Running an Multipart Upload in Object Storage

Describes how to upload a large object using multipart upload in Object Storage.

For prerequisite information, see Multipart Uploads.

  • This task can't be performed using the OCI Console.

  • Use the oci os object put command with the part-size parameter to upload an object to a bucket:

    oci os object put --bucket-name bucket_name --file file_location --part-size part_size [OPTIONS]

    where part_size value represents the size of each part in mebibytes (MiBs). Object Storage waives the minimum part size restriction for the last uploaded part. The --part-size value must be an integer.

    Optionally, you can use the --parallel-upload-count parameter to set the maximum number of parallel uploads allowed:

    oci os object put --bucket-name bucket_name --file file_location --part-size part_size --parallel-upload-count <maximum_number_parallel_uploads> [OPTIONS]

    For example:

    oci os object put --bucket-name MyBucket --file ~/path/to/file --part-size 500 --parallel-upload-count 10 
    Upload ID: 277ffff5-e1b5-e81d-5f81-c374a8f33998
    Split file into 12 parts for upload.
    Uploading object ################################### 100%
    { "etag": "861c8341-74d8-4142-8da4-28e1ce7783ba", "last-modified": "Wed, 25 Sep 2019 19:59:15 GMT", "opc-multipart-md5": "9Qn1eyou2yMiyOO9Bc7o1A==-12" } 

    For more information on the oci os object put command, see Uploading an Object to a Bucket.

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the CreateMultipartUpload operation to create a multipart upload to a bucket.

    See Using the Multipart API for more information.