10 Upgrade the Oracle Clinical Reports Server

This chapter includes:

You can install Forms Servers and Reports Servers to suit your needs. If you choose to have Reports Servers on computers that do not have a Forms Server installation, you must configure both computers to share a directory on the Forms Server computer.


To ensure high availability of the Reports Server, you can set up and use more than one Reports Server on a subnet and they can access each other. For more information see the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide.

The Oracle Application Server technology stack and Oracle Clinical Front End must be installed before you install the Oracle Clinical Reports Server. See Chapter 8, "Upgrade and Configure the Oracle Application Tier" for installation instructions.

10.1 Gather Required Information

You must have the following information ready to enter in the Installer screens:

  • Home Details: Enter the following:

    • Name: OPA_HOME

    • Path: c:\opapps52

  • Your Oracle Fusion Middleware home directory; for example:


  • Oracle Fusion Middleware User Projects directory; for example:


  • Your OPA home directory; for example:


  • WebLogic username and password

  • Report Server name

  • Report Server output directory

10.2 Restart the Computer

  1. Restart the computer.

10.3 Start the WebLogic FRDomain Admin Server

The WebLogic FRDomain Admin Server must be running when you install the Reports Server.

  1. At the DOS command prompt, do one of the following:

    • Go to ORACLE_HOME\user_projects\domains\FRDomain\bin and run the startWebLogic.cmd.

    • Go to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Oracle FMW 12c Domain-FRDomain - and run Start Weblogic Admin Server.

  2. Go to ORACLE_HOME\user_projects\domains\FRDomain\bin and run startNodeManager.cmd.

10.4 Install the Oracle Clinical Reports Server

Follow these instructions to deploy the Oracle Clinical Reports Server onto the application tier installation.


If you run Patient Data Reports from a Reports Server, install Acrobat Reader before installing the Oracle Clinical Reports Server. The Installer detects the Reader's location and automatically configures the registry.

To install the Oracle Clinical Reports Server components:

  1. Log in as a user with system administrator privileges.

  2. Navigate to the location where you downloaded and extracted the software in Section 1.7, "Download the Software".

  3. Run the following file as an administrator:


    The Installer opens to the Welcome screen.


    See "Use the Silent Installer (Optional)" for instructions for running the Installer as a file with pre-entered parameter values.


    Although there is a button for deinstalling products on the Welcome screen, Oracle does not support using the Installer to deinstall Oracle Clinical or Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture (RDC) Onsite.
  4. Select a Product to Install: Select Oracle Clinical Report Server

  5. For Choose Install Type, select No.

  6. Follow instructions on screen, entering the information you have gathered; see Section 10.1, "Gather Required Information".


    For the question "Do you want to create Report Server Component?":
    • If you select Yes, a new report server will be created, and you must provide a new name for the report server.

    • If you select No, provide the existing reports server name. The existing reports server will be deleted and then recreated.

  7. Summary: The Summary screen provides information about the global settings, languages, space requirements, and products for this installation.

    Review the installation details to verify that they are correct. To revisit earlier installation screens and make changes, click Back.

    When you are ready to continue, click Install.

  8. Install: The Installer copies the files onto the server, completes the setup and configuration tasks, and generates a log file of this installation.

    In addition, the Install screen displays the location of the log file that records the results of the installation activities for this session. Make a note of this information so you can view the log file after the installation.

  9. End of Installation: The End of Installation screen reports whether the installation was successful. Please check the install logs if any errors are displayed.

    When you have finished reviewing the installation information, click Exit.

10.4.1 Review the Installation Log File

  1. Review the generated installation log file, installActionstimestamp.log, for errors.

    This is the name of the most current log file. Earlier files have a timestamp appended to the name.

    Location: \Oracle\Inventory\logs

    For example:

    C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs

If you encounter any error, contact Health Sciences Support.

10.5 Restart the Computer

To ensure that all configuration changes are initialized:

  1. Restart the computer before you continue with the next task in the installation process.

10.6 Set Up the Reports Server for Access and File Viewing

Perform these Reports Server file viewing tasks once for each Oracle Clinical location.

10.6.1 Create the Reports Server Root Directory

If your Oracle Clinical environment includes any standalone Reports Servers and/or File Servers, select the single computer where you will locate your Reports Server root directory. The directory can reside on the Forms Server, on any of the Reports Serves, or any other computer. Otherwise, you will locate the Reports Server root directory on the single computer comprising your entire Oracle Clinical installation.

  1. Create the Reports Server Root directory, making sure it is accessible by the user that started up the auto process; see Section 9.8, "Set Up Automatic Startup".

10.6.2 Share and Grant Access to Each Reports Server Root Directory

This step is not required if you are installing the application tier on a single computer.

Make the Reports Server UNC sharable, and grant the administrator account read and write access to this directory.

To share the Reports Server root directory on Windows with the administrator account:

  1. Use Windows Explorer to select the Reports Server root directory.

  2. Right-click on the folder and select Properties.

  3. Click the Sharing tab.

  4. Select Shared This Folder, and then enter a value in the Share Name field.

  5. Click OK to save your changes.


    The Microsoft Windows Universal Naming Convention (UNC) for any Reports Server log directory cannot exceed 35 characters.

    The UNC syntax is:


    For example, if the computer name is oclfsrv1, and the share name is opareportout, and the report log is stored in a subdirectory user under this shared directory, then the UNC is:


    This works as long as user does not exceed eight characters. To have longer names for user, shorten the share name.

10.6.3 Configure the Reports Server and Forms Server for DCI Form Generation

Both the Reports Server and the Oracle Clinical application server must have read/write access to the directory (\rdc\temp) on the application server used to write temporary files during the DCI form generation process.

If you have any standalone Reports Servers, they must also have access to this directory.

On the Oracle Clinical (Forms) Server:

  1. Confirm that the OUI has the specified values for the registry settings OPA_XMLTEMP_UNC and OPA_XMLTEMP_HTTP. During the installation, if you correctly indicated that there is a standalone report server, the value of the key(s) is set to:



  2. To provide access to the remote Report Server, share the directory with the share name "RDC", providing read/write privileges to the domain/account on the report server.

On the Reports Server used in DCI Form Generation

  1. By default, OUI will have updated RWSERVER.conf, specifying a value of %OPA_HOME%\oc;%OPA_HOME%\*;%REPORTS_LOG_DIR%\* under folder access.

    For example:

  2. Map a drive to the RDC share on the application server.

  3. Update the registry values. For example:



      The Z drive is mapped to \\SharedAPPSERVERNAME\OPA_HOME\html.


      https://servername(same as Z drive):port/opa52/rdc/temp

If the only report server that you use to generate DCI forms co-exists on the same computer with the application server, there is no need to share the xmltemp directory and the path specification can be a simple local directory name, such as,


10.6.4 Configure the Reports Server to Send Output to a Printer

If you run the PDR, and you send the output directly to a printer:

  1. Set value for the RDC_PDF_PRINT_TOOL key.

    The value assigned to the RDC_PDF_PRINT_TOOL key determines the location of the Adobe Acrobat or Reader executable, which allows users to run PDF patient data reports with "PRINTER" specified as the output type. This value must be in the form:

    "<acrobat-reader_path>" /t

    Note that the double-quotation marks around the path and the "/t" switch are required. A typical example of a value is:

    "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe" /t

In addition to setting this key correctly, ensure that the Adobe Acrobat or Reader application is running on the Reports Server prior to users initiating this type of report job, that is, a job that specifies the output type as "PRINTER".

10.7 Add the Reports Server to the Database Reference Codelist

For each Reports Server that you install, you must edit reference codelists in Oracle Clinical to specify the values for the Reports Server.

To set the Reports Server values:

  1. Start Oracle Clinical.

  2. Navigate to Admin, Reference Codelist, and then Local Codelist to open the Maintain Reference Codelists form.

  3. Query for REPORT_SERVER in the Name field.

  4. Complete the Short Value and Long Value fields as follows:

    • For each Short Value listed in Table 10-1, enter in the Long Value field the connection string of the Reports Server that you want to use as the default for the specified function.

    • For each additional, non-default Reports Servers, add a row to the reference codelist. Specify a unique name in the Short Value field and the connection string in the Long Value field.

      Table 10-1 REPORT_SERVER Local Reference Codelist Values

      Short Value Enter in Long Value Field


      The connection string for the Reports Server you want to use as the default for Oracle Reports.


      The connection string for the Reports Server you want to use as the default for job sets.


      The connection string for the Reports Server you want to use as the default for PSUB jobs.

  5. Click Save.

10.8 Test the Reports Server Installation

To test that the Reports Server can create printouts and files:

  1. Start Oracle Clinical.

  2. Navigate to Admin, Admin Reports, and then Reference Codelist. The Report Reference Codelist submission screen opens.

  3. Click the Reference Codelist Name field, and enter OCL_STATE.

  4. Print the report:

    1. Click the Job Details button.

    2. Change the Output Type to PRINTER.

    3. Examine the printer's path to see if it is correct.

    4. Click Submit Job. You receive a status prompt. Close the prompt to return to the Submission screen.

    5. Click Job Status to check the progress of your print job. Look for the printout from your printer.

  5. Print the report to file:

    1. Return to the Report Reference Codelist submission screen.

    2. Click the Reference Codelist Name field, and enter OCL_STATE.

    3. Click Job Details.

    4. Change the Output Type to FILE.

    5. Click Submit Job. The system displays a status prompt. Close the prompt to return to the Submission screen.

    6. Click Job Status.

    7. Check its status in the Execution Status field.

    8. Click View Output. The system displays a path location prompt.

    9. Click OK. The Report Server processes the file and converts it to the selected format. If successful, the file then opens in a separate window.

10.9 Set Up Automatic Startup of Services

Oracle recommends setting up the server so that the Node Manager automatically restarts services when necessary. If you are installing this on a machine with the Oracle Clinical Front End, you will have done this as part of executing Section 9.8, "Set Up Automatic Startup".

  • If this is a standalone reports server, follow the same instructions except, in script autostartfrdomainscript.py located in opa_home\config, comment out the following line:

    start ('WLS_FORMS')

  • If you are not installing TMS, also comment out the following line in script autostartopadomainscript.py located in opa_home\config:

    domainName='OPADomain' domainDir='your_middleware_home/USER_P~1/domains/OPADomain' nmConnect(userConfigFile=configfile, userKeyFile=keyfile, nmPort=port, domainName=domainName,domainDir=domainDir,nmType='ssl') nmStart('Admin Server') connect(userConfigFile=configfile, userKeyFile=keyfile) nmStart('Server.Domain_OPA_1')