6 Upgrading Oracle Thesaurus Management System to Release 5.2.1

This chapter describes the recommended approach to upgrading an existing Oracle Thesaurus Management System installation to Release 5.2.1. Supported upgrade paths include:

  • Release 4.6.6

  • Release 5.0.1 or 5.0.2

  • Release 5.1, 5.1.1, or 5.1.2

Be sure you are using the latest documentation:

  • Check My Oracle Support Article ID 1572864.1 for any known installation issues.

  • Check the Oracle Thesaurus Management System documentation page on the Oracle Help Center at https://docs.oracle.com/health-sciences/tms-521/tms-docs.htm to be sure you have the latest version of this guide.

  • Check My Oracle Support Article ID 1931236.1 for the latest release of the Oracle Thesaurus Management System Release 5.2.1 Release Notes

Review Chapter 1, "Prepare to Install Oracle Thesaurus Management System" for system requirements and planning information.

This chapter includes:

Critical Patch Updates See Section 1.6.8, "Download Oracle Critical Patch Updates."

Oracle Database  includes many new features including multitenancy, which allows you to create one or more pluggable databases (PDBs) contained in a single root or container database (CDB). You can install Oracle Thesaurus Management System on either a pluggable database or a non-CDB database (as in 11g). For more information on multitenancy, see http://docs.oracle.com/database/121/CNCPT/cdbovrvw.htm.

For information about upgrading and migrating your existing database, see the "Installing and Upgrading" document at http://docs.oracle.com/database/121/UPGRD/toc.htm.

For more information about new features see Oracle White Paper Plug into the Cloud with Oracle Database 12c at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/plug-into-cloud-wp-12c-1896100.pdf and, for more details, the Oracle® Database New Features Guide 12c Release 1 (12.1) at http://docs.oracle.com/database/121/NEWFT/toc.htm.


Distributed environments are no longer supported in this release.

6.1 Upgrade Oracle Clinical (If Integrated with Oracle Clinical)

If you are upgrading both Oracle Clinical and TMS in an integrated installation, upgrade Oracle Clinical first. See the Oracle Clinical Installation Guide.

6.2 Install Oracle Database

You must install Oracle Database 12c Release 1 ( You cannot upgrade your existing Oracle Database installation. Follow the instructions in Chapter 2, "Install Oracle Database".

6.3 Install the TMS Database Server Code

Follow instructions in Section 4.1, "Install the TMS Database Server".

6.4 Upgrade a TMS Database

Follow the instructions in this section to upgrade each TMS database.


If you have Oracle Clinical integrated with TMS, re-registering databases is required during an upgrade.

6.4.1 Prevent Access to Oracle Thesaurus Management System Databases

You must ensure that no data entry is performed, and no jobs that update data (such as batch validation) run during the upgrade process.

To prevent users from accessing the data, place the database in restricted mode. Provide restricted session access to the following accounts:


  • SYS

  • OPA

  • RXC

  • TMS



  • TDX

After you complete the upgrade, remove the restricted access from the databases and user accounts.


The OPS$TMSBROWSER account is replaced by the account TMSPROXY in this release. You do not need to remove restricted access for the TMSPROXY account.

6.4.2 Upgrade to Oracle Database

Oracle recommends backing up your database(s) at this point.

Do one of the following:


Choose to configure the database to accept connections as a service instead of a SID. Service name requirements for Oracle Thesaurus Management System include:
  • The service name must be less than 15 characters long.

  • It must not include the domain.

  • It must be all lowercase.

The Oracle Thesaurus Management System Installer no longer works if you set up connections using the SID.


If you are installing the Oracle Thesaurus Management System database on a pluggable Oracle database (PDB), see My Oracle Support article ID 1910177.1, How To Configure TNS / SQLNET using the local_listener parameter for Pluggable Database In Oracle 12c, Allowing a SQLNET Connection to the PDB. Upgrade in Place

  1. Install Oracle Database binaries in the Oracle_Home. See Section 4.2, "Review Database Requirements and Recommendations."

  2. To use one or more pluggable databases, create an Oracle Database Container Database (CDB). (If you are upgrading multiple databases, you still need only one CDB.)

    Update the listener and tnsnames.ora either before or after the next step.

  3. Upgrade your database to Oracle Database using the Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA) following Method 1 described in "Upgrading to Oracle Database 12c (" at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/upgrade/upgrading-oracle-database-wp-12c-1896123.pdf. Clone Your Database

  1. Install Oracle Database binaries in the Oracle_Home. See Section 4.2, "Review Database Requirements and Recommendations."

  2. To use one or more pluggable databases, create an Oracle Database Container Database (CDB). (If you are upgrading multiple databases, you still need only one CDB.)

    Update the listener and tnsnames.ora either before or after the next step.

  3. Clone your database. See Oracle White Paper Cloning Oracle Clinical and TMS Databases, article ID 883213.1 on My Oracle Support.

6.4.3 Gather Required Information

Before you start the Installer, be sure you have the information it prompts for:

  1. Home Details: The full path to the OPA_HOME or similar application home name on your application server; by default:


  2. Oracle Database Client Home: Full path to the Oracle Database Client. (The Oracle Database Client Home is required for SQL Loader and LOADJAVA to work.)

  3. TMS Server Code Home Directory: The system detects the location and enters the value for you. By default, it is C:\opapps52\tms.

  4. Database Service Name to connect: Enter the database name. It must be a valid TNS entry in your tnsnames.ora file.

  5. Database Details: Enter the database server name and database port number.

  6. NLS Settings: Enter the NLS settings for the database; see Section 1.8, "Choose a Character Set". Oracle strongly recommends that you use UTF8. The default values are:

    • American_America.UTF8


  7. Directory for data tablespace data files: Enter the path to the directory on the database server where the data tablespace datafiles for the application should be created during the installation. The Installer does not validate the value and you must use the following syntax, including a trailing slash, depending on your operating system; for example:

    • UNIX: /u01/oradata/dbname/

    • Windows: drive:\oradata\dbname\

  8. Enter and confirm passwords for the following accounts:

    • SYS

    • SYSTEM

    • RXC

    • OPA

    • TMS

    • CTXSYS


6.4.4 Stop PSUB Process (If Integrated with Oracle Clinical)

If your TMS installation is integrated with Oracle Clinical, you must stop the PSUB process before upgrading the database. See the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide for instructions.

6.4.5 Start the Installer

To upgrade a TMS database:

  1. Log in to the application server as a user with system administrator privileges.

  2. In the staging area, locate the directory where you downloaded and extracted Oracle Thesaurus Management System (see Section 1.6, "Download the Software").

  3. Run the following file as an administrator:


    The Installer opens to the Welcome screen.


    See Section 1.7, "Use the Silent Installer (Optional)" for instructions for running the Installer as a file with pre-entered parameter values.


    Although there is a button for deinstalling products on the Welcome screen, Oracle does not support using the Installer to deinstall Oracle Thesaurus Management System.
  4. In the Select a Product to Install page, select TMS Database Upgrade

6.4.6 Attend to the TMS Database Upgrade Installer Screens

The Oracle Universal Installer guides you through the database upgrade. Provide the information you assembled in "Gather Required Information."

Ignore tablespace creation errors:

  • Select Yes if the database already has the TMS tablespaces created.

  • Select No if the TMS tablespaces do not exist.

The Installer gives you information that you should make a note of.

6.4.7 Set Initialization Parameters

After the upgrade completes, set the init.ora parameters according to the instructions in Section 4.2.7, "Set Initialization Parameters."

You must stop and then start the database to activate the changed init.ora parameters.


Do NOT SET the DB_DOMAIN parameter. In Release 5.1 and above this causes problems.

If you set up the EVENT parameter in the init.ora file to trace unique key constraints before upgrading, you should set the event parameter back to its required value.

6.4.8 Check Installation Log for Errors

When you upgrade, the installation log file may report the following error:

BEGIN tms_dsi_xml_schema.InstallSchemas; END  

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02303: cannot drop or replace a type with type or table dependents 
ORA-06512: at "XDB.DBMS_XMLSCHEMA_INT", line 3
ORA-06512: at "XDB.DBMS_XMLSCHEMA", line 14 
ORA-06512: at "TMS.TMS_DSI_XML_SCHEMA", line 35 
ORA-06512: at line 1
finished TMSUPG 
TMS will now attempt to validate any invalidate objects... 

This error occurs because the tmsupg.sql upgrade script executes tms_dsi_xml_schema.InstallSchemas before attempting to validate any invalid objects. Execution of tms_dsi_xml_schema.InstallSchemas fails if the database has invalid objects.

If this error occurs, you need to:

  1. Run compile invalid until all database objects have been made valid.

  2. Run tms_dsi_xml_schema.InstallSchemas manually. See Section 6.4.9, "Configure DSI Import" for details.

6.4.9 Configure DSI Import

If you plan to use disconnected system integration (DSI), enter following commands:

set LOCAL=databasename
sqlplus tms/password
exec tms_dsi_xml_schema.InstallSchemas;

6.4.10 Load Dictionaries

You can load dictionaries at any time. See the Oracle Thesaurus Management System User's Guide for information about loading dictionaries.

6.5 Upgrade Cloned Databases

If you have cloned a database, see Cloning Oracle Clinical and Oracle Thesaurus Management System Databases (Article ID 883213.1) on My Oracle Support:

Be sure to follow all the instructions in the document, including running the tmschown.sql script, the opachown.sql script, and, if you are using Oracle Clinical with TMS, the chown.sql script, before doing the upgrade.

6.6 Run Scripts to Gather Schema Statistics for the 12c Optimizer

After upgrading to Release 5.2.1 and setting initialization parameter optimizer_features_enable to (see Section 4.2.7, "Set Initialization Parameters"), you must gather statistics required for the Oracle 11g Optimizer to be effective for accounts used internally by TMS.

Scripts opastats.sql and tmsstats.sql are available for this purpose. Failure to execute these scripts can negatively impact performance.

If your database contains large amounts of data, the scripts may take a long time to run. You may want to edit the scripts. For information the scripts' parameters see documentation of the Oracle DBMS_STATS package that they call: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/appdev.102/b14258/d_stats.htm#i1036456.

tmsstats.sql Since TMS already has a procedure, AnalyzeTable in tmspb_user_analyze.sql, that runs as part of every activation job, you may prefer to edit it if required and call it from tmsstats.sql to keep the two synchronized.

The tmsstats.sql script prompts for the password of the account it processes: TMS.

To change how TMS analyzes tables and ensure that tmsstats and AnalyzeTable remain in synch:

  1. Modify the Analyze procedure in tmspb_user_analyze.sql.

  2. Edit tmsstats.sql to call tms_user_analyze.AnalyzeTable. Replace the section that analyzes tables with:

    exec tms_user_analyze.AnalyzeTables

  3. Run tmsstats.sql.

opastats.sql captures new statistics in the OPA application account used by TMS. It prompts for the OPA password. It is also used by Oracle Clinical and RDC Onsite.

6.7 Install the Application Tier Technology Stack

For Release 5.2.1, you cannot upgrade the application tier. Release 5.2.1 uses a different technology stack, so you must perform the complete installation. Follow the instructions in Section 3, "Install and Configure the Oracle Application Tier.".

6.8 Install the TMS Front End and Reports Server

6.8.1 Install the Oracle Thesaurus Management System Front End and Reports Server

Follow instructions in Chapter 5, "Installing Oracle Thesaurus Management System Application Components."


If you have already installed the Oracle Clinical Reports Server on this machine, you do not need to install the TMS Reports Server.

The Installer prevents you from installing two Reports Servers with the same name.

6.8.2 Set Remote Method Invocation (RMI) JDBC Security to Secure

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Server

  2. Go to Summary of Servers, select OpaServer1, select General, and click Advanced.

  3. Change the RMI JDBC Security setting to Secure.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Click Activate Changes.

6.9 Redefine the TMS Load User

During the upgrade process, the tables accessed by the TMS load user are dropped and recreated, so the load user loses the grants required to load dictionary data.

To re-grant the required privileges:

  1. In TMS, navigate to Security, then Define Users.

  2. Query for the load user your company created.

  3. Uncheck LoadUser?.

  4. Save.

  5. Check Load User?.

  6. Save.