The illustration shows a sample UI with JavaFX UI controls. The controls are presented in rows. Each row corresponds to a particular type of UI control. The top row contains four buttons. The left button in the row has the Cancel caption on it. The next button has neither a caption nor a graphic. The third button has both caption and graphic. The fourth button has the Cancel caption and is highlighted.

The second row shows toggle buttons. The left toggle button has the First caption on it. The next button has the Second caption and looks pressed. The third button has the Third caption on it. The fourth button has no caption. The rightmost button in the row has a long description that reads Long... really Long.

The third row contains two hyperlinks. The first hyperlink has only the textual caption: Hello I am a hyperlink. The second hyperlink has both an icon and the text caption: I can have an icon too.

The fourth row presents three check boxes. The left check box is not selected and has the caption: Hit me dude. The center check box is in the undefined state and has the caption: Are you sure. The right check box is in the selected state and has the caption: There you go.

The fifth row shows two radio buttons. The left radio button is unselected and has the caption: Bye. The right radio button is selected and has the caption: Hello.

The sixth row contains two menu buttons. The left button has a down arrow that indicates that the menu expands downwards. The right button has a right arrow that indicates that the menu expands to the right side.

The seventh row shows the scroll view component. It presents a scrollable area with both vertical and horizontal scroll bars.

The eighth row presents two progress bars. The first progress bar indicates progress of approximately 25%. The second progress bar is in the indefinite state.

The ninth row shows a progress indicator in the indeterminate state.

The tenth row presents two list view components. The left list view has a vertical scroll bar and lists the following elements: Item0, Item1, Item2, Item3, and Item4. The second list view has a horizontal scroll bar and lists the following elements: 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11.