Retrieving a Decision Report

Retrieve a decision report      

What do you want to do?

Retrieve a decision report from Determinations Server

Retrieve a decision report from the Determinations Engine

Retrieve a decision report in an interview

Retrieve a decision report from Determinations Server

A decision report is a recursive structure that contains a series of nodes, and explains the series of steps that led to an attribute having a particular value.

Retrieve a decision report from the Determinations Engine

For information on retrieving a decision report from the Determinations Engine, refer to Get a decision from Determinations Engine in the Embed determinations inside another application topic.

Retrieve a decision report in an interview

If the Interview Goal is an AttributeGoal, then the underlying Attribute object encapsulated may be used to retrieve a decision report. This is done by making the following API call:



In the above code snippet the following is done:

  1. The attributeGoal variable is set to an instance of InterviewGoal (of the AttributeGoal runtime type).
  2. A query is made to retrieve its determinations engine Attribute, from which the request for the decision report is made.


In the example above we have used the simplest of the overloaded getDecisionReport methods. The getContext method call on the attribute goal retrieves the InterviewEntityInstanceContext object attached to this attribute goal - a unique identifier for the InterviewEntityInstance attached to the interview goal. From there, the utility method findEntityInstance can be used (with the variable interviewSession which is set to the interview session of which the attribute goal object is a goal to be investigated) to retrieve the underlying determinations engine EntityInstance to which the context refers.