The standard HTML RenderKit. Please see the spec for additional details for the standard render-kit.

General notes on decoding

General notes on encoding

Renderer Summary
component-family renderer-type description
javax.faces.Command javax.faces.Button

Renders an HTML "input" element.


Render an HTML "a" anchor element that acts like a form submit button when clicked.

javax.faces.Data javax.faces.Table

Renders an HTML "table" element compliant with the HTML 401 specification.

javax.faces.Form javax.faces.Form

Renders an HTML "form" element.

javax.faces.Graphic javax.faces.Image Renders an HTML "img" element.
javax.faces.Input javax.faces.Hidden

Renders an HTML "input" element of type "hidden".


Renders an HTML "input" element of "type" "password".


Renders an HTML "input" element of "type" "text".


Renders an HTML "textarea" element.

javax.faces.Message javax.faces.Message

Render a single message for a specific component.

javax.faces.Messages javax.faces.Messages

The same as for the Message renderer, but output all the messages.

javax.faces.Output javax.faces.Format

Render parameterized text.

javax.faces.Label Renders an HTML "label" element.
javax.faces.Link Render an HTML "a" anchor element.
javax.faces.Text If the "styleClass", "style", "dir" or "lang" attributes are present, render a "span" element.
javax.faces.Panel javax.faces.Grid Renders an HTML "table" element, conforming to the rules in the HTML 401 specification.
javax.faces.Group Intended for use in situations when only one UIComponent child can be nested, such as in the case of facets.
javax.faces.SelectBoolean javax.faces.Checkbox

Renders an HTML "input" element of type "checkbox".

javax.faces.SelectMany javax.faces.Checkbox

Render an HTML checkbox list.


Render an HTML option list.


Render an HTML option list.

javax.faces.SelectOne javax.faces.Listbox

Render an HTML option list.


Render an HTML option list.


Render a set of html "input" elements of type "radio".

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