Audit provides a new schema for logs

  • Services: Audit, Governance
  • Release Date: October 08, 2019
  • API Versions Affected: 20190901

Audit offers a new schema for logs, which provides the following benefits:

  • Captures state changes of resources
  • Better tracking of long running APIs
  • Provides troubleshooting information in logs

The new schema is being implemented over time. Oracle continues to provide Audit logs in the version 1 format, but you cannot access version 1 format logs from the Console. The Console displays only the version 2 format logs. However, not all resources are emitting logs using the version 2 schema. For those services that are not emitting in the version 2 format, Oracle converts version 1 logs to version 2 logs, leaving fields blank if information for the version 2 schema cannot be determined. For more information, see Contents of an Audit Log Event.