Custom Service plugin overview

Custom Service plugin overview

The Determinations Server Custom Service plugin allows you to leverage the Oracle Policy Automation technology to create a custom SOAP/HTTP based web service. It is a high level plugin that allows custom web services to be added to the Determinations Server. It provides access to the following Determinations Server APIs:


At a high level, this plugin establishes which service a request corresponds to, then passes the processing to that request and writes out the response. Each component requiring a separate WSDL is considered a different service, and each service must have its own WSDL.

The most likely reasons for using a custom service are:

Custom Service and the Determinations Server architecture

The following information details how the Custom Service plugin fits into the Determinations Server architecture, and how to use it in the Determinations Server environment.

Service plugin loading and registration.

Plugins are loaded using much the same mechanism as the one for Web Determinations (see Plugin loading, invocation and discovery)

Each plugin is tied to a particular rulebase and so will be polled once for each rulebase.

If hot-swapping mode is turned on:


Service plugin endpoints
As soon as an instance of a plugin is returned it will be asked for its endpoint. This endpoint is a URI and signifies that any request to that endpoint will be handled by this service.


Thread safety
Since only one instance of a service plugin is registered per endpoint each service must be thread safe. Furthermore, any state that needs to be maintained by the service is entirely the responsibility of that service.

Getting the service WSDL

The service WSDL can be retrieved by appending '?wsdl' to the service endpoint. For example: if the service is registered at /my/custom/service then a call to http://<server>/my/custom/service?wsdl will return whatever wsdl is provided by the services' getWsdl() method.

Error handling

As the service is responsible for everything that happens at the SOAP/XML layer, it is the responsibility of the service to handle any exceptions it wishes to report in a meaningful way; for example, via a SOAP Fault.

Any unhandled exception that makes its way up to the servlet layer will be logged and cause the Determinations Server to return an HTTP 500 Internal Service Error.