Write rules in Russian

Write rules in Russian

Supported sentence structures

The Russian parser supports two kinds of sentences: verbless sentences and Subject – Verbed Predicate – Object sentences.

  1. An example of a verbless sentence is Налогоплательщик счастливый (The taxpayer [is] happy). Note that the parser only supports single-word predicates in verbless sentences. If a multi-word predicate is required, use the explicit verb является ("is").
  2. A Subject – Verbed Predicate – Object sentence may have either a simple predicate (one verb), or a compound predicate (multiple verbs). For example, Кандидат сделает это завтра (The candidate does this tomorrow) is a sentence with a simple predicate. The following sentence has a compound predicate: Налогоплательщик был обязан уплатить налог (The taxpayer was required to pay a tax).

Supported verb forms

The same Russian verb may have two different versions (two infinitive forms), attributing to perfective and imperfective aspects. For example, the verb 'to do' has the versions сделать ("perfective", to complete) and делать ("imperfective" to be doing). The parser considers each version of the verb as a separate verb, therefore сделать and делать are two separate entries in the verbs list.

Passive voice in Russian is usually represented by participles, which in the sentence can play the role of either an attribute (like an adjective) or a predicate (like a verb). The parser is only concerned with participles that act like verbs.

The following are the verb forms present in the verbs list in Oracle Policy Modeling:



Due to the difficulties of modifying case of nouns, the Russian parser only substitutes the following kinds of nouns:


For example, the parser can substitute a name instead of the налогоплательщик variable "taxpayer" in the following sentence:

налогоплательщик был обязан уплатить налог (the taxpayer was required to pay tax)

becomes %taxpayer?% был обязан уплатить налог

which becomes, for example: Иванов был обязан уплатить налог (Ivanov was required to pay tax)


The 2nd person sentence for this variable is:

Вы были обязаны уплатить налог (You were required to pay tax)


However, the parser does not substitute 3rd person names into other noun forms. For example, the following sentence will not have a 3rd person substitution for налогоплательщик, since налогоплательщик is in genitive:

доход налогоплательщика является алиментами (the taxpayer's income is child support payments)

However, the same sentence will have a 2nd person substituted version for the налогоплательщик attribute:

Ваш доход является алиментами (Your income is child support payments)


NOTE: When substituting 2nd person genitive, the parser always places "yours" at the very beginning of the phrase.

For example, given the attribute:

домашний адрес студента (the student's home address)

the 2nd person substitution for студент is:

ваш домашний адрес (your home address)

Gender of non-Boolean attributes

In order to form attributes such as Имя не известно (the first name is unknown) or Фамилия не определена (the family name is uncertain), the parser needs to know the grammatical gender of each noun.

For text attributes, the user should choose the appropriate gender in the New Attribute dialog. For non-text attributes, the parser attempts to determine the gender by examining the ending of the supplied noun. If the determined gender is incorrect and hence the generated sentences are incorrect, the user may override the generated sentences (see Customize sentence text for more information).