HTML_BASIC render-kit
component-family: javax.faces.Output renderer-type: javax.faces.resource.Script

Render the markup for a <script> element that renders the script Resource specified by the optional name attribute and library attributes.

The implementation of this renderer must have a @ListenerFor annotation attached to it, at the class level, declaring PostAddToViewEvent.class as the value of the systemEventClass attribute. The presence of this annotation on a renderer implies the renderer implements ComponentSystemEventListener, which this renderer must do. The implementation of processEvent() must extract the UIComponent from the argument event and look for the presence of the key "target" in the component's attribute Map. If and only if such a key is present, the implementation of processEvent() must pass the component to UIViewRoot.addComponentResource().

Decode Behavior

Encode Behavior

This renderer is responsible for rendering its children.


Attributes with a pass-through value of true are not interpreted by the renderer and are passed straight through to the rendered markup, without checking for validity. Attributes with a pass-through value of false are interpreted by the renderer, and may or may not be checked for validity by the renderer.

attribute-name pass-through attribute-class description default-value
 library false java.lang.String

The libraryName for this resource.

 name false java.lang.String

The resourceName for this resource.

 target false java.lang.String

The target area for which this resource will be rendered. For example, target="head" would cause the resource to be rendered within the head element.


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