8 Upgrading to a New Dictionary Version

This section includes:

To upgrade to a new version of a vendor-supplied dictionary that you have already defined and loaded, you need to load the new version into the Oracle Thesaurus Management System (TMS) database.

You can use TMS reports to analyze the impact that the new version will have on your VTAs and omissions. You can then make changes—primarily reclassifications—while the new dictionary version is still in the predictionary tables, avoiding problems during and after Activation. A TMS job, Autoprocess VTAs, can correct many problems automatically. You can also correct problems manually.

To run impact reports and make changes in the predict tables, you must have the role TMS_DICTUPG_PRIV. When you have this role, you see a new menu item called Dictionary Upgrade.

Upgrading TMS Dictionaries

The general steps involved in upgrading a dictionary in TMS include:

  1. Load the new dictionary version into temporary tables and then into the predictionary tables. Use the instructions in Chapter 6, "Defining and Loading Dictionaries."

  2. Run the Dictionary Impacts Report showing current VTAs and omissions that will be impacted by updated, added, or deleted dictionary terms in the new dictionary version. See Chapter 2, "Reports and Batch Jobs" for more information.

  3. Run the Autoprocess VTAs job to automatically load the affected verbatim terms into the predict tables if they are not already there and perform the required classifications, reclassifications, and declassifications.


    VTA is not coded if the term exists as an unanswerable negative list action assignment.
  4. Manipulate the data manually if necessary; see "Maintaining Predictionary Terms and Relationships".

  5. Run the specialized dictionary upgrade reports. Return to the Maintain Predictionary VTAs/VTIs window to fix problems, rerun the reports, and fix additional problems as necessary.

    The dictionary upgrade reports include:

    • Predict VTAs/VTIs Report. This report displays VTAs in the Activation Group you specify in the following groups: classifications, reclassifications, and declassifications. The same data is displayed in the first three tabs of the Maintain Predictionary VTAs/VTIs window. If the Activation Group includes terms and relations in more than one dictionary, you can choose to see them all or specify a single base dictionary.

    • Site Impacts Report. This report lists the external system databases from which affected verbatim term occurrences came, with their associated X Area. For Oracle Clinical, this is the study in which the verbatim term occurrence was collected.

    • Omission Impacts Report. This report lists omissions that will be resolved (by the addition of a dictionary term that is a direct match) as well as new omissions that will be created (by the deletion of a dictionary term to which verbatim terms are classified) by Activation and Synchronization. This report also shows the actions applied to the current omissions, if any.

    • Cross-Dictionary Impacts Report. This report lists terms in other dictionaries that have links defined to affected terms in the new dictionary version.

  6. Activate the Activation Group in Check or Transfer mode. See "Activating Loaded Terms."

  7. Run the Preliminary Repository Report to show errors resulting from the Activation. See "Preliminary Repository Report" for more information.

  8. If necessary, make changes manually using the instructions in "Maintaining Predictionary Terms and Relationships" and rerun Activation. Repeat this process as necessary.

  9. Run a new Site Impacts Report to determine which X Areas on which external system sites are impacted. See "Site Impacts Report" for more information.

  10. Run the data exchange job between TMS and the external system for the affected X Areas. If the external system is Oracle Clinical, run Batch Validation for the affected studies on the affected sites.

Running the Autoprocess VTAs/VTIs Job

The Autoprocess VTAs/VTIs job automatically handles many of the changes required by the new dictionary version's impact on your VTAs and VTIs. The job inserts affected VTAs and VTIs into the predictionary tables if they are not already there, so that it can operate on them and you can too, in the Maintain Predictionary VTAs/VTIs window. (The VTAs and VTIs remain in production as well.) The job makes the following changes:

  • The job reclassifies VTAs and VTIs whose dictionary term has been moved from one coding level to another.

  • The job declassifies VTAs and VTIs whose dictionary term has been deleted

  • If you set the Reclassify Direct Matches? parameter to Yes, the job reclassifies verbatim terms to new dictionary terms that are a direct match.

To run the Autoprocess VTAs/VTIs job, do the following:

  1. In the Navigator window, select Dictionary Upgrade, then Autoprocess VTAs/VTIs.

  2. Enter values for the following Job Specific parameters:

    • Activation Group. From the drop-down list, select the name of the Activation Group that contains the new dictionary version.

    • Reclassify Direct Matches?. If set to Yes, the job reclassifies VTAs currently to dictionary terms that are not a direct match for which there is a new dictionary term that is a direct match.

  3. Submit the job. See "Running a Job".

Running Dictionary Upgrade Reports

TMS includes the following dictionary upgrade reports:

Dictionary Impacts Report

The Dictionary Impacts Report displays all the global VTAs, VTIs, and current omissions that will be affected by a base dictionary upgrade. You can run the Dictionary Impacts Report before or after the Autoprocess VTAs/VTIs job. You can run this report only on a base dictionary and in the global domain.

The report includes the following sections:

  • The Assigned Dictionary Term Will Be Deleted for the Following VTAs/VTIs If the new dictionary version deletes dictionary terms to which VTAs or VTIs are currently classified, you must reclassify the affected terms.

    Each row of the report displays one verbatim term that will be declassified, with the following information:

    • The affected dictionary

    • The affected domain

    • The verbatim term

    • The classification type: VTA or VTI

    • The VTA or VTI ID

    • The dictionary term and its ID

  • The Assigned Dictionary Term Will Be Updated for the Following VTAs/VTIs If the new dictionary version modifies some dictionary terms to which VTAs or VTIs are currently classified, you may want to reclassify the affected terms.

    Each row of the report displays one affected verbatim term, with the following information:

    • The affected dictionary

    • The affected domain

    • The verbatim term

    • The classification type: VTA or VTI

    • The VTA or VTI ID

    • The approval status of the existing VTA or VTI

    • The dictionary term and its ID

  • There Will Be a Direct Match for the Following VTAs If the new dictionary version includes new terms that are a direct match to VTAs that are currently to nonmatching dictionary terms, you may want to reclassify the verbatim terms to the new, matching dictionary terms. (You can do this automatically by running the Autoprocess VTAs/VTIs job with Reclassify Direct Matches set to Yes.)


    If any dictionary/domain combination allows classification to nonapproved dictionary terms, this report includes verbatim terms in that dictionary domain that are a direct match to both approved and nonapproved dictionary terms. This could be the case in MedDRA-J, for example. See "Assigning a Dictionary to a Domain" for more information.

    Each row of the report displays one affected verbatim term, with the following information:

    • The affected dictionary

    • The affected domain

    • The verbatim term

    • The approval status of the existing VTA

    • The new dictionary term that is a direct match

  • There Will Be a Direct Match for the Following VTIs If the new dictionary version includes new terms that are a direct match to VTIs that are currently to nonmatching dictionary terms, you may want to reclassify the verbatim terms to the new, matching dictionary terms. (You can do this automatically by running the Autoprocess VTAs/VTIs job with Reclassify Direct Matches set to Yes.)

    If the new, matching dictionary term is unique, it may be a candidate for a VTA. If it is not unique, any auxiliary information is not processed. You must manually classify the VTI if you are using auxiliary information.

    Each row of the report displays one affected verbatim term, with the following information:

    • The affected dictionary

    • The affected domain

    • The verbatim term

    • The approval status of the existing VTI

    • The new dictionary term that is a direct match, and its ID

    • Whether or not the dictionary term is unique in its level

To generate a Dictionary Impacts Report:

  1. Select Dictionary Upgrade in the navigator window.

  2. Select Dictionary Impacts Report.

  3. Fill in the general report specifications. See "Setting Parameters"

  4. Enter a value for each Job Specific parameter:

    • Activation Group: Select the Activation Group that contains the new version of the dictionary.

    • Base Dictionary: Select the base dictionary being upgraded. If unselected, all base dictionaries in the Activation Group are processed.

    • Template: Select the report template. If your company has created a custom template, it appears in the list of values. The Oracle Template is the default template.

  5. Submit the job. See "Running a Job"

Predict VTA/VTI Report

The Predict VTA/VTI Report shows the current state of VTAs and VTIs in the predictionary tables for a particular Activation Group and dictionary specified at runtime and indicated in the report header.

Accordingly, the report groups the VTAs and VTIs into the following sections:

  • Classifications: Displays verbatim terms in the predictionary classification table.

  • Reclassifications: Displays the terms in the predictionary reclassifications table. These reclassifications may have been done by the Autoprocess VTAs/VTIs job or manually.

  • Declassifications: Displays terms in the predictionary declassifications table. These declassifications may have been done manually or by the Autoprocess VTAs/VTIs job.

The following columns are displayed in the above report sections:

  • Dictionary

  • Domain

  • Verbatim Term

  • Type: VTA or VTI

  • VTA or VTI ID

  • Dictionary Term and its ID (This is blank for declassifications)

  • Old Dictionary Term and its ID (only for Reclassifications)


Only Superusers can run this report

To generate a Predict VTA/VTI Report:

  1. Select the Predict VTA/VTI Report from the Dictionary Upgrade menu.

  2. Fill in the general report specifications. See "Setting Parameters"

  3. Enter a value for Job Specific parameters:

    • Activation Group: Select the Activation Group that contains the new version of the dictionary.

    • Base Dictionary: Select the appropriate base dictionary to define the scope of the report. If not selected, all base dictionaries within the selected Activation Group are processed by default.

    • Template: Select the template for the report. If your company has created a custom template, it appears in the list of values. The Oracle Template is the default.

  4. Submit the job. See "Running a Job"

Site Impacts Report

The Site Impacts Report displays the X Areas affected by a dictionary upgrade on a particular site.

In Oracle Clinical, an X Area is a study. If you select Oracle Clinical as the external system, the report displays actual study names. If you are using a different external systems, the report displays either the X Area ID or a recognizable name you specify using a function. See "Defining External System Information in TMS".

Run the Site Impacts Report after the Autoprocess VTA job.

The Site Impacts Report displays the following:

  • The external system in use

  • The list of X Areas affected by the upgrade

  • The corresponding X Area names

  • The external system instance


    This report includes sites affected by an upgrade because at least one dictionary/domain combination allows classification to nonapproved dictionary terms, and the upgrade includes nonapproved dictionary terms that are a direct match to verbatim terms currently to a different dictionary term. This could be the case in MedDRA-J, for example. See "Assigning a Dictionary to a Domain" for more information.

To generate a Site Impacts Report:

  1. Select Dictionary Upgrade in the navigator window.

  2. Select Site Impacts Report.

  3. Fill in the general report specifications. See "Setting Parameters"

  4. Enter a value for Job Specific parameters:

    • Activation Group: Select the Activation Group that contains the new version of the dictionary.

    • External system: Select an external system.

    • Remote Instance: Select a site. The default instance is the current site.

    • Template: Select the report template. If your company has created a custom template, it appears in the list of values. The Oracle Template is the default template.

  5. Submit the job. See "Running a Job"

Omission Impacts Report

A dictionary upgrade resolves omissions if a new dictionary term is added that is a direct match, and creates new omissions if the dictionary term to which a VTA or VTI is mapped is deleted.

For both omissions that will be resolved and omissions that will be created, the Omission Impacts Report displays the following:

  • Domain

  • Dictionary

  • External system instance

  • External system name

  • X Area

  • X Area name (if available)

  • Term

  • Number of records affected


    For omissions that will be resolved, this report includes omissions that are a direct match to a nonapproved dictionary term, if their dictionary domain allows classification to nonapproved dictionary terms. This could be the case in MedDRA-J, for example. See "Assigning a Dictionary to a Domain" for more information.

To generate an Omission Impacts Report, do the following:

  1. Select the Omissions Impacts Report from the Dictionary Upgrade menu.

  2. Fill in the general report specifications. See "Setting Parameters"

  3. Enter a value for each job-specific parameter:

    • Activation Group: Select the Activation Group that contains the new version of the dictionary.

    • External System: Omissions may be created from any of the external systems linked with TMS. Select the required system from the list provided here.

    • Remote Instance: You can select a remote database if there is one, from the drop-down list. The report runs on the current instance by default.

    • Base Dictionary: Select the appropriate base dictionary to define the scope of the report. All base dictionaries within the selected Activation Group are processed by default.

    • Template: Select the template for the report. If your company has created a custom template, it appears in the list of values. The Oracle Template is the default.

  4. Submit the job. See "Running a Job"

Cross Dictionary Impacts Report

If you have mapped terms across dictionaries using named relationships (NRLs), these mappings will be affected if either of the related terms is deleted. The Cross Dictionary Impacts Report lists all affected relations.

Run the Cross Dictionary Impacts Report before or after the autoprocess VTA job.

For each affected named relation, the Cross Dictionary Impacts Report displays the following:

  • Domain

  • The dictionary and dictionary level on the From side of the relation

  • The dictionary and dictionary level on the To side of the relation

  • The term on the From side of the relation

  • The named relationship definition used

  • The term on the To side of the relation

  • The DML

  • The error message (gives the ID of the missing term)

To generate a Cross Dictionary Impacts Report:

  1. Select Dictionary Upgrade in the navigator window.

  2. Select Cross Dictionary Impacts.

  3. Fill in the general report specifications. See "Setting Parameters"

  4. Enter a value for Job Specific parameters:

    • Activation Group: Select the Activation Group that contains the new version of the dictionary.

    • Template: Select the report template. If your company has created a custom template, it appears in the list of values. The Oracle Template is the default template.

  5. Submit the job. See "Running a Job"

Maintaining Predictionary Terms and Relationships

This section includes:

The Maintain Predictionary VTAs/VTIs window shows verbatim terms and their relations in a particular Activation Group, domain, and dictionary that have been modified but not yet activated. They may have been modified manually in this window or by the Autoprocess VTAs/VTIs job or, in some cases, in the Maintain Repository window or using Maintain Repository APIs.

You do not see data loaded into the predictionary tables (as for a dictionary upgrade) but not modified after being loaded, and you do not see dictionary terms in levels higher than the coding level.

In this window you can work on virtual dictionaries as well as base dictionaries.

All the work you do in this window is in the predictionary tables. You must run Activation to move the terms and relations into production. You can run Activation by running the Activate Preliminary Data job from the Repository Maintenance window or the Repository Authoring window.

About the Maintain Predictionary VTAs/VTIs Tabs

In the Maintain Predictionary VTAs/VTIs window, terms and relations are grouped into tabs according to the type of modification they have undergone in the predictionary tables:

  • Classification. In the Classifications tab you see verbatim terms that have been in the predictionary tables. You can manually create verbatim terms and classify them to dictionary terms in the new dictionary version. You cannot query for unclassified verbatim terms in this tab; they are in the Invalid tab.

  • Reclassification. In the Reclassifications tab you can see terms that have already been reclassified in the predictionary tables in the Activation Group, domain, and dictionary you specify. These reclassifications may have been done by the Autoprocess VTAs/VTIs job, manually in this tab, manually in the Maintain Repository window, or using Maintain Repository APIs.

  • Declassification. In the Declassifications tab you can see terms that have already been declassified in the predictionary tables in the Activation Group, domain, and dictionary you specify. These declassifications may have been done manually by a user in this tab, manually in the Maintain Repository window, or by the Autoprocess VTAs/VTIs job; for example, if a new dictionary version does not include a dictionary term that had been used for classification.

  • VTA Update. In the VTA Update tab you can see VTs, VTRs, and their dictionary terms (DTs) that have been manually updated in the Maintain Repository window or using Maintain Repository APIs in the Activation Group, domain, and dictionary you specify. A VTA update is a change to the VTA such as a change in the setting for VTA Global? or VTA Approved? or Subtype.

  • Invalid. The Invalid tab displays verbatim term and relations (VTRs) that are currently invalid and cannot be activated.

    The following verbatim terms and relations are invalid:

    • Relations to dictionary terms that no longer exist

    • Relations to unapproved dictionary terms

    • Multiple relations inserted for the same verbatim term

    • Relations whose VT has a different subtype

    • VT with no parent (either the VTR was deleted without deleting the verbatim term, or a verbatim term was added without creating a VTR)

    Use this tab to reclassify or declassify terms whose relations are currently invalid.

Common Procedure for Using All Tabs

You can use the same general procedures in all tabs of the Maintain Predictionary VTAs/VTIs window. In all tabs, you set the filter and query for one or more terms and relations. You can then, depending on the tab, do one or more of the following:

Setting the Filter and Querying

When you begin to work in the Maintain Predictionary VTAs/VTIs window, specify the data you want to view in the fields across the top of the window, as follows. These filter settings apply to all tabs in the window. You can change them at any time.

  1. From the Dictionary Upgrade menu, select Maintain Predictionary VTAs/VTIs, then select the tab you want.

  2. Group. From the drop-down list, select the name of the Activation Group that includes the new dictionary version.

  3. Domain. The drop-down list displays the domains associated with the Activation Group you selected. Select the domain you want to work on.

  4. Dictionary. The drop-down list displays the dictionaries associated with the Activation Group you selected. Select the dictionary you want to work on.

  5. Click on the tab you want and enter a query in the upper portion of the window. See "Querying in Windows".

    TMS returns all the terms and relations that satisfy your query criteria, with information appropriate for each tab; see "Common Fields in the Maintain Predictionary VTAs/VTIs Window".

  6. To make a change, select the term or relation you want to work on by clicking it or tabbing to it.

    To declassify the selected term, see "Declassifying Terms". To delete the selected term or relation, see "Deleting Terms and Relations".

    To reclassify or classify the selected term, proceed to the next step.

  7. In the Repository Terms section at the bottom of the window, query for dictionary terms and VTAs or VTIs to which you may want to reclassify or classify the verbatim term. Use any of the fields as query criteria. For a description of these fields, see"Common Fields in the Maintain Predictionary VTAs/VTIs Window".

    In addition, for each term type—dictionary terms (DTs), VTAs, and VTIs—select one of the following to limit the query:

    • No. If selected for DT, TMS will not search for dictionary terms. If selected for VTA or VTI, TMS will not search for VTAs or VTIs.

    • All. If selected for DT, TMS will search for all dictionary terms that match the other query criteria. If selected for VTA or VTI, TMS will search for all VTAs or VTIs that match the other query criteria.

    • Approved. If selected for DT, TMS will search for only approved dictionary terms that match the other query criteria. If selected for VTA or VTI, TMS will search for only approved VTAs or VTIs that match the other query criteria.

    • Not Approved. If selected for DT, TMS will search for only unapproved dictionary terms that match the other query criteria. If selected for VTA or VTI, TMS will search for only unapproved VTAs or VTIs that match the other query criteria.

      Depending on the Non Appr DT setting for the current dictionary/domain combination, you may or may not be able to classify a verbatim term to a nonapproved dictionary term. See "Assigning a Dictionary to a Domain" for more information. You can never create a Global VTA with a nonapproved dictionary term.

  8. To reclassify the term, see "Reclassifying Terms".

    To classify the term, see "Classifying Terms".


    It is not necessary to Save except for deletions. For classifying, reclassifying, and declassifying, TMS saves your work when you click the Classify, Reclassify, or Declassify button.

Declassifying Terms

When you declassify in this window, TMS deletes the verbatim term (VT) and the verbatim term relation (VTR) from the predictionary tables. You can declassify terms in the Reclassification, VTA Update, and Invalid tabs.

To declassify a term, select it and click

  1. Select the term in the upper tab.

  2. Click Declassify. TMS deletes the values from the New Dictionary Term and New DT ID fields, as well as all the New DT fields in the lower portion of the Reclassification tab.

After you declassify a term and leave the tab, you can find the same term only in the Declassification tab.

Reclassifying Terms

When you reclassify, TMS deletes the current verbatim term relation (VTR) in the predictionary tables and creates the new one in the predictionary tables. You can reclassify terms in any tab except Classifications.

To reclassify a term, do the following:

  1. Select the term in the upper tab.

  2. In the Repository Terms tab, query for the repository term to which you want to reclassify the verbatim term.

  3. Select the term to which you want to reclassify.

  4. You can set values for enterable fields. See "Common Fields in the Maintain Predictionary VTAs/VTIs Window".

  5. Click Reclassify. TMS populates the New Dictionary Term fields in the upper tab with values that pertain to the new classification.

Classifying Terms

You can classify terms only in the Classification tab, and you can classify only verbatim terms that you enter manually. You cannot query for unclassified verbatim terms.

To classify a term:

  1. Enter a verbatim term in the upper tab.

  2. In the Repository Terms tab, query for the repository term to which you want to reclassify the verbatim term.

  3. Select the term to which you want to reclassify.

  4. You can set values for enterable fields. See "Common Fields in the Maintain Predictionary VTAs/VTIs Window".

  5. Click Classify. TMS populates the fields in the upper tab with values that pertain to the new classification.

Deleting Terms and Relations

In every tab, you can delete VTs and VTRs from the predictionary tables. The VT and VTR are completely removed from the predictionary tables and therefore are never activated and have no impact on production data.

To delete a term or relation:

  1. In the upper tab, select the term or relation you want to delete.

  2. From the Record menu at the top of the screen, select Delete.

  3. TMS deletes the row.

  4. Save.

Common Fields in the Maintain Predictionary VTAs/VTIs Window

This section includes descriptions of common fields in multiple tabs of the Maintain Predictionary VTAs/VTIs window:


When a value is displayed in blue, you can click it to see additional information.

Common Fields in the Upper Tabs

The following fields appear in one or more of the upper tabs: Classification, Reclassification, Declassification, VTA Update, and Invalid.

Old Dictionary Term This field displays the dictionary term to which the verbatim term is currently in the production tables.

New Dictionary Term This field displays the dictionary term to which the verbatim term is currently in the predictionary tables.

Type In the Classification tab, select the type of classification to be created. VTIs are valid only in dictionaries with nonunique terms allowed in the classification level. See "Nonunique Coding Level Dictionaries." VTIs cannot be global or nonapproved.

VTA Global? In the Classification tab, select Yes to create the VTA as Global when it is activated or No to create the VTA as a Domain VTA in the current domain when it is activated. In the Reclassification and Declassification tabs, this is a read-only field that indicates the nature of the selected VTA.

VTA/VTI Subtype This is a read-only field that indicates the subtype of the selected VTA: either Accepted or Misspelled.

VTA Approved? In the Classification tab, select Yes to create the VTA as Approved when it is activated or No to create the VTA as Unapproved when it is activated. In the Reclassification and Declassification tabs, this is a read-only field that indicates the status of the selected VTA.

VTA/VTI ID This field displays the unique system-generated ID of the selected verbatim term.

DT ID This field displays the ID of the dictionary term to which the verbatim term is currently in the production tables.

New DT ID This field displays the ID of the dictionary term to which the verbatim term is currently in the predictionary tables.

VT Created By This field displays the user name of the individual who first added the verbatim term.

VTR Created By This field displays the user name of the individual who first defined the VTR.

DML This field displays the DML statuses of the repository term. Values—Insert, Update, or Delete—denote the action TMS will take on the term during Activation. If the DML field does not contain a value, the term is currently in the production tables.

Error If the verbatim term's activation generates an error, it is displayed in the Error field.

DT Content Code This field displays the unique system-generated ID of the verbatim term.

Old DT Code This field displays the unique system-generated ID of the term to which the verbatim term is currently in the production tables.

New DT Code This field displays the unique system-generated ID of the term to which the verbatim term is currently in the predictionary tables.

Predict? If set to Yes, the currently dictionary term is in the predictionary tables. If set to No in is in the production tables.

Created By

These fields display the user names of the individuals who first added the old and new dictionary terms.

Level This field displays the dictionary level of the verbatim or dictionary term.

Subtype These fields display the subtypes of the old and new dictionary terms.

Approved? These fields indicate whether the old and new dictionary terms have a status of Approved.

Global? This field indicates whether the new dictionary term is Global.

Common Fields in the Repository Tab

The Repository tab contains the same fields for Classification, Reclassification, Declassification, VTA Update, and Invalid. These fields include:

Data Source Select a data source from which to select repository terms. If you select Dictionary, TMS displays only data from the production tables. If you select Predictionary, TMS displays only data from the predictionary tables. If you select All Data, TMS displays both production and predictionary data.

Comment You may enter comments about your action in this field.

Dictionary Term This field displays the related dictionary term for the term selected in the lower block. It is determined by the user-defined function for the dictionary, if present, or the immediately related dictionary term if the selected term is a verbatim term, or is null otherwise.

Term Depending on the options you select in the Dictionary and Data Source lists, repository terms are displayed in these fields.

DML This field displays the DML statuses of the repository term. Values—Insert, Update, or Delete—denote the action TMS will take on the term during Activation. If the DML field does not contain a value, the term is currently in the production tables.

Level This field displays the dictionary level of the repository term in the Term field in the same row.

Code This field is designed to contain the repository term's ID in this dictionary, but its use depends on your company's policy. This field contains a value only if the term is already in the production tables or if a value was entered in the Maintain Repository Data window.

Alt Code This field is designed to contain a unique ID for the repository term across TMS, but its use depends on your companys policies. This field contains a value only if the term is already in the production tables or if a value was entered in the Maintain Repository Data window.

Type This field displays the repository term's Type. This value is either Dictionary Term or Verbatim Term.

SubType This field displays the subtype for the repository term. This is either Company, Domain, or External for dictionary terms and Accepted or Misspelled for verbatim terms.


This box indicates whether or not the repository term is global.

Appr? This box indicates whether or not the repository term is approved.

Status This field indicates the status of the repository term.

Category This field indicates the category of the repository term.

Id This field indicates the unique identifier of the repository term.

Comment Text This field contains comment text for the repository term.

Error Msg

This field displays an error message for activation of the repository term if the term is not activated; otherwise it is null.

Created By This field displays the user name of the individual who created the repository term.

Valid From This field displays the timestamp of the creation of the repository term.

Valid To This field displays the timestamp of the deletion of the repository term.

Trans.id This field displays the transaction identifier for the repository term.

Value 1 This field displays a detail value defined by your company for the first detail for the repository term, if present.

Value 2 This field displays a detail value defined by your company for the second detail for the repository term, if present.

Value 3 This field displays a detail value defined by your company for the third detail for the repository term, if present.

Value 4 This field displays a detail value defined by your company for the fourth detail for the repository term, if present.