Plugins - general technical information

Plugins - general technical information

The following information provides guidelines and details for programmatically setting up Plugin classes, and loading them into either a Web Determinations server or the Determinations Server.

From a technical viewpoint, extensions are Java or .Net classes that implement Java/.Net interfaces to provide plugins to either Web Determinations or the Determinations Server. As illustrated in the topic Introduction to extensions, there are two main types:  Plugins and Event Handlers; each type has several subtypes.

The interfaces that need to be implemented for each subtype differ; this information can be found in the plugin-specific topics.

The general approach to developing and implementing a plugin is:

  1. Determine what the plugin (or group of plugins) needs to be able to do.
  2. Determine what specific plugin/s need to be implemented to achieve the required solution.
  3. For each plugin, create and develop the class that implements the required subtype's interface; for example, a List Provider plugin implements the ListProviderPlugin interface.
  4. Load the plugins together with the code libraries that it depends on in the appropriate place (that is, either Web Determinations server or Determinations Server).

Creating a Web Determinations plugin class

Programmatically, Event Handlers are actually a type of plugin in that an Event Handler's interface inherits from the plugin interface.

Each Web Determinations plugin class implements at least one interface; for example:

DataSubmissionAborter class

.. public class DataSubmissionAborter implements BeforeSubmitDataEventHandler { ..


A Web Determinations plugin class can also implement more than one interface for convenience, although it might have an effect on maintainability.


Below is a list of specific plugin types (and the corresponding interface).

Plugin Type
Ancestor Interface
Data Adaptor
Document Generator
Commentary Provider
List Provider
Custom Screen Provider
CustomScreenProvider PlatformPlugin
Custom Control Provider
CustomControlProvider PlatformPlugin
Web Determinations Formatter


The Web Determinations web application comes with default Plugin implementations for each type of plugin; for example, XDSDataAdaptor for DataAdaptorPlugin.

As mentioned in Introduction to plugins, only one plugin can be loaded per Web Determinations interview (with the exception of Document Generator plugins). This means that if the developer chooses to develop a custom plugin for one of the plugin types, the custom plugin overrides the default plugin implementation.

The plugin developer can still access the functionality provided by each of the default plugin implementation as each implementation is in the Web Determinations library (the .jar or .dll file, see Create a plugin ). For example, the developer can create a custom DataAdaptorPlugin that simply calls the corresponding XDSDataAdaptor method except for specific circumstances which then uses the custom DataAdaptorPlugin logic.

Plugin rules

Regardless of the specific interface implemented, all plugin implementations must conform to the following to be loaded and invoked properly by the Oracle Web Determinations plugin framework:

Sample Plugin - RulebaseSpecificDataAdaptor

public class RulebaseSpecificDataAdaptor implements DataAdaptorPlugin { //TIP: Each Plugin implements a Plugin Interface

         * Only provide this plugin if the Web Determinations session's rulebase is the 'SpecialRulebase' rulebase.
         * The specific RegisterArgs object we get here is an instance of InterviewSessionRegisterArgs.
         * /
public Plugin getInstance(InterviewSessionRegisterArgs args) { //TIP: Each Plugin interface implemented
                   have different getInstance() argument

if (args.getSession().getRulebase().getIdentifier().equals("SpecialRulebase")){
return new RulebaseSpecificDataAdaptor ();
             } else {
return null;

         * Parameterless constructor to conform to the plugin requirements
RulebaseSpecificDataAdaptor (){


For a more comprehensive example of sample code, see Data Adaptor - pseudo code.

Event Handlers

There are much more Event Handler interfaces to implement than plugins. To see the full list of Event/Event Handlers to implement, see Events and Event Handlers

As mentioned before, Event Handlers are also plugins and so must conform to the same rules outlined in Plugin rules above.

Below are the steps in which an Event is fired and an Event Handler consumes it:

  1. All Event Handlers are first registered as a normal plugin - that is it can choose if it gets registered based on the getInstance() args such as current rulebase, and so on.
  2. Each Event Handler is then registered to the Events that it is supposed to handle.
  3. When an Event is fired, all Event Handlers registered to handle it receives the fired Event.
  4. The Event Handler receives the fired Event, and can provide functionality.


Each Event type is fired at different times during the Web Determinations interview, and expose different data to each other; it is therefore important to understand:


In addition to the plugin rules, all Event Handlers must implement the handleEvent(Event event) function. The Event input argument is specific to each Event Handler since each Event Handler is setup to receive a specific Event.

See the sample code below; because it is an OnInvestigationEndedEventHandler, the handle() method receives an OnInvestigationEndedEvent object.

Sample Event Handler - RulebaseSpecificHandler

public class RulebaseSpecificHandler implements OnInvestigationEndedEventHandler{ //TIP: Similar to Plugins, each Event Handler implements an interface based on the Event type it handlles

        * Check the type of event and output a message accordingly.
void handleEvent(OnInvestigationEndedEvent event, Object sender) { //TIP: Each Event Handler
      handleEvent() has different Event and sender objects passed in
//handler logic


         * Only provide this plugin if the Web Determinations session's rulebase is the 'SpecialRulebase' rulebase.
         * The specific RegisterArgs object we get here is an instance of InterviewSessionRegisterArgs.
       public Plugin getInstance(PlatformSessionRegisterArgs args) { //TIP: Similar to Plugins, each Event Handler
implemented have different getInstance() argument

              if (args.getContext().getInterviewSession().getRulebase().getIdentifier().equals("SpecialRulebase")){
new RulebaseSpecificHandler();
              } else {

         * Parameterless constructor to conform to the plugin requirements
       public RulebaseSpecificHandler(){

Installing Web Determinations plugins into a Web Determinations server

To find out what is involved in installing Web Determinations plugins into a Web Determinations server, go to the topic, Install and register plugins.