
This section describes the Relative Time Events Baseline criteria classes.

Provides the baseline data for Relative time events. You must provide diagnosis, procedure, medication, observation or genomic variant information.

Name Description Required Schema Default
diagnosisNameList List of Diagnosis Names false string array  
procedureCodeList List of Procedure Codes false string array  
procedureNameList List of Procedure Names false string array  
medicationNameList List of Medication Names false string array  
anatomicalSiteNameList List of Anatomical Site Names false string array  
specimenTypeCodeList List of Specimen Type Codes false string array  
specimenTypeNameList List of Specimen Type Names false string array  
studyIdentifierList List of Study Identifiers false string array  
studyNameList List of Study Name false string array  
diagnosisCodeList List of Diagnosis Codes false string array  
medicationCodeList List of Medication Codes false string array  
observationCodeList List of Observation Codes false string array  
observationNameList List of Observation Names false string array  
observationValueRange Observation Value Range false NumberRangeFilter  
observationValueUnitCodeList List of Observation Value Unit Codes false string array  
observationValueUnitNameList List of Observation Value Unit Names false string array  
resultStringCodeList List of Result String Codes false string array  
resultStringNameList List of Result String Names false string array  
geneVariantList List of Variant WIDs false string  
anatomicalSiteCodeList List of Anatomical Site Codes false string array