3 Installation on the Middle Tier

This section describes the installation and configuration steps for the middle tier. This chapter includes the following topics:

3.1 Prerequisites

The following list points out the prerequisites for installing OHPM on the middle tier. Check that these are completed before you start installation.

  • JDK 1.8 is installed.

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure (FMW) is installed using JDK 1.8.

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware is installed in the same system path on all machines in a distributed domain configuration.

  • Oracle® Healthcare Foundation middle tier is installed in the same middleware.

  • OHPM database schemes are installed.

3.2 Installation Log Files

While installing Oracle Healthcare Foundation Data pipeline services, the installer generates the following log files:

  • installActions<timestamp>.log - this log file records the action of the installer and can be used to diagnose any installer issues.

  • oraInstall<timestamp>.out - this file records the output of all the scripts run by the installer.

  • oraInstall<timestamp>.err - this file records the errors from all the scripts run by the installer.

The log files are time stamped and each installation session creates a new log file.

On a Linux machine, the log files are located at $ORACLE_BASE/oraInventory/logs. For example, /u01/app/oraInventory/logs.

The installation summary with all parameters provided for the installer will be available at:

<INSTALL_HOME>/opmmt/ Oracle_Healthcare_Precision_Medicine_Middle_Tier_1.<timestamp>.html

While reporting any problems that might occur during OHPM installation, make sure that you include all the above log files in your report.

3.3 Installing Oracle Healthcare Precision Medicine on the Middle Tier

Perform the following steps to install OHPM on the middle tier.

  1. Download the OHPM installation package from the Media Pack and extract the files into a directory.

  2. Navigate to the <media_pack_location>/ folder.

  3. Using the following command, unzip the opm_Linux-x64.zip file to the folder where you want to launch the installer:

    unzip -a opm_Linux-x64.zip
  4. Navigate to the Disk1/install folder.

  5. Change the protection on files using the following command:

    chmod 755 *

  6. Start the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) using the following command. WebLogic should be installed on the same machine where installer is running.


    The Welcome screen appears.

  7. Click Next. The Select a Product to Install screen appears.

  8. Select the Oracle Healthcare Precision Medicine Middle Tier option and click Next.

    The Specify Home Details screen appears.

  9. Enter the installation home name and location.

  10. Click Next. The Verify Install Prerequisites screen appears.

  11. Verify if all the prerequisites are met before proceeding.

  12. Click Next. The Java Home configuration screen appears.

  13. Specify the Java home path. The installer validates this path.

  14. Click Next. The Oracle Fusion Middleware Home screen appears.

  15. Specify the Fusion Middleware home path. The installer validates this path.

  16. Click Next. The AdminServer configuration screen appears.

  17. Enter values for the following fields:

    • Listen address

    • Listen Port

    • SSL Listen Port

    • Username - WebLogic administrator user

    • Password - WebLogic administrator password

    • Verify password

  18. Click Next. The OHPM Schema Details configuration screen appears.

  19. Enter values for the following fields using the OHPM schema details created while installing OHPM on the database tier.

    • Database host name

    • Database port

    • Service name

    • OHPM schema name

    • OHPM schema password

  20. Click Next. The EMR Keystore Configuration screen appears.

  21. If you want to publish genomic reports to EMR from OHPM application, select Yes.

  22. Enter the location of the SSL certificate to be used for communicating with EMR.


    After installation, specify the connection details for EMR using the EMR configuration API available at http://docs.oracle.com/health-sciences/opm-11/admin-guide/emrconfig.htm#OHPAG445.
  23. Click Next. The Network Proxy Configuration screen appears.

  24. Select Yes.

  25. Click Next. The Network Proxy Configuration details screen appears. Network proxy configuration is required to connect to OHPM Service Providers.

  26. Enter values for the following fields:

    • HTTPS proxy host

    • HTTPS proxy port

  27. Click Next. The Summary screen appears.

  28. Verify all the details. To make changes, click Back.

  29. Click Install.

  30. After the installation is complete, the End of Installation screen appears.

  31. Click Exit after reviewing the installation information.

  32. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes to exit the installer.

  33. Review the generated installation log files for errors. Contact Oracle support, if necessary, to resolve any errors.

3.4 Troubleshooting

If the managed servers fail due to the following errors, start the servers manually from the Admin Console.

  • Critical subsystem DatabaseLessLeasing has failed. Setting server state to FAILED. Reason: Server is not in the majority cluster partition>

  • Server health failed. Reason: health of critical service 'DatabaseLessLeasing' failed.

  • If the installer fails due to the time taken by the node manager process to start, check the machine network configuration to make sure other processes are listening on the same port, and the user running the installer has the required file system permissions.

  • If the AdminServer fails to start due to the node manager process not being available, verify if the node manager process is still running.

  • If an incorrect database configuration is provided, modify it from the WebLogic Admin console.