8 Oracle Healthcare Foundation Self-Service Analytics Installation

This chapter describes the steps required to install the OHF Self-Service Analytics. It contains the following sections:

8.1 Installation Overview

OHF Self-Service Analytics is available in the OHF_V711_Linux-x64.zip file of the media pack.

It consists of the following components:

  • OBIEE RPD file for the Healthcare Common Data Mart, which is used for Self-Service Analytics.

  • Self-Service Analytics tool, to generate an OBIEE RPD file for data marts built based on the Healthcare Common Data Mart.

The following is the structure of the Self-Service Analytics package:







8.2 Prerequisites

OHF Data Model must be installed. For other prerequisites, see Section 1.1.

8.3 Installing the Oracle Healthcare Foundation Self-Service Analytics

To install the OHF Self-Service Analytics:

  1. Navigate to the selfserviceanalytics folder in the media pack.

  2. Open the RPD file, ohf_ssa_hcd.rpd, available in the selfserviceanalytics\hcd_rpd folder using the Oracle BI Administration Tool, and perform the following steps:

    1. Navigate to Manage > Variables, update the default value of the puser variable to point to the HCD schema name, and click OK.

    2. In the Physical layer, navigate to localhost > Properties > Connection Pools, and double-click Relation Connection.

      - Update the Data source name with the database host name, port number, and service name.

      - Update the HCD schema password.

    3. In the Physical layer, rename the physical schema hcd with the HCD schema name.

  3. Save the ohf_ssa_hcd.rpd file and deploy it on the OBIEE server for analytics and reporting.

    For details on deploying the RPD file, see Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition documentation.

  4. Create a folder OHF_SSA_HOME in a preferred drive.

  5. Copy the ohf_ssa_tool.zip file available in the selfserviceanalytics\software folder to the OHF_SSA_HOME folder.

  6. Extract the contents of ohf_ssa_tool.zip file in the OHF_SSA_HOME folder.

    The Self-Service Analytics tool is now available in the OHF_SSA_HOME\ohf_ssa_tool folder.

For details on generating the OBIEE RPD using the Self-Service Analytics tool, see Oracle Healthcare Foundation Programmer's Guide.