Localize interview document templates

Localize interview document templates

When you add a language translation to your rulebase, you should also create a translated version of any interview document templates. You need to do this for every language that your rulebase supports. To create localized document templates:

  1. In Windows Explorer, browse to the Development\include\templates folder for your rulebase. Within this location, a folder named for the original rulebase language (eg "en-GB") contains the document templates for the rulebase. This folder is created when you first create a new interview document (ie for the original rulebase language).
  2. Create a copy of the templates folder for the original rulebase language, and rename it with the code for your rulebase translation language. For example, copy the "en-GB" folder and rename the copy "fr-FR" to create the templates for a French rulebase translation.

  3. Translate the text of each template in the new folder to that locale.
  4. Build the rulebase, and run in Oracle Web Determinations. You will see that the set of templates used is based on the locale of the session.


NOTE: If no localized template file exists, then clicking the document link in Web Determinations will generate an error.


See also: