Using PlanExporter

Before you run the PlanExporter tool, make sure that your classpath contains the Derby jar files, including derbytools.jar.

Before you run the PlanExporter tool, you must capture the stmt_id of the query you have executed from SYSXPLAIN_STATEMENTS system table. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Use XPLAIN styles to capture the runtime statistics.

    Refer to "SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_SET_XPLAIN_SCHEMA system procedure" in the Java DB Reference Manual to see how to do this.

    Note: You must remember the schema_name.
  2. Query the SYSXPLAIN_STATEMENTS system table to obtain the stmt_id of the query you have executed.

    Refer to "SYSXPLAIN_STATEMENTS system table" in the Java DB Reference Manual for information about the SYSXPLAIN_STATEMENTS system table.

You can run the tool as follows in the directory where your database is located.

java derby_connection_URL schema_name stmt_id options

The options can be passed according to your requirements. Consider the following possible scenarios:

Related reference
PlanExporter XML format
PlanExporter example