Accessibility features in Oracle Web Determinations

Accessibility features in Oracle Web Determinations

The default Oracle Web Determinations (OWD) user interface contains a number of accessibility features. (For more information on OWD, see Deploy an interview to Web Determinations).

Keyboard-only navigation

One of the key aspects of accessibility in OWD is keyboard-only navigation for interviews, without the need to use a mouse. The primary method of navigation is the Tab key.

Note: if you have made your own modifications to the style sheets used for an OWD interview (see Customize Oracle Web Determinations), some of the keyboard-only navigation techniques described in this topic may not work. You will need to perform your own checks to ensure that your style sheet modifications do not compromise the accessibility of your application.

General principles

When you first launch an OWD interview, the focus will be on the URL pane of your web browser. Hit the Tab key to navigate one at a time through the controls and links on the screen. The focus of the cursor will follow a top-down, left to right order. To navigate in reverse order, use Shift +Tab.

When the cursor focus is on a control you wish to activate or a link you wish to follow, hit the Enter key.

Interview screens with input controls

On interview screens with input controls, after hitting the Tab key once the cursor focus will be on the top-most input control.

When you are ready to move to the next input contol, hit the Tab key.

When you have completed entering data on an interview screen, move the cursor focus to the Submit button, then hit the Enter key.

Decision Report screens

On a Decision Report screen (reached by clicking the word 'Why' on the summary screen at the conclusion of an interview):

Data Review screens

On the Data Review screen (reached by clicking the Data Review link from any OWD screen):