Result Data Loaders REST Endpoints

Result Data Loaders
The Result loader resource supports initializing the samples data loading and actual loading of data.
  • For all the applicable result loaders, provide the specimen number and specimen vendor.
  • The "readSize" parameter is an optional parameter. By default, this value is 512 KB. Modify this value if there is a large (structural) variations or many specimens in a file. Using a larger value requires more resources (memory) on the database and hence reduces the performance.
CGI MasterVar
Method: post
Path: /ohfapi/omics/samples/cgi
Copy Number Variation Samples
Method: post
Path: /ohfapi/omics/samples/cnv
Dual Channel Samples
Method: post
Path: /ohfapi/omics/samples/dual-channel
File Lineage Loader
Method: post
Path: /ohfapi/omics/samples/file-lineage
Genomic Test Reference Attributes
Method: post
Path: /ohfapi/omics/samples/genomics-test
MAF Samples
Method: post
Path: /ohfapi/omics/samples/maf
Quality Control Metadata and Genomic Test Transactional Attributes
Method: post
Path: /ohfapi/omics/samples/qcmetadata
RNA-Seq Samples
Method: post
Path: /ohfapi/omics/samples/rna-seq
Single Channel Gene Expression Samples
Method: post
Path: /ohfapi/omics/samples/single-channel-gene-expr
Stage to Target
Method: post
Path: /ohfapi/omics/samples/stage-to-target
VCF Samples
Method: post
Path: /ohfapi/omics/samples/vcf
Method: post
Path: /ohfapi/omics/samples/vcf-cnv