Creating a Stack for Prerequisites in Generative AI Agents



The prerequisite stack for Generative AI Agents creates the following resources:
  • Open Search resources
  • Cache with Redis resources
  • A compute instance for management

You must have your identity domain URL ready before you proceed.

  1. Download the prerequisite stack zip file to your local machine.
  2. In the navigation bar of the Console, choose a region that hosts Generative AI Agents, for example, US Midwest (Chicago). If you don't know which region to choose, see Regions with Generative AI Agents.
  3. Open the navigation menu and click Developer Services. Under Resource Manager, click Stacks.
  4. Choose a compartment that you have permission to work in.
  5. Click Create stack.
  6. For the origin of the Terraform configuration, click My Configuration.
  7. Under Stack Configuration, click .Zip file and then browse to or drop the prerequisite zip file from step 1 into the provided area.
  8. Keep Custom providers unselected.
  9. (Optional) Give the stack a name and description.
  10. Choose Terraform version 1.2.x.
  11. Click Next.
  12. For openid_url, enter your identity domain URL.

    Example URL:

  13. keep the rest of the defaults and click Next.
  14. Click Run apply.
  15. Click Create.

  • The apply job takes about 30 minutes. After the apply job completes, go to the detail page of the stack. Under Jobs, click the Apply job for this stack and from in the output section of the apply job, get the endpoint details for the resources.
  • Before you use the resources, you must reset the default password for the OCI Search with OpenSearch cluster's master user.