Retrieve Studies for a Study Identifier



This endpoint supports the retrieval of Studies for single Study Row ID passed. It returns Study information like Name, Description, Start Date, End Date and other Study associated information.


Supported Media Types
  • application/json
  • application/xml
Path Parameters
Type: integer (int64)
Required: true
Study Row ID


Supported Media Types
  • application/json
  • application/xml
200 Response
successful operation
Model for a Clinical Study details.
Root Schema : Study
Type: object
Model for a Clinical Study details.
Nested Schema : Identifier
Type: object
Identifier assigned by a given system
Nested Schema : Practitioner
Type: object
Model for a Practitioner, i.e. a person who is directly or indirectly involved in the provisioning of healthcare with a formal responsibility.
Nested Schema : StudyPhenotype
Type: object
Model for a clinical study standardized Phenotype.
Nested Schema : LinkedReference
Type: object
Nested Schema : Address
Type: object
Model for a postal address.
Nested Schema : CdmIdentifier
Type: object
Identifier assigned by a given system
Nested Schema : HumanName
Type: object
Model for a name of a human with text and parts information.
Nested Schema : CodeableConcept
Type: object
Model that represents a value as a reference to one or more terminologies or ontologies or defined by the provision of text.
Nested Schema : Telecom
Type: object
Nested Schema : line
Type: array
Street name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
Nested Schema : given
Type: array
Given names (not always 'first'). Includes middle names.
Nested Schema : coding
Type: array
Read Only: true
Code(s) defined by a terminology system.
Nested Schema : Coding
Type: object
Model for a reference to a code defined by a terminology system.
400 Response
Invalid parameters supplied
404 Response
Studies were not found


The following example submits a GET request.



Example of Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format:

  "resourceType": "Study",
  "identifier": {
    "system": "CDM",
    "value": "2"
  "studyId": "NCT02085388",
  "studyName": "Effect Of Obesity Surgery on Gene Expression Profile",
  "studyDescription": "Gene expression profiling (whole genome analysis, with first interest in FTO and BDNF expression) to assess changes in gene expression before vs. after surgery, and to associate gene expression with weight loss after surgery.",
  "studyStartDate": "01/17/2015",
  "studyEndDate": "01/06/2017",
  "principalInvestigator": {
    "identifier": {
      "system": "CDM",
      "value": "NCT02085388:SPI"
    "type": {
      "coding": [
          "code": "STUDY-PI",
          "display": "Study PI",
          "description": "Study Principal Investigator",
          "sysId": "SVCPRV_TYP_CD_SYS",
          "sysName": "Service Provider System",
          "sysVersion": "2"
    "name": {
      "text": "Sarah Jane Smith",
      "family": "Smith",
      "given": [
    "telecom": {
      "value": "",
      "use": {
        "coding": [
            "code": "EMAIL",
            "display": "Email",
            "description": "Company email",
            "sysId": "CONTACT_INFO_TYPE_CD_SYS_ID2",
            "sysName": "CONTACT_INFO_TYPE_CD_SYS_NAME2",
            "sysVersion": "CONTACT_INFO_TYPE_CD_SYS_VER2"
    "specimenAliasIssuerFlag": "Y"
  "studyPhenotype": {
    "identifier": {
      "system": "CDM",
      "value": "2"
    "type": {
      "code": "E66",
      "display": "Overweight and obesity",
      "description": "Includes: E66.0-Obesity due to excess calories; E66.3-Overweight; E66.8-Other obesity; E66.9-Obesity, unspecified",
      "sysId": "EHA_CUSTOM_CD_SYS",
      "sysName": "EHA Custom Code System",
      "sysVersion": "1"
  "studySubjects": {
    "reference": "/HSDataService-web/api/3.2.0/studies/2/subjects"
  "studySpecimens": {
    "reference": "/HSDataService-web/api/3.2.0/studies/2/specimens"