Write rules in French

Write rules in French



The French parser does not currently support creating contractions after substitution has taken place. For example, consider the following attributes that allow for substitution:

la personne

la maladie

and the following Boolean attribute, which conveys that "the person's family has a history of the disease":

la famille de la personne a une histoire de la maladie


Oracle Policy Modeling generates the following interrogative form for the Boolean attribute:

Est-ce que la famille de %personne?% a une histoire de %maladie?%?

If the person is identified as John and the disease is identified as arthrite, Oracle Policy Modeling would generate the following question:

Est-ce que la famille de John  a une histoire de arthrite?


Unfortunately, the question should contract the "de" and "arthite" as follows:

Est-ce que la famille de John  a une histoire d'arthrite?

Currently, Oracle Policy Modeling will not perform the contraction.