Using Cost-Tracking Tags

Learn how to use cost-tracking tags.

  • You can only use a cost-tracking tag with defined tags.
  • You cannot specify free-form tags as cost-tracking tags.
  • You do not have to designate a tag as cost-tracking, in order for it to be exposed in Cost Analysis or Cost and Usage Reports.

Working with Cost-Tracking Tags

Learn how to work with cost-tracking tags.

Suppose you have a defined tag key definition called Finance.CostCenter. You enable this tag key definition for cost tracking. You apply the tag with a value of "W1" (Finance.CostCenter="W1") to some resources, and you apply the tag with a value of "C2" (Finance.CostCenter="C2") to other resources.  

Limits on Cost-Tracking Tags

Describes the limits on cost-tacking tags.

  • You can have a maximum of 10 tag key definitions enabled for cost-tracking in your tenancy at a time. For example, you could enable the Project tag key as a cost-tracking tag and have 75 different departments, but it only takes up 1 tag.

Using the Console

You can enable cost-tracking when you create a tag key definition, or you can update an existing tag key definition to enable cost tracking. For more information on creating and updating tag key definition, see Creating a Tag Key Definition and Updating a Tag Key Definition.