Big Data Service 3.0.23 has added additional features

  • Services: Big Data
  • Release Date: July 28, 2023

BDS 3.0.23 release has the following new features implemented:

In addition, the following bugs/enhancements have been made:

  • Added fix to read data from Object Storage with no job failures.
  • Enabled running the HBCK addFsRegionsMissingInMeta tool from the region server.
  • Fixed Kafka log lock issue that affected Kafka broker restart.
  • Updated zk quorum in Kafka if ZooKeeper server is added or deleted.
  • Fixed issue where Kafka service required restart when adding or removing Kafka broker.
  • Fixed issue related to namenode move operation.
  • Optimized start/stop cluster workflow to run operations in parallel using multithreading.
  • Implemented HA for Kafka.
  • Updated hive.metastore.server.max.threads in Hive to 1000 as recommended for Hive 3.x.
  • Updated heap dump path for Hive to /u01/debug-dumps/.
  • Fixed issue where HBase used up memory resources.
  • Fixed issue where ZooKeeper and Oozie failed to restart when the restart flag was enabled.
  • Updated Spark summary page to show thriftserver jdbc url.
  • Automated import tsv and validated in HBase.
  • Shortened time taken to reshape large cluster.
  • Enabled Ranger authorization through Ambari UI for Trino service.
  • Automated Ranger integration into Trino.