1 New Features and Enhancements

This chapter contains descriptions of the new features and enhancements in Oracle Healthcare Foundation.

1.1 Application Toolkit

The following new subject areas are added to Healthcare Common Data mart (HCD):

  • Order

  • Prescription

  • Patient History

There are 6 new fact tables and 16 new dimensions added to HCD.

The following table lists the new fact tables:

Order Substance Administration Order Substance Administration Order Line
Prescription Prescription Line Patient History

The following table lists the new dimension tables:

Patient History Subtype Patient History Code Patient History Value Type Patient History Value Code
Patient History Status Code Patient History Reason Code Order Code Order Subtype
Order Status Code Order Schedule Code Order Priority Code Order Signing Status Code
Order Reason Code Prescription Type Transmission Type Prescription Status Code

1.2 Application Toolkit Loaders

1.2.1 Application Toolkit ETLs

New application toolkit ETLs are provided for the following tables:

  • Order

  • Substance Administration Order

  • Substance Administration Order Line

  • Prescription

  • Prescription Line

  • Patient History

1.3 Self-Service Analytics

A new Healthcare Common Data Mart RPD compatible with Oracle Business Intelligence 12c is delivered. There are 6 new subject areas added that you can use to create reports and dashboards.

The following are the new subject areas:

  • Order

  • Substance Administration Order

  • Substance Administration Order Line

  • Prescription

  • Prescription Line

  • Patient History

The following sections explain the new features added to the Self-Service Analytics Tool.

1.3.1 Level-based Measures

This feature provides the ability to define level-based measures while defining calculated columns in the OBIEE RPD file. The purpose of level-based measures is to perform calculations at a specific level of aggregation for one or multiple dimensions, which allows data to be returned at different levels of aggregation with a single query.

1.3.2 Semi-additive Measures

This feature allows the creation of semi-additive measures in the OBIEE RPD file to allow specification of alternative aggregation rules for selected dimensions related to either the base or calculated measures.

1.3.3 Calculated Columns with all Weight Columns

This feature provides the ability to define calculated columns on a fact table having several associated bridge tables, using weight columns from all associated bridge tables.

1.3.4 Multiple Annotation File Support

This feature extends the existing annotation framework to provide the ability to process multiple annotations files.

1.3.5 Hide Logical Columns Using Naming Conventions

This feature is useful for hiding system columns that are not useful in BI reports or to hide by default all user-defined columns. This is achieved by defining a new property bi.hide_columns_regex in the properties file. Some user-defined columns may be re-enabled, as required.

1.3.6 Subject Areas Without Folders

Role-playing dimensions and degenerate dimensions in the OBIEE Presentation Layer are by default placed in separate folders. The new property bi.presentation_folder avoids grouping of presentation tables into folders when its value is set to false. This produces a flat subject area structure that is easier to navigate for the user.

1.3.7 Use Variables in Calculated Column Definitions

This feature supports RPD variable creation and use of these variables in expressions of calculated columns. This improves the expressiveness of the calculated columns and also helps avoid manual modification of calculated columns after the initial RPD generation.

1.4 Cohort Data Mart

The following new subject areas are added to and enhanced in Cohort Data mart (CDM):

  • Specimen Alias - Contains information about the alias names for specimens.

  • Specimen Metadata - Consists of a predefined set of new attributes in Specimen bridge tables as well as new tables for user definable attributes related to specimens.

  • Patient Groups and association of Patients to Patient Groups

  • New attributes in Service Provider dimension and Study dimension

  • New filter on Patient Observation and Subject Observation bridge tables to segregate observation data from specimen metadata

There are 5 new bridge tables and 6 new dimensions added to CDM. Also, 2 dimensions and 2 bridge tables are enhanced.

The following table lists the new bridge tables:

Patient Specimen Alias Subject Specimen Metadata Subject Specimen Alias
Patient Group Patient Patient Specimen Metadata -

The following table lists the new dimension tables:

Specimen Subtype Specimen Metadata Specimen Status Code
Study Phenotype Specimen Method Code Patient Group

The following table lists the enhanced bridge tables:

Patient Specimen Patient Observation
Subject Specimen Subject Observation

The following table lists the enhanced dimension tables:

Service Provider Study

1.5 Administration Console

The following are added in this release:

  • Cohort Data Mart (CDM) loader is included as part of ETL Load Summary

  • Omics Load Summary

1.6 Omics Loaders

Performance of the gVCF loaders is optimized.