Web Determinations configuration files

Web Determinations configuration files

The following provides details of the configuration options provided in Web Determinations. All configuration files can be found at the following locations:


Some important points to note are:

Go to:




See also:

Example: Configuration for Classpath-based loading (Java)

Example: Configuration for File System-based loading (Java and .NET)


These are the core application properties that are used to configure the application and are not available templates.

Click on the appropriate link:








These properties control the general appearance of the application. Properties in this file can be overridden on a per-locale basis, if you create a appearance.<locale>.properties file; for example, appearance.en-US.properties

Click on the appropriate link:






Contains locale specific properties like error messages, text, data formats and so on; see the topic, Localization.

Click on the appropriate link:



Other text values not authored in Oracle Policy Modeling.

All other text values not authored in Oracle Policy Modeling can also be localized via the messages.properties file:


Property Description
tree-leaf-alt alt text for the leaf node icon in tree controls
tree-collapse-alt alt text for the collapse node icon in tree controls
tree-expand-alt alt text for the expand node icon in tree controls
data-review-no-controls text for screens that appear on the data review screen, that have no child controls to display
decision-report-why-text text for the decision report link on summary screens
decision-report-already-proven text for the already proven nodes in a decision report
frame-interview-title tooltip for the interview frame when displaying commentary using a frameset
frame-commentary-title tooltip for the commentary frame when displaying commentary using a frameset
select-rulebase-screen-title the text to display on the select rulebases screen
LocaleSelectionTitleInfoMessage the text to display on the select locale screen
confirm-end-session-text the message to display when ending a session
save-failed-title the title of the save failed screen
save-failed-label the text to display on the save failed screen
case-saved-label the text to display on the screen confirming that the case saved
RestoreCaseLabelInfoMessage the text to display on the restore saved file
SavedCasesAvailableForUserInfoMessage the text to display when getting the list of available saved cases
NoSavedCasesAvailableForUserInfoMessage the text to display when no saved cases are available to load
load-failed-title the title of the load failed screen
load-case-title the title of the load case screen
footer-left-text the left footer text
footer-right-text right footer text
delete-check-box-text caption for the delete check box on the entity collect controls
delete-button-text caption for the delete entity instance(s) button
add-button-text caption for the add entity instances button
submit-button-text caption for the submit button
ok-button-text caption for the ok button
end-session-button-text caption for the end session button
cancel-button-text caption for the cancel button
save-case-label caption for the case ID input on the save case screen
save-button-text caption for the save button
continue-button-text caption for the continue button
second-selection-alt alt text for the seconds selection input for date time and time inputs
minute-selection-alt alt text for the minute selection input for date time and time inputs
hour-selection-alt alt text for the hour selection input for date time and time inputs
day-selection-alt alt text for the day selection input for date and date time inputs
month-selection-alt alt text for the month selection input for date and date time inputs
year-selection-alt alt text for the year selection input for date and date time inputs
date-selection-alt alt text for the date input for date time inputs
time-selection-alt alt text for the time input for date time inputs
mandatory-text the text to display next to mandatory fields
save-text caption for the save button on the menu bar
save-as-text caption for the save as button on the menu bar
load-text caption for the load button on the menu bar
close-text caption for the close button on the menu bar
restart-text caption for the restart button on the menu bar
summary-text caption for the summary screen button on the menu bar
data-review-text caption for the data review button on the menu bar
case-id-text caption for the case ID element in the status bar
rulebase-text caption for the rulebase element in the status bar
rulebase-version-text caption used when displaying the rulebase version in the status bar
rulebase-build-time-text caption used when displaying the rulebase build time in the status bar
policy-modeling-version-text caption used when displaying the Oracle Policy Modeling version used to build the rulebase in the status bar
locale-text caption for the locale element in the status bar
user-id-text caption for the user ID element in the status bar
auto-screen-title screen title used for all automatic screens