Export and Import Dashboards

You can export a custom dashboard along with its widgets and filters, and import it to a different tenancy or region.


You cannot export and import Oracle-defined dashboards.

Export a Dashboard

You can export a custom dashboard in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format.

  1. Go to the Dashboards page.
  2. Click the Actions icon (Actions) for the dashboard that you want to export, and click Export.
    Alternatively, click the name of the dashboard that you want to export, click Actions in the upper-right corner, and click Export.

The JSON file with the configuration information of the dashboard is downloaded. This file also contains the compartment details of the dashboard and its widgets.

Import a Dashboard

You can import a dashboard using the configuration information JSON file that was downloaded when exporting the dashboard.

When importing a dashboard, its widgets and filters are imported too. Note that if you've exported dashboards using CLI or REST API, then the configuration information JSON file may contain information about multiple dashboards.

To import a dashboard:

  1. Go to the Dashboards page.
  2. Click Import dashboards.
  3. Select the configuration information JSON file of the dashboard you want to import, and click Open.
    The Import dashboards dialog box is displayed.
  4. Select one of the following options to specify the compartment to which the dashboard and widgets must be imported:
    • Specify a compartment...: Select this option to select a compartment from the drop-down list.
    • Obtain the compartment...: Select this option to specify that the compartment should be the same as mentioned in the configuration information JSON file.
  5. Click Import.
The dashboard is imported. If the imported dashboard or widget already exists in the selected compartment, then it's updated. If the dashboard or widget is imported to a new compartment, then it will be created in the compartment.