7 Post-Installation Steps for the New Installation or Upgrade

This chapter includes:

7.1 Patch TMS

Check Oracle Thesaurus Management System Summary of Patches Available (Article ID 132626.1) on My Oracle Support for information about any patch sets and patches available for Release 5.3. If any, download and apply them now. See the patch release notes (readme) for details about the patch and installation instructions.

7.2 Test the TMS Forms Server

Confirm that you can start TMS from this Forms Server before you set up each TMS client.

To test the deployment:

  1. Open a browser.

  2. Connect to the Oracle Health Sciences URL to start TMS.

    The URL has the following syntax:

    • For TMS 5.3 standalone installation: https://computer_name.domain/opa53/launch.htm

    • For OC 5.2.1 integration or TMS 5.2.X upgrade: https://computer_name.domain/opa52/launch.htm

  3. Click the Launch hyperlink, which initiates the download of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

7.3 Configure WebLogic Server Data Sources

When you run the TMS Installer, it sets up a connection, or data source, for TMS Browser from the WebLogic Server to the database that you specify in the Installer screens.

Confirm that the data source exists in the WebLogic Server Administration Console and then enter its JNDI name in the REPORT_CONFIG local reference codelist.

7.3.1 Confirm the TMS Data Source Value in WebLogic Server Admin Console

To check this:

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Server Administration Console at:

  2. Navigate to Services under Domain Structure, then Data Sources.

  3. Confirm that a data source with JNDI name: jdbc/tms exists.

7.3.2 Set REPORT_CONFIG Reference Codelist Value

Update local reference codelist REPORT_CONFIG with the data source JNDI name:

  1. Log in to TMS.

  2. Navigate to Definition, then Local Reference Codelists.

  3. Query for the REPORT_CONFIG codelist:

    1. Press F7.

    2. Enter REPORT_CONFIG in the Name field.

    3. Press F8. The system displays the short value JDBC_DATA_SRC.

  4. Enter the JNDI name value jdbc/tms as the long value.

  5. Save.

7.3.3 Add Data Source (Required Only If Using Multiple Databases)

When you run the TMS Installer, it sets up a data source connection for TMS Lite Browser from the WebLogic Server to the database you specify in the Installer screens.

If you plan to use more than one database, you must create a TMS Lite Browser data source for each additional database. The same data source can be used to run TMS reports.

Complete instructions are in the Oracle Thesaurus Management System User's Guide chapter on Administration.

7.4 Making the Java Runtime Environment Available for Download

Oracle Thesaurus Management System requires that the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) exists on the user's computer.

The TMS Launch page is configured to prompt users to install JRE if it does not exist on their computer. To make this work, you need to download JRE into the OPA_HOME\html directory and rename it.


If you have already installed Oracle Clinical on the same machine, you do not need to do this again and can skip to the next section.

To download the latest version of the JRE and then position the software so your users can install it directly from the Downloads page:

  1. If you have not already done so, download the software following instructions in Section 1.6.5, "Download the Java Runtime Environment."

  2. Copy the downloaded file from the staging area to OPA_HOME\html.

  3. Rename the file sunjpi.exe.

If your users need to have both JRE 6 and 7 installed to support different versions of Oracle Thesaurus Management System, check My Oracle Support article 1570682.1 for guidance.

7.5 Create a Link to TMS HTML Browser

You need to construct a link for users to access the TMS Lite Browser. You can add it to the TMS launch page or to your own users' home page. You can add links for more than one database if needed, and you can enable automatic login.

For instructions, see the administration chapter of the Oracle Thesaurus Management System User's Guide.

7.6 Configure Report Template File Size

In order to control the file size limitation for a template file in the TMS Lite Browser- Report tab, modify the following parameters in web.xml: UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY, UPLOAD_MAX_DISK_SPACE, UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR, and UPLOAD_MAX_FILE_SIZE.


These parameters are commented and default values are set for reference. They can be uncommented and set new value(s) which will require repack of .ear and deployment to take into effect.

To modify the parameters in web.xml from tmslite.ear:

  1. Create a backup of tmslite.ear located under OPA_HOME\tms\tmslite.ear.

  2. Open tmslite.ear in 7zip.

  3. Edit OPA_HOME\tms\tmslite.ear\TMSWebUIApp.war\WEB-INF\web.xml in 7Zip.

  4. In web.xml, uncomment the section containing parameters: UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY, UPLOAD_MAX_DISK_SPACE, and UPLOAD_TEMP_DIR and update values for these parameters according to your requirements to control the file size upload.

  5. Save the changes.

  6. In the OPADomain console, redeploy tmslite.ear.

7.7 Configure Report Template File Type

In order to modify the supported template file types in the TMS Lite Browser-Report tab, add fu_content_type and fu_ext properties to the tmsconfig.properties file.


Each supported type is separated by commas. The tmsConfig.propertes file is located in the OPA_HOME\config folder and by default, fu_content_type and fu_ext properties may not be present.
  • Default supported content types are application/msword, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template, application/rtf, text/richtext, text/plain.

  • Default supported file extensions are .doc, .dot, .docx, .dotx, .xls, .xlt, .xlsx, .xltx, .rtf.

7.8 Define and Load Dictionaries

See the Oracle Thesaurus Management System User's Guide for information about defining TMS dictionaries in the user interface and loading dictionary data.

For sample load scripts, download the following document from My Oracle Support:

Title: Sample Maintenance Scripts for MedDRA, MedDRA Primary Path, MedDRA SMQ, SNOMED, and WHODrug Formats B2, B3, and C3

Article ID: 258975.1


If you are upgrading an existing TMS installation, you do not need to redefine and reload the dictionaries you are already using.

7.9 Setting Up Client Computers

This section includes:

7.9.1 Configure Personal Firewall

If the client computer has a personal firewall:

  1. Disable the firewall or configure it for the TMS Lite Browser to function correctly.

    See your firewall documentation or ask your system administrator for assistance.

7.9.2 About Using Safari on an iPad

On an iPad, which is supported for the TMS Lite Browser, some functionality available on a personal computer using a mouse is not available, including:

  • Right-click and double-click options.

  • Selecting multiple records using Ctrl+click

7.9.3 Set Internet Options for Microsoft Internet Explorer

This section describes how to configure Internet Explorer on a client computer so you can run Oracle Thesaurus Management System and the TMS Lite Browser. Set Up for Proxy Usage on Fully Qualified Application Tier Names

You must configure your client proxy settings if one of the following conditions is true for your installation:

  • You connect to the application tier with its fully qualified name

  • You use proxies.

To configure your client proxy settings:

  1. Start Internet Explorer.

  2. Open the Tools menu, and then select Internet Options.

  3. Click the Connections tab.

  4. Click LAN settings to open the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings dialog box.

  5. Select Use a proxy server for your LAN, and then click Advanced.

  6. Define the Exceptions at the bottom of the panel.

    In the Do not use proxy server for addresses beginning with field, use the following format to enter the fully qualified name of each application server:


    For example, if the server name is sys63 and the domain name is mycompany.com, then you enter:


    If you are connecting to more than one application server, enter the fully qualified name of each server. Use the semicolon (;) to separate your entries. Turn Off Compatibility View in Internet Explorer

The TMS Lite Browser does not support the Compatibility View available on Internet Explorer 11. If the setting is enabled in the browser, when a user tries to access the TMS Lite Browser, he or she sees the following message: "The current compatibility setting is not supported." There are several places to turn off Compatibility View:

  • In the IE Tools menu, toggle between turning Compatibility View on an off by clicking Compatibility View.

  • The above setting is overridden by those found in the Tools menu under Compatibility View Settings. Uncheck both: Display intranet sites in Compatibility View and Display all websites in Compatibility View

  • The Compatibility View icon IE Compatibility View icon appears in the address bar when it is turned on for the current website. Click the icon to turn it off.

7.9.4 Download Required Applications

This section describes how to download and install the following applications:

  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

  • Adobe Reader

  • Java Virtual Machine

Instructions for setting up downloads from the Oracle Thesaurus Management System Launch page are included in Section 7.4, "Making the Java Runtime Environment Available for Download". Download the Java Runtime Environment

TMS and the TMS Lite Browser require the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 8 ( or above).

If you have older versions of JRE and do not need them, uninstall these versions before installing the new version. By uninstalling old versions, you avoid receiving the following message when starting an Oracle Health Sciences application:

The Application requires an earlier version of JRE. Do you want to continue?

To download and install the JRE onto a client:

  1. Open a browser and enter the URL to open the Launch page for TMS. For example:


  2. Click Install JRE Plug-in on the Launch page.

  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the JRE.

    During the installation, you must accept all prompts to accept signed jar files.

    The system downloads the JRE from your Forms Server. When you set up the Forms Server, you installed the latest version of the JRE. See Section 7.4, "Making the Java Runtime Environment Available for Download" for more information. Download Adobe Reader

TMS and the TMS Lite Browser support Adobe Reader 7.x or later, English versions. However, this requirement may change during the life of this document. Check My Oracle Support for the latest requirements.

To download the free Adobe Reader:

  1. Go to the Adobe Corporation Web site:


  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to download the latest version of the Adobe Reader. Download the Java Virtual Machine to Client Computers

To download the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) onto each client computer:

  1. Open a browser.

  2. Connect to the Oracle Health Sciences URL.

    The URL includes the path variable you specified in Section 7.2, "Test the TMS Forms Server".

    The first time you open TMS, the system prompts you to download JVM. This download is required. It is also available from a link on the Launch page.

7.9.5 Logging In


To log in to Forms-based Oracle Thesaurus Management System, use the following URL:

  • For TMS 5.3 standalone installation: https://computer_name.domain/opa53/launch.htm

  • For OC 5.2.1 integration or TMS 5.2.X upgrade: https://computer_name.domain/opa52/launch.htm

TMS Browser 

To log in to the TMS Browser, use the following URL:



See the chapter on administration in the Oracle Thesaurus Management System User's Guide for information about customizing the URL to support automatic login and multiple databases.