Retrieve Subject Clinical Specimen Using Query Criteria



This endpoint supports the retrieval of all specimens of the subjects identified for this query criteria. It returns Status information like Reference Links to Execution Status for checking Progress and to Access Results when the execution is done. Note: In future release this API would retrieve only the specimen which fall under the query criteria and not just all specimen of subjects identified for this criteria.


Supported Media Types
  • application/json
  • application/xml
Body Parameter
Cohort Query Name,Creation Date,Retention Date Details for Subject
Root Schema : APIQueryRequest
Type: object
Nested Schema : OracleDBQueryDS
Type: object
Contains all the Query Criteria
Nested Schema : allCriteriaList
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 1
Maximum Number of Items: 2147483647
List of Criteria Eg.DemographicsCriteria,MedicationCriteria,DiagnosisCriteria,SequenceVariantsCriteria,ConsentCriteria,DiagnosisCriteria,EncounterCriteria,ObservationCriteria,HistoryCriteria,ProceduresCriteria,SpecimenCriteria,StudyCriteria,MicroarrayExpressionCriteria,RNASeqExpressionCriteria,CopyNumberVariationCriteria,RelativeTimeEventsCriteria
Nested Schema : criteria
Type: object
Discriminator: type


Supported Media Types
  • application/json
  • application/xml
200 Response
successful operation
Root Schema : /paths/~1subjectapi~1clinicalspecimens~1queries/post/responses/200/schema
Type: array
Nested Schema : UriBuilder
Type: object
202 Response
Query accepted
400 Response
Invalid Parameters
406 Response
Failed to accept query


The following example submits a POST request. See the Criteria Classes for this endpoint.



Example of Request Body

The following example shows the request sent in JSON format.

    "queryCriteria" : {
        "allCriteriaList" : [
            "type" : "DiagnosisCriteria",
            "diagnosisCodeList": ["S280","M518","C9000","C9001","C900"]
    "genomicPosition" : "CHR1:1,200,000-1,900,000",
    "genomicPositionAlignment" : "GRCh37",
    }   ,
            "type" : "HistoryCriteria",
            "historyCodeList": ["9822","1937","1"]

Example of Request Body

The following example shows the response returned in JSON format.

    "rel": "status",
    "href": "/HSDataService-web/api/3.2.0/subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/1002"
    "rel": "result",
    "href": "/HSDataService-web/api/3.2.0/subjectapi/clinicalspecimens/queries/1002/data"