5 Middle-Tier Installation

The OHF Middle-Tier installs the following Web application:

  • Administration Console

The OHF Middle-Tier installs the following REST services:

  • Data Pipeline Service

  • File Upload Service

First, you must install the Middle-Tier on a primary node. This creates a WebLogic domain named oh_domain with a cluster named oh_cluster.

After you install the Middle-Tier on the primary node, you can optionally extend oh_cluster on secondary nodes, by running the installer on their corresponding machines.

This chapter contains the following sections:

5.1 Installing the Middle-Tier on the Primary Node

  1. Check Prerequisites

  2. Prepare the Installer

  3. Run the Installer

  4. Check the Installation

5.1.1 Check Prerequisites

Fusion Middleware Infrastructure is installed on the machine (see Software Requirements).
There is no WebLogic domain named "oh_domain" on the machine.
All the OHF Data Model schemas exist.
The Oracle external table DIRECTORY object is created for Omics Data Bank.
If you have already installed OHF 7.0.1 or 7.1 Middle-Tier components on WebLogic 12.1.3, uninstall the existing oh_domain and applications and install WebLogic

5.1.2 Prepare the Installer

Extract the contents of the OHF media pack to your system.
Open the <media_pack_location>/ folder.
Unzip the OHF_V711_Linux-x64.zip file where you want to launch the installer using the following command:

unzip -a OHF_V711_Linux-x64.zip

Open the Disk1/install folder.
Change the protection on files as follows:

chmod 755 *

5.1.3 Run the Installer

Start the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) by running the following command.


Screen Action
Welcome Click Next.
Select a Product to Install Select the Oracle Healthcare Foundation Middle-Tier option
Specify Home Details Enter the Middle-Tier install home name and location.
Choose Install Type Select Yes to perform a fresh installation.
Verify Install Prerequisites Verify if all the prerequisites are met.
Java Home Specify the JDK installation path. The installer validates this path.
Fusion Middleware Home Specify the WebLogic with ADF installation path. The installer validates this path.
Cluster Configuration Select Yes to create a domain and make the machine a primary node where the WebLogic AdminServer is located.
AdminServer Configuration Enter values for the following fields:
  • Listen address

  • Listen port

  • SSL listen port

  • User name - WebLogic administrator user

  • Password - WebLogic administrator password

NodeManager Configuration Enter values for the following fields:
  • Listen address

  • Listen port

  • User name - Node manager administrator user

  • Password - Node manager administrator password

  • Verify password

Managed Server Configuration Enter values for the following fields:
  • Number of Managed Servers on this machine

  • Managed Servers listen port start index - This is used as a starting point for incrementing the port numbers. For example, if the number of managed servers is 3, and the listen port start index is 8081, three managed servers with listen ports 8081, 8082, and 8083 are created.

FMW Repository Creation Utility (RCU) Configuration For Exadata or ASM groups, create the RCU schema outside the installer (see https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/1212/core/RCUUG/rcu.htm#RCUUG244 for details). While creating the RCU, select all MDS, IAU, IAU_APPEND, IAU_VIEWER, OPSS, UMS, WLS, and STB schemas.

The Fusion Middleware (FMW) RCU requires an Oracle Database user with DBA or SYSDBA privileges. Using the installer, you can create new RCU repositories, or use pre-created repositories using the WebLogic RCU utility.

  • Database host

  • Database port

  • Service name

  • Schema prefix

  • DBA user name - This field is optional if the RCU repositories are pre-created using the RCU utility

  • DBA password - This field is optional if the RCU repositories are pre-created using the RCU utility

  • Schemas common password

Oracle Healthcare Foundation Data Model Configuration - part 1 Enter values for the following fields:
  • Database host name - By default, the system host name appears. For remote installations, set this value to the host name of the remote machine.

  • Database port

  • Service name

Oracle Healthcare Foundation Data Model Configuration - part 2 Enter values for the following fields:
  • Omics Data Bank schema name

  • Omics Data Bank schema password

  • Services schema name

  • Services schema password

  • HDM schema name

  • HDM schema password

  • Enterprise schema name

  • Enterprise schema password

Oracle Healthcare Foundation Data Model Configuration - part 3 Enter values for the following fields:
  • Cohort Data Mart (CDM) schema name

  • Cohort Data Mart (CDM) schema password

Service Configuration
  • To provide the service configuration now, select Yes and click Next to go to the next step (File Upload Service Configuration).
  • To provide the service configuration after the installation, select No and click Next to proceed to the Summary screen.

File Upload Service Configuration Enter values for the following fields:
  • File retention period in days

  • File storage location

  • Max file size in MB

  • Max zip extract size in MB

  • Simultaneous upload limit

Omics Loader Service Configuration Enter values for the following fields:
  • Oracle data directory object

  • Ensembl and SwissProt directory

Summary Click Install.
End of Installation Click Exit after reviewing the installation information. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes to exit the installer.

5.1.4 Check the Installation

Check the log file located in ORACLE_BASE/oraInventory/logs.
Review the generated installation log files for errors. For details, see Installation Log Files.
Contact Oracle support, if necessary, to resolve any errors.

5.2 Installing the Middle-Tier on a Secondary Node

  1. Check Prerequisites

  2. Prepare the Installer

  3. Run the Installer

  4. Check the Installation

5.2.1 Check Prerequisites

Make sure that the database compatible parameter is set to by connecting to the DBA user and running the query below:
select * from v$parameter where name = 'compatible';

If the parameter is not set to, ask your database administrator to set it.

Fusion Middleware Infrastructure is installed on the machine in the same file system location as on the primary node.
There is no WebLogic domain named "oh_domain" on the machine.
All OHF Data Model schemas exist.
The Oracle external table DIRECTORY object is created for Omics Data Bank.

5.2.2 Prepare the Installer

Extract the contents of the OHF media pack to your secondary node system.
Open the <media_pack_location>/ folder.
Unzip the OHF_V711_Linux-x64.zip file where you want to launch the installer using the following command:

unzip -a OHF_V711_Linux-x64.zip

Open the Disk1/install folder.
Change the protection on files as follows:

chmod 755 *

5.2.3 Run the Installer

Start the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) by running the following command.

./runInstaller -local

where, the -local option is to install on the local node irrespective of the cluster nodes specified on the installer machine.

Follow the instructions below for each screen in the installation wizard:

Screen Action
Welcome Click Next.
Select a Product to Install Select the Oracle Healthcare Foundation Middle-Tier option.
Specify Home Details Enter the Middle-Tier install home name and location.
Choose Install Type Select Yes to perform a fresh installation.
Verify Install Prerequisites Verify if all the prerequisites are met.
Java Home Specify the JDK installation path. The installer validates this path.
Fusion Middleware Home Specify the WebLogic with ADF installation path. The installer validates this path.
Cluster Configuration Select No to migrate an existing domain created by running this installer on the primary node to scale the cluster and add more machines to the domain.
AdminServer Configuration Enter values for the following fields:
  • Listen address - Running AdminServer listen address provided as part of the primary node installation

  • Listen port - Running AdminServer listen port provided as part of the primary node installation

  • SSL listen port - Running AdminServer SSL listen port provided as part of the primary node installation

  • User name - WebLogic administrator user

  • Password - WebLogic administrator password

NodeManager Configuration Enter values for the following fields:
  • Listen address

  • Listen port

  • User name

  • Password

  • Verify password

Managed Server Configuration Enter values for the following fields:
  • Number of Managed Servers on this Machine

  • Managed Servers listen port start index - This is used to increment the port number. For example, if the number of managed servers is 3, and listen port start index is 8081, three managed servers with listen ports 8081, 8082, and 8083 are created.

Summary Click Install.
End of Installation Click Exit after reviewing the installation information. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes to exit the installer.

5.2.4 Check the Installation

Check the log file located in ORACLE_BASE/oraInventory/logs.
Review the generated installation log files for errors. For details, see Installation Log Files.
Contact Oracle support, if necessary, to resolve any errors.

5.3 Troubleshooting

5.3.1 Installation Log Files

The installation log files are located at $ORACLE_BASE/oraInventory/logs. For example: /u01/app/oraInventory/logs.

When installing the OHF Middle-Tier, the installer generates the following installation log files:

Log File Description
installActions<timestamp>.log Records the actions of the installer and can be used to diagnose issues with the installer.
oraInstall<timestamp>.out Records the outputs of all the scripts run by the installer.
oraInstall<timestamp>.err Records the errors from all the scripts run by the installer.

The log files are time stamped and each installation session creates a new set of log files.

An installation summary with all the parameters provided for the installer is saved at:



When reporting any problems that occur during Middle-Tier installation, make sure that you include all the above log files.

5.3.2 Troubleshooting the Primary Node Installation

Issue Fix
The installer fails due to the time taken by the node manager process to start. Check the machine network configuration to make sure that other processes are listening on same port, and that the user running the installer has the required file system permissions.
The AdminServer fails to start because the node manager process is not available. Verify if the node manager process is still running.
A wrong database configuration is provided. Modify the database configuration from the WebLogic Admin console.

5.3.3 Troubleshooting the Secondary Node Installation

Issue Fix
The installer fails to connect to the AdminServer Verify if the AdminServer is running on the primary node by accessing the WebLogic Admin console from the secondary node.
The installer fails due to a wrong FMW path. Make sure WebLogic is installed in the same file system location as on the primary node.

5.3.4 Troubleshooting Coherence Cluster Errors

Sometimes, a primary or secondary node may not start due to one of the following errors in the weblogic log files:

  • <Warning> (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): Received a discovery message that indicates the presence of an existing cluster that does not respond to join requests; this is usually caused by a network layer failure.

  • <Warning> (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): Delaying formation of a new cluster; IpMonitor failed to verify the reachability of senior Member…

    If this persists it is likely the result of a local or remote firewall rule blocking either ICMP pings, or connections to TCP port 7.

To overcome these errors, make sure that the DNS resolutions for the primary and secondary node machines lead to the same IP address when you ping the machines from the local system or from other systems.