Text substitution principles

Text substitution principles

The substitution of text in attributes and on screens follows the principles below.

1. Text substitutions for attributes use the largest possible match

For example, if we had two substitution variables:

then the attribute "the child’s pet’s is a dog" will be substituted as " Santa’s little helper is a dog".

2. Text substitution for attributes are by whole word only

For example, if we have the substitution variable:


3. Text substitutions are case sensitive

If you have a substitution variable:


4. Text substitution is conditional on the substitution variable’s value being known

For example, if we had the substitution variable

then "the person’s dog" remains "the person’s dog"

Note, however, that variables in captions, labels, screen titles etc will always be substituted even if the value is unknown.

5. Substitution variables must be in the same entity as the attribute being substituted

For example, if we had an entity 'the child' and a substitution variable 'the condition' in the global entity, then the following attribute won’t substitute:

You can work around this by inferring the value of the condition’s name down to the child entity. For example,

This restriction also applies to text substitutions on screens – they all must be in the same entity as the screen itself.