Find a date in a year

Find a date in a year

There are functions that you can use to find particular dates in a year.

What do you want to do?

Find the first date in the year

Find the last date in the year

Find the next instance of the given day/month

Find the start or the end date for the previous or next UK tax year

Find the first date in the year

You use the Year Start function to return the first date in the year in which the input date falls. For example,

the start of the relevant year = the first day of the year in which 2000-08-07 falls

would infer the start of the relevant year to be 01/01/2000.

Find the last date in the year

You use the Year End function to return the last date in the year in which the input date falls. For example,

the end of the relevant year = the last day of the year in which 2002-03-24 falls

would infer the end of the relevant year to be 31/12/2002.

Find the next instance of the given day/month

You use the Next Date function to return the next instance of the given day/month. For example,

the end of the next Australian tax year = NextDate(the current date, 30, 6)

would infer the end of the next Australian tax year to be 30/6/2010 if the current date is 21/07/2009.

Find the start or the end date for the previous or next UK tax year

You use the UK Tax Year functions to return the start or the end date for the previous or next UK tax year, relative to the input date. (The start date of the UK tax year is 6 April, and the end date is 5 April.) For example,

the previous UK tax year start date = the previous UK tax year start date on or before 2005-06-01

the next UK tax year end date = the next UK tax year end date on or after 2007-11-07

The first of these rules would infer that the previous UK tax year start date is 06/04/2005, and the second rule would infer that the next UK tax year end date is 05/04/2008.


See also: