Make your Excel rules easier to understand

Make your Excel rules easier to understand

There are several ways in which you can make your Excel rules easier to understand.

What do you want to do?

Shorten attribute names in Excel workbooks

Simplify rule table layout by merging cells 

Change rule table orientation

Shorten attribute names in Excel workbooks

You can create an abbreviated way of referring to an attribute in Excel using a Legend Key. Specification of this abbreviated form is optional.

To specify a legend key:

  1. In Excel, open your Declarations worksheet.
  2. Next to your Attribute Type and Attribute Text columns, add the title "Legend Key". Click on the Legend Key Heading button on the Oracle Policy Modeling toolbar to set the style of this cell. NOTE: This column is already there in the default Excel worksheet so you will only need to do this step if you have manually deleted the Legend Key column at some stage.
  3. Next to each attribute (in the Legend Key column) specify the abbreviated attribute name. Use the Legend Key button on the Oracle Policy Modeling toolbar to set the style of these cells.
  4. Open you Rule Table worksheet. You can now use the legend key text as Condition Headings and Conclusion Headings.


For example, if you have the following declaration:

Attribute Type Attribute Text Legend Key
Text the country of citizenship Country
Text the nationality of the individual Nationality


you could have the following rule table:

Country Nationality
USA American
Scotland Scottish
Japan Japanese
else uncertain


You can also use legends with tables which use boolean attributes.

For example, if you have the following declaration: 

Attribute Type Attribute Text Legend Key
Number the individual's age Age
Boolean the individual is disabled Disabled
Boolean the individual is entitled to compensation Compensation


 you could have the following rule table:

Age Disabled Compensation
  else FALSE

Simplify rule table layout by merging cells

Looking at the multiple condition example below, we note that the values for the Adults condition cells consist of only three unique values 1, 2 and 3.

Attribute Type Attribute Text Legend Key
Number the number of adults in the group Adults
Number the number of children in the group Children
Text the ticket type Ticket


Adults Children Ticket
1 0 Single
1 1 Double
2 0 Double
2 1 Family
2 2 Family
2 3 Family
3 0 Family
  else Combo


We can choose to merge the cells in this column that share the same value. To merge cells in Excel, select the cells that you want to merge and then click the   Merge & Center button on the Excel formatting toolbar. You may get a warning that advises that merging will keep the upper-left most data only. Click OK.

Adults Children Ticket
1 0 Single
1 Double
2 0 Double
3   Family
  else Combo


This table is equivalent (in function) to the original table, but allows us to emphasize that only three distinct values are used for Adults, and the rows that they cover.

You can also merge conclusion cells, however note that this will change the structure of the rule logic slightly. See Prove the same set of conclusions using multiple conditions and Allow rule conditions to evaluate in any order and handle missing values for further details.

Change rule table orientation

Typically a rule table will be specified with the conclusion and conditions listed left-to-right in separate columns, and each set of conditions and conditions listed in separate rows, as shown below. (NOTE: In this example "can be trusted" represents the boolean attribute "the user is of a trustworthy nature".)

condition taxable income the user can be trusted the risk level of the user
the user is applying for some money <=100 > 0 FALSE high
<=2000 > 100 high
<=50000 > 2000 TRUE medium
  >50000 low


It is possible to rotate a rule table such that the rows and columns are swapped.  This effectively means that we represent a rule table in the Y-X orientation rather than the X-Y orientation.  For this example, the rotated rule table would be:

condition the user is applying for some money
taxable income <=100 <=2000 <=50000  
> 0 > 100 > 2000 >50000
the user can be trusted FALSE TRUE
the risk level of the user high high medium low


Both rule tables will generate the exact same rules when compiled.