Localize interview help

Localize interview help

When you add a language translation to your rulebase, you may also wish to create a translated version of your rulebase commentary, which provides interview help. If no localized commentary is provided, commentary will not be displayed when you run your translated rulebase. To create localized commentary:

  1. In Windows Explorer, browse to the Development\include\commentary folder for your rulebase. Within this location, a folder named for the original rulebase language (eg "en-GB") contains the default commentary for the rulebase. This folder is created when you first create the commentary for your rulebase (ie for the original rulebase language).
  2. Create a copy of the default commentary folder, and rename it with the code for your rulebase translation language. For example, copy the "en-GB" folder and rename the copy "fr-FR" to create commentary if you have a French rulebase translation.

  3. Modify each of the commentary HTML files in the new folder, to translate the commentary text as appropriate for your rulebase. Note that as for creating the original commentary files, some knowledge of html is useful, to help identify which text in the file is displayed to the user.
  4. Build the rulebase, and debug or run in the translation language to view the new localized commentary files.


NOTE: Commentary should only be translated once it has been finalized for the original rulebase language. Subsequent changes to the rulebase or its commentary files/content will require manual changes to your localized commentary files. 


See also: