Definition of 'relevant' in decision reports

Definition of 'relevant' in decision reports

Decision reports show every value that is relevant to the result of a rule. This topic describes the definition of what constitutes a 'relevant' value.

Rule 1: A value is relevant if changing it could cause the conclusion of the rule to change

Example 1:

A if

B and



If B is true and C is false, then A is false. In the decision report:


Example 2:

Result = InstanceSumIf(Relationship, Condition, Value)


With the following sets of conditions and values, the result is 50.

Condition1, Value1, and Condition2 are all relevant due to Rule 1. Value2 is not relevant because no matter what it is set to, the false of Condition2 stops it from having any effect.

Rule 2: Where a set of values are not relevant individually (via Rule 1) but could cause the conclusion to change if they change together, then all values in the set are considered relevant

This is intended to cover situations where attributes are equally relevant to the conclusion, with neither one being enough to actually have an effect if it changes. Using Example 1 above, if B and C are both false, then A is false. Changing either B or C independently does not change the conclusion, so Rule 1 does not apply. However, you could change both of them to true, and it would change the conclusion, so because of Rule 2, they are both considered relevant.

Rule 3: Where the result is unknown, all values that could be relevant if unknown values became known, are considered relevant

Example 1:

A = B + C


If B is unknown and C is 5, then the result is unknown. In the decision report:

No special consideration of uncertainty is required - handling for uncertainty falls naturally out of the above rules.


Example 2:

A = B + C

If B is uncertain and C is unknown, then the conclusion is uncertain. No matter what value C becomes, A will always be uncertain. In the decision report: