9 Data Model Upgrade

For a list of the supported upgrade paths, see Supported Upgrade Paths.

To upgrade the OHF Data Model, follow the instructions below:

  1. Check Prerequisites

  2. Upgrading from Healthcare Data Warehouse Foundation or a Previous OHF Version

  3. Data Migration (Not Applicable When Upgrading from OHF 7.1)

9.1 Check Prerequisites

Make sure Oracle Database Enterprise Edition is installed.
Make sure that the database compatible parameter is set to by connecting to the DBA user and running the query below:
select * from v$parameter where name = 'compatible';

If the parameter is not set to, ask your database administrator to set it.

If you are upgrading OHF on an Exadata environment, make sure the Oracle database patch 19562381 (Doc ID >19562381.8) is applied.
Create a container database with a single pluggable database instance with the help of a Database Administrator.
Make sure the database initialization parameter MAX_STRING_SIZE is set to STANDARD (default value).
Make sure Java Virtual Machine is installed on the database server.
Set the NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS parameter to either CHAR or BYTE based on your requirements.

For Oracle Healthcare Foundation Globalization Support information, see Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide and set your database character set accordingly.

Enable database connection through SERVICE_NAME. Make sure that you are connecting to the pluggable database instance.

Verify the database connectivity using the following command:

SQL>connect <username>@<hostname>:<port number>/<service name>


sqlplus <username>@'(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=<dbhost>)(PORT=<dbport>))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<dbservicename>)))'
Make sure the Sqlplus utility is available on the installation server.
Make sure the password expiry notification message does not display for the Sys, system and all OHF schemas.
If you have OHTR 3.1.x installed, make backups of the CDM, ODB, Enterprise, Job Engine and Apps schemas. Import CDM, ODB, Enterprise, Job Engine, and Apps schemas in the Pluggable database instance created for OHF.

The CDM, ODB, Enterprise, and Job Engine schemas are updated as part of the OHF 7.1.1 upgrade. The Apps schema is upgraded during the OHTR 3.2 upgrade.

If you are importing existing OHTR schemas into different schemas, update the tables below after importing the dump. Connect to the ODB schema and run the following commands:

  1. select * from W_EHA_DATASOURCE

    In this table, update the CDM schema name to the schema where you imported the existing CDM dump.

  2. select * from W_EHA_PRODUCT_PROFILE

    In this table, update the CDM, ODB, APPS and Job schema names with the appropriate schema where you imported the existing dumps.

Before you upgrade to Oracle Healthcare Foundation 7.1.1, back up the data model schemas of the existing Oracle Healthcare Data Warehouse Foundation (HDWF) environment and the OHTR schemas (if you have installed older versions of OHTR).
During the upgrade, certain objects are dropped irrespective of prefixes or naming conventions. This includes objects such as packages, stored procedures, views, materialized views, scheduler jobs, and synonyms.

Make a backup of the custom scripts before the upgrade and re-execute the custom scripts for all custom objects after the upgrade.

Set the GLOBAL_NAMES database initialization parameter to false.
For remote upgrades, make sure the following are available on the client machine:
  • Oracle Linux 6.6 or 6.7 (64-bit) OS

  • Oracle Database client

Before you run the OHF installer to upgrade the existing schema, execute the following query as a SYSTEM user to validate if the data model user has OHF_APPLICATION_ROLE as the default role.

select grantee, DEFAULT_ROLE from dba_role_privs where granted_role='OHF_APPLICATION_ROLE' AND DEFAULT_ROLE='NO';

Data model users are schema users that are used during the installation of the OHF Data Model. If this is not a default role, execute the following command as a SYSTEM user to set this as a default role:

alter user <data model user> default role all;

Where <data model user> should be assigned to each of the following users:

  • Data warehouse schema name (HDM)

  • Interface tables schema name (HDI)

  • Common data mart schema name (HCD)

  • Cohort data mart schema name (CDM)

  • Job engine schema name (JOB)

  • Services schema name (SVC)

  • Omics data bank schema name (ODB)

Note: If you don't have OHTR or OHPM products installed, assign <data_model_user> only to the HDM, HDI, and HCD schemas.

Make sure that the SELECT privilege on the ALL_TAB_COLS view is granted to the PUBLIC role.

Log in as SYS user and execute the following query:

select * from dba_tab_privs where table_name = 'ALL_TAB_COLS';

If the privilege is not found, execute the below query as SYS user to grant the privileges to the PUBIC role:

grant select on SYS.ALL_TAB_COLS to PUBLIC with grant option;
Table compression strategy is decided based on the number of updates in tables. If the number of updates is high, select the Advanced compression option instead of HCC (QUERY HIGH). Also, cross-check the compression used in the previous version.
Make sure that you have an appropriate database license for the compression methods you choose.
The installer does not validate the tablespace data files location. If the database server is on the remote server, make sure the location physically exists or the installer will fail.

9.2 Upgrading from Healthcare Data Warehouse Foundation or a Previous OHF Version

For the list of supported upgrade paths, see Supported Upgrade Paths.

If you are upgrading from Healthcare Data Warehouse Foundation (HDWF) 6.1 to Oracle Healthcare Foundation, you must install Oracle Healthcare Analytics Data Integration (OHADI) 3.1.


After upgrading, continue to Data Migration (Not Applicable When Upgrading from OHF 7.1) for instructions on how to migrate data from HDWF to OHF.

To upgrade from HDWF 6.1 to OHF, upgrade the HDWF 6.1 database instance to the Oracle Database Enterprise Edition.

9.2.1 Prepare the Installer

Make sure that all the OHF schemas are disconnected from the database by querying gv_$session from the sys user:
select * from sys.gv_$session where status <> 'KILLED' and username in ('<OHF Schemas>');
Extract the contents of the OHF media pack to your system.
Open the <media_pack_location>/ folder.
Unzip the OHF_V711_Linux-x64.zip file where you want to launch the installer using the following command:

unzip -a OHF_V711_Linux-x64.zip

Open the Disk1/install folder.
Change the protection on files as follows:

chmod 755 *

9.2.2 Run the Installer

Start the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) using the following command:

  • If the database server (Exadata or non-Exadata) is on the machine where the installer is running, execute:

    sh runInstaller.sh -local

  • If the database server is on a different machine, execute:

    sh runInstaller.sh -local remote_installation=true

where, the -local option is to install on the local node irrespective of the cluster nodes specified on the installer machine.

Screen Action
Welcome Click Next.
Select a Product to Install Select the Oracle Healthcare Foundation Data Model option.
Specify Home Details Enter the installation home name and location.
Verify Installation Prerequisites Verify if all the prerequisites are met before proceeding.
Oracle Client Home Configuration Specify the Oracle client home path. The installer validates this path.
Database Configuration Enter values for the following fields:
  • Hostname - By default, the system host name appears. For remote installations, set this value to the host name of the remote machine.

  • Port - By default, the port number is 1521. You can edit this field if required.

  • Service name

  • System user password

  • Sys user password

Table Compression On an Exadata setup, use the following compression options:

Interface Tables schema

  • Hybrid columnar compression (default)

  • No Compression

Data Warehouse schema

  • No Compression (default)

  • Advanced Compression: Preferred if updates are high. If you don't have a license for advanced Compression, select Hybrid Columnar Compression.

  • Hybrid Columnar Compression

Common Data Mart schema

  • No Compression (default)

  • Advanced Compression

Cohort Data Mart schema

  • No Compression (default)

  • Advanced Compression

Omics Data Bank schema

  • Hybrid columnar compression (default)

On a non-Exadata setup, for each of the above schemas, choose either No Compression (default) or Advanced Compression.

Data Model Configuration Enter values for the following fields:
  • Interface Tables schema name

  • Interface Tables schema password

  • Data Warehouse schema name

  • Data Warehouse schema password

  • Common Data Mart schema name

  • Common Data Mart schema password

  • Omics Data Bank schema name - Enter a new schema name

  • Omics Data Bank schema password

Data Model Configuration Enter values for the following fields. If OHTR schemas exist, provide the existing schema names, otherwise provide new schema names.
  • Cohort Data Mart schema name

  • Cohort Data Mart password

  • Enterprise schema name

  • Enterprise schema password

  • Job Engine schema name

  • Job Engine schema password

  • Services schema name - Enter a new schema name

  • Services schema password

Data Model Configuration Verification Click Next.
Tablespace Data File Location Specify the location of the Tablespace data files. This is the directory on the database server where the data files are created during the installation.

For example,

Unix: /u01/oradata/dbname

ASM: +DATA_EX02/hashas01/datafile


  • The ASM location must always start with +.

  • The path should not end with /.

Tablespace Details The installer creates the following tablespaces. Make sure that these tablespaces do not exist in the database.
  • odb_data_ts - Default tablespace for Omics Data Bank (odb) schema

  • odb_index_ts - Used for indexes of the Omics Data Bank (odb) schema

  • odb_lob_ts - Used for LOB columns in the Omics Data Bank (odb) schema

  • cdm_data_ts - Default tablespace used for Cohort Data Mart (cdm) schema

  • cdm_index_ts - Used for indexes of the Cohort Data Mart (cdm) schema

  • ent_ts - Default tablespace used for Enterprise (ent) schema

  • job_data_ts - Default tablespace for Job Engine (job) schema

  • job_index_ts - Used for indexes of the Job Engine (job) schema

  • job_store_ts - Database File System (DBFS) store is created as part of the Job Engine installation

  • job_lob_ts - Name of the tablespace to store LOB data in the DBFS store created for the JOB ENGINE schema user

  • job_tbs_ts - Name of the tablespace to be used for the DBFS store created for the JOB_ENGINE schema

  • svc_ts - Default tablespace used for services schema (svc)

For each schema, you can edit the default tablespace name, initial size, max size, and tablespace encryption. Make sure you enter tablespace names that do not exist in the database.

Temporary Tablespace Details The installer creates the following temporary tablespaces. Make sure that these tablespaces do not exist in the database.
  • odb_temp - Temporary tablespace for the Omics Data bank schema (odb)

  • cdm_temp - Temporary tablespace for the Cohort data mart schema (cdm)

  • ent_temp - Temporary tablespace for the Enterprise schema (ent)

  • job_temp - Temporary tablespace for the Job Engine schema (job)

  • svc_temp - Temporary tablespace for the Services schema (svc)

For each schema, you can edit the temporary tablespace name, initial size, max size, and tablespace encryption. Make sure you enter tablespace names that do not exist in the database.

Omics Data Bank and Cohort Data Mart Parameters Enter values for the following fields. Make sure you use the same values you are currently using for: Result Partition, Promoter Offset, Flanking Offset and Job Store Name. If you don't have existing OHTR schemas, then choose appropriate options.
  • Result Partition - Used to partition result tables in the ODB schema. The available options are:

    • GENE (Default)

    • STUDY

  • Promoter Offset - Numerical value to specify a portion of the gene used as a promoter in the ODB schema. The default value is 200.

  • Flanking Offset - Numerical value to specify the region before and after a gene to link results to a gene in the ODB schema. The default value is 200.

  • Max Parallel Degree - An option to specify the maximum degree of parallelism to be set on tables or used in the SQL statements for the CDM or ODB schema. It is dependent on the machine configuration of the database server. The default value is 2.

  • Job Store Name

Execute the following query to find all store names in the database (created by all previous installations) by connecting to the SYS user:

SELECT DISTINCT owner,object_type,object_name,created FROM all_objects WHERE object_name LIKE '%JOB_STORE%';

Note: If you have store names in the database that do not match the %JOB_STORE% pattern, run the following query to find the correct names:

SELECT DISTINCT owner,object_type,object_name,created FROM all_objects WHERE owner =<Job Username/schemaname> AND object_type IN ('TABLE','VIEW');

Note: If you are using the same database instance for multiple environments, enter a unique job store name for each job schema.

Tablespace Parameters Enter values for the fields below from the existing CDM, ODB, and Job engine schemas. Make sure that these tablespaces exist or were created before the installation.
  • cdm_index_ts_name

  • odb_index_ts_name

  • odb_lob_ts_name

  • job_index_ts_name

  • job_lob_ts_name

  • job_tbs_ts_name

  • job_store_ts_name

Summary Click Install.
End of Installation Click Exit after reviewing the installation information. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes to exit the installer.

9.2.3 Check the Installation

Review the generated installation log files for errors. For details, see Installation Log Files.
Contact Oracle support, if necessary, to resolve any errors.

9.3 Data Migration (Not Applicable When Upgrading from OHF 7.1)


Data Migration is not required for OHF 7.1.

To upgrade from a previous OHF version (other than 7.1) or to migrate the data from Healthcare Data Warehouse Foundation 6.1, follow the steps below:

  1. Check the Migration Scripts

  2. Execute Schema Migration Scripts After Modifications

9.3.1 Check the Migration Scripts

Data migration for interface tables and data warehouse schema is not performed by the installer. You need to review the data migration scripts in <INSTALL_HOME>/dm/hdi_install/post_ddl_upgrade.sql and <INSTALL_HOME>/dm/hdm_install/post_ddl_upgrade.sql (note that there are references to other scripts within the main script). You can modify the scripts before executing them.


Migration scripts execution is mandatory and needs to be completed before the ETL execution.


Both sections below (HDWF 6.1 to OHF 7.0.1 Data Migration Summary and OHF 7.0.1 to 7.1.1 Data Migration Summary) are applicable for migrating from HDWF 6.1 to OHF 7.1.1. HDWF 6.1 to OHF 7.0.1 Data Migration Summary

  • Specimen.Intervention ID/VN is deprecated and data is migrated to Intervention Specimen.

  • Specimen Processing Procedure. Specimen Processing Procedure Subtype is added as a mandatory attribute to Specimen Processing Procedure. This is initialized with the appropriate seed data coded value 'SPP_SUBTYP_GEN' during the migration.

  • Schedule Block.Schedule Block Subtype is added as a mandatory attribute to Schedule Block. This is initialized with the appropriate seed data coded value 'SCH_BLCK_SUBTYP_GEN' during the migration.

  • Schedule.Service Provider is deprecated and data is transferred to Schedule Service Provider.

  • Observation. Specimen ID/VN is deprecated and data is transferred to Observation Specimen. On the interface tables schema, data is transferred from Observation, Assessment, and Image Instance to Observation Specimen.

  • Data is migrated from Encounter Service Provider to Encounter.Responsible Service Provider for Encounter Service Provider Relationship Type="Responsible Service Provider". If the same encounter is associated to multiple service providers for a given value of Encounter and Relationship Type="Responsible Service Provider", the service provider that was inserted last will be migrated to Encounter.

  • The integration ID of the parent table is used wherever a new table is populated based on an existing table.

  • The migration scripts use the seed data values given below provided by Oracle. If you have used a different set of seed data values in Encounter Service Provider to represent a Responsible Service Provider relationship, change it in the migration script for both Interface Tables and Data Warehouse schema, and run post_ddl_upgrade.sql.

  • The following are the seed data values that are used for filtering Encounter Service Provider. Encounter Service Provider Relationship Type in the migration scripts:


    • On the Data Warehouse schema, it corresponds to HDM_ENC_SVCPRV.ENC_SVCPRV_RLSHPTYP_ID/VN resolving to the following code:


    The values mentioned above are presented in a logical way and is not the exact physical representation of the values present in the migration scripts. See sql files <INSTALL_HOME>/dm/hdi_install/pkb/hdi_upgrade_7_0.pkb and <INSTALL_HOME>/dm/hdm_install/pkb/hdm_upgrade_7_0.pkb for the exact seed data values.

  • Key steps related to data migration are logged into the HDI_RSLT_LOG and HDM_RSLT_LOG tables in the respective schemas. OHF 7.0.1 to 7.1.1 Data Migration Summary

  • Bill Line Item.Bill Diagnosis ID/VN is deprecated and the corresponding data is migrated to Bill Diagnosis as new records.

  • Claim Line Item.ClaimDiagnosis ID/VN is deprecated and the corresponding data is migrated to Claim Diagnosis as new records.

    The values mentioned above are presented in a logical way and is not the exact physical representation of the values in the migration scripts. For exact details, see the SQL files:

    <INSTALL_HOME>/dm/hdi_install/pkb/hdi_upgrade_7_1.pkb and <INSTALL_ HOME>/dm/hdm_install/pkb/hdm_upgrade_7_1.pkb.

  • HDM_INTVN_SPCMN. INTVN_SPCMN_RLSHPTYP_ID/VN is populated with the value -1 corresponding to the default value of CODEID_NAV configured in the HMC schema. If you have modified the seed data, change the script <INSTALL_HOME>/dm/hdm_install/post_ddl_upgrade.sql accordingly.

  • Review the integration ID pattern for records populated using the migration scripts and change it accordingly if needed.

  • It is assumed that the time stamps for SRC_CHANGED_ON_DT, match from the parent to the child reference on the interface schema. For example, the value of HDI_ENC_SVCPRV. ENC_SRC_CHANGED_ON_DT should be same as that of the parent, that is, HDI_ENC.SRC_CHANGED_ON_DT for the same record being referred in both tables right up to the seconds. If it is not the same, change the migration script accordingly.

9.3.2 Execute Schema Migration Scripts After Modifications

Follow the instructions below to migrate the Interface Tables schema:

Open the command prompt and navigate to the <INSTALL_HOME>/dm/hdi_install/ folder.
Connect to the interface tables schema through command prompt using the SQL*Plus utility.
Execute the script using the command '@post_ddl_upgrade.sql'.

Follow the instructions below to migrate the Data Warehouse schema:

Open the command prompt and navigate to the <INSTALL_HOME>/dm/hdm_install/ folder.
Connect to the interface tables schema through command prompt using the SQL*Plus utility.
Execute the script using the command '@post_ddl_upgrade.sql'.