File Storage adds high performance mount targets

File Storage mount targets can now be upgraded for high performance. High performance mount targets can scale to throughputs of up to 80 Gbps. You can use multiple high performance mount targets to scale the throughput of a single file system. High performance mount targets have a maximum read throughput and a storage capacity entitlement. Choose from three high performance mount target options, depending on your requirements:

  1. HPMT-20: 20 Gbps throughput, including 20 TB of storage capacity
  2. HPMT-40: 40 Gbps throughput, including 40 TB of storage capacity
  3. HPMT-80: 80 Gbps throughput, including 80 TB of storage capacity

A high performance mount target requires a 30-day billing commitment. After upgrading a mount target, the billing cycle begins.

For more information, see Mount Target Performance.