\instances\ohs1.

    To check, go to the URL https://host:port with each port.

  • Database details:

    • Server.Domain; for example:


    • Port number

    • Database service name

  • RDC Proxy Password (rdc_midtier_proxy)—the password you created when installing Oracle Clinical database objects

  • Your OPA backup directory:


  • Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility (RCU) configuration details:

    • Schema prefix

    • Database administrator username and password

    • RCU schema password

  • Wallet location: for the Wallet you created in Section 8.11, "Enable SSL Between a Browser and Oracle HTTP Server". (You can browse for it on screen.)

  • Managed Server configuration details:

    • Number of Managed Servers

    • Listen port start index

  • Online help URL: If you have customized the online help, the URL where the customized online help is located.

9.2 Restart Computer and Start All Servers and Services

Restart the computer and then start all servers and services:

  1. Restart the computer.

  2. Navigate to ORACLE_HOME\user_projects\domains\FRDomain\bin and run startNodeManager.cmd to start the FRDomain Node Manager.

  3. Navigate to ORACLE_HOME\user_projects\domains\FRDomain\bin and run startWebLogic.cmd to start the FRDomain Admin Server.

  4. Open a DOS prompt, and navigate to ORACLE_HOME\user_projects\domains\FRDomain\bin.

  5. To start the Reports server, enter:

    startManagedWebLogic.cmd WLS_REPORTS
  6. To start the Forms server, enter:

    startManagedWebLogic.cmd WLS_FORMS
  7. To start OHS, enter:

    startComponent ohs1

9.3 Install the Oracle Clinical Front End Components

To install the Oracle Clinical Front End components:

  1. Log in as the user you selected in Section 8.1.1, "Identify a Single Account to Perform All Application Tier Installation Tasks".

  2. In the staging area, locate the directory where you downloaded and extracted Oracle Clinical (see Section 1.7, "Download the Software").

  3. Run the following file as an administrator:


    The Installer opens to the Welcome screen.


    See "Use the Silent Installer (Optional)" for instructions for running the Installer as a file with pre-entered parameter values.


    Although there is a button for deinstalling products on the Welcome screen, Oracle does not support using the Installer to deinstall Oracle Clinical.
  4. In the Select a Product to Install page, select Oracle Clinical Front End

  5. Follow the instructions on the installation screens, providing the information you assembled in Section 9.1, "Gather Required Information".

  6. If the Installer detects that you have already installed Release 5.0 or above and created the OPADomain, the Installer asks if you want to overwrite OPADomain or not.

    Choose to overwrite it if your previous installation failed or only partially completed; for example, the RDC Onsite URL does not work. If you have created it successfully, and especially if you have done customizations such as setting up clusters or multiple databases, do not overwrite OPADomain.

  7. Summary: The Summary screen provides information about the global settings, languages, space requirements, and products for this installation.

    Review the installation details to verify that they are correct. To revisit earlier installation screens and make changes, click Back.

    When you are ready to continue, click Install.

  8. Install: The Installer copies the files onto the server, completes the setup and configuration tasks, and generates a log file of this installation.

    In addition, the Install screen displays the location of the log file that records the results of the installation activities for this session. Make a note of this information so you can view the log file after the installation.

  9. End of Installation: The End of Installation screen reports whether the installation was successful. In addition, this screen lists the URLs that you use to access the Oracle Clinical, RDC Onsite, and RDC Administration applications.

    The Installer saves the URL information in the following file:


    When you have finished reviewing the installation information, click Exit.

9.3.1 Review the Installation Log File

  1. Review the generated installation log file, installActionstimestamp.log, located at:


    For example:

    C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs

    This is the name of the most current log file. Earlier files have a timestamp appended to the name.

Work with Oracle Support, if necessary, to resolve any errors.

9.3.2 Restart the Computer

To ensure that all configuration changes are initialized:

  1. Restart the computer before you continue with the next task in the installation process or before you install Oracle Clinical Reports Server.

9.3.3 Add WebLogic Data Sources If Using Multiple Databases

When you run the Oracle Clinical Installer, it sets up two data source connections, one for OPA and one for RDC Onsite, from the WebLogic Server (WLS) to the database you specify in the Installer screens.

If you plan to use more than one database:

  1. Create a WLS data source for RDC for each additional database.

If you also are using TMS on multiple databases:

  1. Create additional data sources for OPA and the TMS Browser.

    The OPA connection is used for running TMS reports.

Instructions are in the Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture Onsite Administrator's Guide and the Oracle Thesaurus Management System User's Guide.

9.4 Make the Java Runtime Environment Available for Download

The Oracle Clinical and RDC Administration applications require that Java Standard Edition (SE) Runtime Environment (JRE) exist on the user's computer.

The Oracle Clinical Launch page is configured to prompt users to install JRE if it does not exist on their computer. To make this work, you need to download JRE into the OPA_HOME\html directory and rename it.

  1. If you have not already done so, download the software following instructions in Section 1.7.5, "Download the Java Runtime Environment".

    See that section if you are using the 64-bit version.

  2. Copy the downloaded file from the staging area to OPA_HOME\html.

  3. Rename the file to sunjpi.exe.

If your users need to have both JRE 6 or 7 installed together with JRE 8 to support different versions of Oracle Clinical, check My Oracle Support article 1570682.1 for guidance.

9.5 Make the Oracle Clinical PDF Plug-in Available to Users

Users who use the DCI Forms graphic layout system for annotated CRFs need the Oracle Clinical PDF Plug-in.


You should already have downloaded the plug-in, following instructions in Section 1.7, "Download the Software".
  1. Download the PDF plug-in from the link on the Oracle Clinical launch page.

    The link on the launch page resolves to: https://machine/opa52/rdc/opapdf.exe.

  2. To make the plug-in available from the launch page, follow the instructions in the readme file, located in the opa_home\html\rdc directory, to install the PDF plug-in on the Forms server.

9.6 Share the RDC Directory for Image Access

As part of the Forms Server setup, you need to:

  • Share the directory that stores image files used by the Reports Server for the Patient Data Report and the Oracle Clinical Graphic Layout Editor for DCI Form generation and migration. Name the directory rdc. Its default location is opapps52\html\rdc. Make the directory readable by the account that is used to start up the OPADomain and FRDomain Servers.

  • Enable image browsing by setting values in the Windows system registry

9.6.1 Share the Directory Across Multiple Computers

To share the image directory across multiple machines:

  1. Log in to the Forms Server computer as a user with system administrator privileges.

  2. Select a directory to store the images. The default location is <OPA_HOME>\html\rdc\dcif_images (for example C:\opapps52\html\rdc\dcif_images) but you can select a different location.

  3. Select a directory in that path that you will share. The default directory is <OPA_HOME>\html\rdc (opapps52\html\rdc).

  4. Share that directory. The default share name is rdc.

  5. Make the directory readable by the account that is used to start up the OPADomain and FRDomain Admin Servers that use the Graphic Layout Editor.

  6. Set the related Windows registry settings under \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_OHnumber:


    There are two Oracle keys with randomly generated numbers. Only one of them contains these settings.
    • RDC_DCIF_IMAGES: Enter the UNC for the images directory. If you used the above defaults, the value would be:


    • RDC_DCIF_IMAGES_URL: Enter the URL for the same location; for example:



    • RDC_DCIF_IMAGES_VALIDATE: Set to Y to enable image browsing or N to disable image browsing.

  7. Put the images that should be available for the Patient Data Report and graphic layouts in the image directory; by default, dcif_images.

9.6.2 Set Up the Image Directory on a Single Computer

If you have a single Forms server:

  1. Perform the setup in Section 9.6.1 except skip sharing the directory (Step 4 above) and set the RDC_DCIF_IMAGES registry entry to the full path; for example, C:\opapps52\html\rdc\dcif_images.

9.7 Install and Configure JSpell Spell Checker SDK (Optional)

JSpell Spell Checker SDK is a third-party product from Page Scholar Inc (http://www.jspell.com/). You can use it to check the spelling of text objects in Oracle Clinical DCM and DCI graphic layouts. You must purchase the product separately.

9.7.1 Install JSpell on Oracle Application Server

To install the JSpell on Oracle Application Server:

  1. If you have not already done so, download and extract JSpell, following instructions in Section 1.7.7, "Download JSpell (Optional)".

  2. Identify the following files in the download directory:

    • jspellsdks.jar

    • jspellsdkn.jar

    • jspellsdk.war

  3. Copy the two .jar files to the following location on the Oracle Application Server: middleware_home\Oracle_FRHome1\forms\java; for example: C:\app\oracle\middleware\Oracle_FRHome1\forms\java.

9.7.2 Install the JSpell WAR File on the WebLogic Server

To install the JSpell .war file on the WebLogic server:

  1. Copy the jspellsdk.war file to any location on the WebLogic server:

  2. Extract the contents of jspellsdk.war to a folder named jspellsdk:

    Description of jspell_war_path.gif follows
    Description of the illustration ''jspell_war_path.gif''

  3. Copy the jspellsdk folder to default Admin Server upload location: middleware_home\user_projects\domains\OPADomain\servers\AdminServer\upload.

  4. Also copy the jspellsdk folder to the Target Server stage location. (middleware_home\user_projects\domains\OPADomain\servers\Server.Domain_OPA_1\stage)


    If the stage directory does not already exist, create it.
  5. Log in to the OPADomain Admin Server console at: http://server_namedomain:7101/console

  6. Click the Deployments tab.

  7. Click the Install button.

  8. Check the Current Location. If it does not show the upload directory under AdminServer shown in Step 3 above, navigate to that location.

  9. Select jspellsdk (open directory) and click Next.

  10. Select Install this deployment as an application and click Next.

  11. Select the Target Server Managed Server Name under OPADomain and click Next.

  12. Under General, What do you want to name this deployment? enter jspellsdk in the Name: field.

  13. Click Finish. In a moment the summary screen appears.

  14. Restart the Managed Server of OPADomain process; see Section 9.10.7, "Start the Managed Server of OPADomain".

  15. In the Summary of Deployments page in the OPADomain Admin Server console, check that jspellsdk is listed as Active and its Health value is OK.

9.7.3 Update the mod_wl_ohs.conf File for JSpell

By default JSpell uses port 7221. To make this work with either HTTP port 8888 or HTTPS port 443, edit mod_wl_ohs.conf and restart OHS.

To update the mod_wl_ohs.conf file:

  1. Navigate to the following directory:


  2. Open the fmod_wl_ohs.conf file.

  3. Add the following entry:

    <Location /jspellsdk>
    setHandler weblogic-handler
    webLogicHost localhost
    weLogicPort 7221

9.7.4 Stop and Start Oracle HTTP Server (OHS)

To restart OHS:

  1. Open a DOS prompt.

  2. To stop OHS enter:

    drive:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home_FR\user_projects\domains\FRdomain\bin\stopComponent.cmd ohs1
  3. To start OHS enter:

    drive:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home_FR\user_projects\domains\FRdomain\bin\startComponent.cmd ohs1

9.7.5 Test the JSpell Servlet

To test the JSpell Servlet:

  1. Open an internet browser.

  2. Enter the following URL:

    https://server_namedomain:7221/jspellsdk/servlet/JSpellServlet? operation=status

If the status page opens without error, JSpell is installed properly.

9.7.6 Update the formsweb.cfg File for JSpell

To update the formsweb.cfg file:

  1. Navigate to the following directory:

  2. Open the formsweb.cfg file.

  3. Find the [opa52] text section.

  4. Append the following text string to the end of the archive parameter value:


9.7.7 Update the Windows System Registry for JSpell

Update the Windows System Registry:

  1. Open the Windows System Registry Editor.

  2. Navigate to the following key:

    \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEYnumber where the Oracle Clinical and OPA registry settings are.

  3. Add the following keys to the registry:



    • OPA_SPELL_URL= http://server_name/jspellsdk/servlet/JSpellServlet


      In the above registry value, use either HTTP or HTTPS, depending on how your system is configured.

9.7.8 Test JSpell in the Graphic Layout Editor

If you already have a study set up that uses the Graphic Layout Editor:

  1. In Oracle Clinical, navigate to a study DCM.

  2. From the Special menu, select Graphic Layout, then Edit. The Graphic Layout Editor opens.

  3. From the Edit menu, select Spell Check Current.

  4. If you receive a warning that the application is unsigned, click Run. The system displays the first misspelled word it finds and suggests alternative spellings.

  5. To find another misspelled work, select Find Next Misspelling from the Edit menu.

If you do not already have such a study set up, see Oracle Clinical Creating a Study.

9.8 Verify and Fix Environment Variables

Check values and correct them if required.

9.8.1 Check Values

To check variable values:

  1. Open a DOS prompt window.

  2. Run:


    For example:


    The script should run with no errors.

  3. Inspect the value of JAVA_HOME:

    1. At the DOS command prompt, type: set JAVA_HOME. You should see the location where you installed JDK following instructions in Section 1.7.4, "Download Oracle Java Development Kit".

    2. Enter: dir %java_home%. You should see the directory specified as your JAVA_HOME containing a file called src.zip and four subdirectories: jre, lib, bin, and include.

      If you do not see these things, you will need to add them as directed in Section 9.8.2, "Correct Values".

      If JAVA_HOME contains any spaces or if any of the directories in its path are greater than 8 characters, you will need to correct them as directed in Section 9.8.2, "Correct Values".

  4. Inspect the value of JAVA_VM. At the command prompt, enter: set JAVA_VM. You should see something like JAVA_VM=-server. If not, correct as directed in Section 9.8.2, "Correct Values".

9.8.2 Correct Values

To correct any of the above problems:

  1. Navigate to middleware_home\Oracle_Home_FR\oracle_common\common\bin.

  2. Back up commEnv.cmd.

  3. Open commEnv.cmd in a text editor.

  4. The first set command in the file, before any other set command, must identify the JAVA_HOME value. For example:

    set JAVA_HOME=c:\app\java\jdk

  5. Find:

    set JAVA_VM=-client

    change it to:

    set JAVA_VM=-server

  6. Close the DOS window and open a new one, then repeat the steps in Section 9.8.1, "Check Values".

9.9 Set Up Automatic Startup

It is possible to configure any Windows service to restart itself upon failure. These are standard options available when configuring a Windows service in the context of Windows Services Manager.

However, it is important to understand that Windows Services Manager only monitors the service's JVM process. If the JVM process fails (shuts down), then Windows Services Manager will attempt to restart it. But there are some scenarios where the WebLogic Admin Server or Managed Server may go into an unhealthy or failed state while the JVM is still running. The Windows Service Manager will not know to restart the process in these cases, whereas if the Admin Server and Managed Server had been started using the WebLogic Node Manager, Node Manager would recognize such a state and restart the process.

Oracle recommends starting the Admin and Managed Servers through the Node Manager using python scripts and then configuring the Windows server to execute the python scripts at startup.

To start servers manually, see Section 9.10, "Start Servers Manually".

9.9.1 Create boot.properties

Check if the boot.properties file exists in Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\FRDomain\servers\AdminServer\security.

If not, create it as a plain text file with the following contents:

username = weblogic_username
password = weblogic_user_password

By default, the WebLogic username is weblogic. This username and password will get encrypted after all services are started.

9.9.2 Increase the Delay for Auto Start OPADomain and FRDomain

For the OPADomain and FRDomain to start successfully, depending on the performance in your environment, you may want to increase the delay by which OPADomain and FRDomain start to allow time for Node Manager to start first.

  1. Go to OPA_HOME\config\opa_setup_scripts\ directory.

  2. Open the autostartfrdomain.cmd and autostartopadomain.cmd files.

  3. In each file, find the line PING -n 30, and change the value from 30 to 60.

  4. Save and close the files.

9.9.3 Set Up Scripts to Execute Automatically at Machine Startup

Create a task and set up the Task Scheduler to run the job on bootup:

  1. From Start, then Control Panel, then Administrative Tools, open Task Scheduler.

  2. Select Create Basic Task on the right side of the Task Scheduler.

  3. Enter following values:

    Name: Oracle FRDomainNM Autostart

    Trigger: When the computer starts

    Action: Start a program

    Select: opa_home\config\opa_setup_scripts\autostartfrdomain.cmd

  4. Click Next and then Finish to complete creation of the scheduled task.

  5. Find the task Oracle Domain Autostart under the Task Scheduler Library list. Right-click on the task you just created and select Properties.

  6. On the General tab, select Run whether user is logged on or not.

  7. Click OK.

  8. When prompted, enter the user name and password.

  9. Repeat the above steps for OPADomain Node Manager, OPADomain, and FRDomain, except for step 3 enter:

    • For OPADomain Node Manager:

      Name: Oracle OPADomainNM Autostart

      Select: opa_home\config\opa_setup_scripts\autostartopadomainNM.cmd

    • For OPADomain:

      Name: Oracle OPADomainMS Autostart

      Select: opa_home\config\opa_setup_scripts\autostartOPADomain.cmd

    • For FRDomain:

      Name: Oracle FRDomainMS Autostart

      Select: opa_home\config\opa_setup_scripts\autostartfrdomain.cmd

9.9.4 Test Autostart

To test:

  1. Restart the computer.

  2. Allow some time for the services to start.

  3. Verify that these URLs work and you can log into application:

    • Oracle Clinical: https://server.domain/opa52/launch.htm

    • RDC: https://server.domain/rdcadfsrnd/faces/Login

    If the URLs do not work after several minutes, check files in opa_home\log:

    • autostartfrdomain2.log

    • autostartfrdomain2.err

    • autostartopadomain2.log

    • autostartopadomain2.cmd

9.10 Start Servers Manually

If you have not set up automatic startup, you can start the required servers manually using the instructions in this section.

For information about these servers, see Section 1.3, "Architecture" and Section 1.4, "Network Topology".

9.10.1 Start the FRDomain Node Manager

To start the FRDomain Node Manager:

  1. Go to ORACLE_HOME\user_projects\domains\FRDomain\bin and run startNodeManager.cmd.

9.10.2 Start the FRDomain Admin Server

The Oracle FRDomain Admin Server is located on the WebLogic Server domain that must be named FRDomain and must use port number 7001. You must start the Admin Server before you can start either the Oracle Forms Server or the Oracle Reports Server.

At the DOS command prompt, do the following:

  1. Go to ORACLE_HOME\user_projects\domains\FRDomain\bin and run the startWebLogic.cmd.


You cannot start it from the Admin Console because if the server is not running, the FRDomain Admin Console is not available.

9.10.3 Start the Forms Server

The Oracle Forms Server is located on the WebLogic Server domain that must be named FRDomain. You must start the FRDomain Admin Server before the Forms Server.

To start the Forms Server:

  1. Open a DOS prompt, and run the following:

    ORACLE_HOME\user_projects\domains\FRDomain\bin\startManagedWeblogic WLS_FORMS

9.10.4 Start the Reports Server

The Oracle Reports Server is located on the WebLogic Server domain that must be named FRDomain. You must start the FRDomain Admin Server before the Reports Server.

  1. Open a DOS prompt, and run the following:

    ORACLE_HOME\user_projects\domains\FRDomain\bin\startManagedWeblogic WLS_REPORTS

9.10.5 Start the OPADomain Node Manager

To start the OPADomain Node Manager:

  1. Go to ORACLE_HOME\user_projects\domains\OpaDomain\bin and run startNodeManager.cmd.

9.10.6 Start the OPADomain Admin Server

The Oracle OPADomain Admin Server is located on the WebLogic Server domain that the Installer names OPADomain. You must start the Admin Server before you can start the Managed Server of OPADomain.

To start the OPADomain Admin Server:

  1. Go to ORACLE_HOME\user_projects\domains\OpaDomain\bin and run startWebLogic.cmd.


You cannot start from the Admin Console because if the server is not running, the OPADomain Admin Console is not available.

9.10.7 Start the Managed Server of OPADomain

The Managed Server of OPADomain is located on the WebLogic Server domain named OPADomain, which must use port number 7101. The Managed Server of OPADomain runs on Oracle ADF and supports RDC Onsite, the TMS Browser, and TMS reports. It also contains the database connections.

You must start the OPADomain Admin Server before the Managed Server of OPADomain.

To start the Managed Server of OPADomain, use the Admin Console at either:

  • http://host:7101/console

  • https://host/opaconsole (if configured)

9.10.8 Start the OHS Server

To start the OHS Server:

  1. Go to ORACLE_HOME\user_projects\domains\FRDomain\bin and run the startComponent.cmd for ohs1.

9.11 Verify the Application Tier Installation

  • Verify that these URLs work and you can log into the application:

    • https://host/opa52/launch.htm

    • https://host/rdcadfsrnd/faces/Login

  • The OPA_XMLTEMP_HTTP registry URL is used to communicate from the database server to the application server in order to retrieve the Patient Data Report PDF template created as part of DCI form generation. Ensure that this port is open on any firewall that exists between the application server and database server.

    To confirm if the port is open:

    1. Follow instructions in My Oracle Support Article ID 1942747.1, 24311: 100501: Non-ORACLE Exception Error When Performing DCI Form Generation.

9.12 Stop Servers

You can stop each server either in the appropriate WLS Admin Console or from the Windows Start menu. These instructions are provided for your information; you do not need to do them now.

9.12.1 Stop the Forms Server

The Oracle Forms Server is located on the WebLogic Server domain that must be named FRDomain and must use port number 7001.

To stop the Forms Server, do one of the following:

  • Open a DOS prompt, and run the following:

    ORACLE_HOME\user_projects\domains\FRDomain\bin\stopManagedWeblogic WLS_FORMS
  • Use the Admin Console at http://host:7001/console.


    The Admin Console is available only if the Admin Server is running.

9.12.2 Stop the Reports Server

The Oracle Reports Server is located on the WebLogic Server domain that must be named FRDomain and must use port number 7001.

  • To stop the Reports Server, use the Admin Console at http://host:7001/console.


    The Admin Console is available only if the Admin Server is running.

9.12.3 Stop the FRDomain Admin Server

The Oracle FRDomain Admin Server is located on the WebLogic Server domain that must be named FRDomain and must use port number 7001.

To stop the Admin Server:

  1. Go to ORACLE_HOME\user_projects\domains\FRDomain\bin and run stopWebLogic.cmd.

9.12.4 Stop the OPADomain Admin Server

The Oracle OPADomain Admin Server is located on the WebLogic Server domain that the Installer names OPADomain, and which must use port number 7101.

To stop the Admin Server:

  1. Go to ORACLE_HOME\user_projects\domains\Opadomain\bin and run the stopWebLogic.cmd.

9.12.5 Stop the Managed Server of OPADomain

The Managed Server of OPADomain is located on the WebLogic Server domain named OPADomain, which must use port number 7101.

To stop the Managed Server of OPADomain, use the Admin Console at either:

  • http://host:7101/console

  • https://host/opaconsole (if configured)


    The Admin Console is available only if the Admin Server is running.